

  • I had a friend who was, in this way, terrible to me. She was skinny, I was kinda chubby (which didn't even matter when we were 12, but I thought it did). She would say things like "I met this girl at a party. She was fat - but not as fat as you! I mean, she was fatter..." and "Really, what do you eat to be that way?" I…
  • The best thing about those sites is when they have personal questions to answer and choose the way your partner should answer them. My boyfriend and I had over 90% compatibility on OKCupid and it seems to be true in real life (we are 2 years together). We both answered a lot of their questions. If someone's answers are…
  • I think the vegans' better health is an illusion, because vegans may concentrate more on fruits and veggies which are healthy and everyone should eat them anyway. You shouldn't compare a vegan who pays attention to his or her food and an average meat-and-potatoes eater. I don't know if the non-animal protein problems are a…
  • Avoider: 32% Pleaser: 43% Vacillator: 45% Controller: 38% Victim: 18% It says I might be a vacillator. Growing up with an unpredictable parent, Vacillators’ needs aren’t top priority. Without consistent parental affection, they develop feelings of abandonment. - I grew up with one very unpredictable parent and seeing the…
  • I don't know my body fat percentage, but I look like 35% (which would be totally cool if I were short, but I'm tall and women's clothes producers discriminate me). I guess I'd like to be the 25%.
  • This is not my current motivation, but a few years ago (more like 4), I had this embarrassing moment when the school doctor smiled at me and said: "You need to lose a little weight, don't you?" I came home to mom feeling desperate and said that this time she HAD to help me. My mom is against strict diets and she is right,…
  • I'm taller, but I weigh 70-and-too-much kg... Even 70 would be good for me, but I might go further down if I reach that. :) Add me if you want.
  • Arms, I guess, but I'm not a good observer of myself. Other people see it on my face. I'd be happy with losing it anywhere, really, and it sounds better to lose the waist than thighs. :D I wouldn't want to lose my thighs and keep the tummy. :D Oh, ribs sticking out is a problem that I had when I lost weight earlier. My…
  • I also hate my photos. Even when I believe I'm looking fine, a photo from some celebration pops up and ruins my day. I look much better when I take photos in front of a mirror. When I see the other ones, I ask myself if that's really how other people see me and I feel terrible. It's my face, also, but my weight is the…
  • Hi, I started losing weight this summer, then made a slip and gained some back. Now I'm here again, willing to give it another try. I think that is the key, don't get disappointed even if you occasionally do something you shouldn't. Keep logging your food whenever you can. It really helps with controlling portions. (I've…
  • I also start lacking motivation the closer I am to my goal (you were there and gained some weight back, but you're probably stopping yourself because you know you don't really look bad). This time I want to commit myself and keep logging in here. The community here is a good motivator. And don't take me wrong, I agree that…
  • I also don't want to think about food all the time, but when I'm writing everything down (or logging it here), it seems I have to. I'm trying to get used to watching what I eat without it feeling like a diet. I like the idea here at MFP. Fast weight loss programs are not supported - instead, the point is to get used to a…
  • People find it easier to throw their kid a chocolate to make it happy, than to keep it company (talk, play, teach it about life)... Same thing with the TV and computer. But there were always bad parents. Guess chocolate and TV are just more available now.
  • It's so difficult to google a slim woman that doesn't look too skinny to me. x.x In the end: Shakira! Slim, but her hips are wider than her torso/shoulders. (Edit: are they???) And of course, I want to be super-confident and arrogant. :P It will be a woe on the world when I reach my ideal weight. That's probably why some…
  • If you don't have a problem with Asian girl groups, I recommend "Miss A" to anyone who hasn't heard or watched them! It's not what I usually listen to, but they really inspire and move me in a cute kind of way. I like the songs "Bad Girl, Good Girl", "Breathe" (my favorite, and very moving), and as of recently, "Goodbye…
  • As said before, reduce the intake of your favorite (unhealthy) food. Learn how to count calories and count them. It's not difficult, usually any very tasty chocolate or biscuits will have 450-600kcal per 100 grams. :D I sometimes eat sweets instead of a meal. And this is what my mom always says - eat what you like (in…
  • Wow, all that butter was really on me? Maybe a pack or two has returned, though xD
  • I already messed it up once this summer and returned to start again (I don't think I could have put all the weight back in those 4-5 bad days, but I won't be checking the scale until I have a few more good days). I have faith that this site will help me. I have a meter that shows other people my weight, and that's a huge…
  • It's possible if you exercise enough and eat very little. I once went on an extreme diet for 3 weeks and lost maybe 25 lb (and couldn't take it any more). A year or two later, it was all back. And it started getting back as soon as I stopped dieting, and now I'm trying again (with a less extreme approach). It feels like a…
  • You won't put on much weight from 330 calories anyway, don't worry. I overate one day and still lost weight that week. :O
  • Mine is 1620 now, but I write it down as 1550 when I'm counting, because I don't plan to keep this weight. When I lose a little more, I will count it as 1500. (I'm harsh on myself when I'm counting because I want to be sure my diet is effective.) I'm 5' 10'', 20-something, around 170 pounds now (will check next week).
    in BMR Comment by PlushHyena July 2012
  • What makes me overeat: * my family ("We don't see each other that much!" ... 20x a year) * exams (I have too many of them!) * when I don't get enough sleep (very often) * breakups (it doesn't happen that often) Also, I'm addicted to muffins. I love them more than my social image.
  • Aww. Two days ago, I was really afraid of writing down my calories. But regardless, today my scales show that I've lost weight. It's the whole last week's hard work that counts in the end. :D Everyone, go go go!
  • I'm too lazy to take a before picture now (and I've already lost 6 pounds, although I don't feel like I did), but this talk has reminded me of a hideous photo of me from my grandpa's birthday. I may have weighed a few less than I do now, but I looked so fat in that picture, I think I'll use it as my reference. Although a…
  • You really have a point. I guess it has to do with what's considered normal (what the media serve us!), and to love anything that's not "normal", you need to be a "nice guy". However, as great as my boyfriend is, I don't think he would have looked at me in the first place if I was his weight! And I hate this double…