Why are you losing weight?



  • mediimp
    mediimp Posts: 6 Member
    Everyday,:smile: I work as a paramedic practitioner, i see the results of an unhealthly life style and the impact being over weight is having on the population. four years ago I was diagnosised with type 2 diabetes. And having five lovely daughters decided it is time to stop preaching to others and sort my own life out. three years ago I weighted in at 26 stone, now at 20 stone 10 pounds, its been a long haul with plenty of ups and downs, but if you want to enjoy life you have to keep on going.
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    So I can jog without dying, and look sexy =3
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Vanity :)

    ....Aaaand to avoid diabetes, heart failure and cancer.

  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    So I can show the world the inner beauty of ME. also so I can enjoy my favorite pasttime. Sex. Im saving up for the tummy that will be required at the end.
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    Health reason:
    PCOS which makes healthy weight mandatory to have kids w.o. medication and to avoid (as possible) diabetes and so.
    Because bellyfat is dangerous & make you look 12 months preggo.

    Girlies reasons:
    because I love to go shopping and I want short skirt and skinny jeans !!

    and because I dream to be as skinny as my little sis :)
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    Morbid obesity is sort of it's own reason, isn't it? But then, this thread was probably not created with people like me in mind.

    Great great achievment on your weight loss ! congrats :))))
  • For my health, though being on thyroid hormone tablets seems to be making it alot easier this time round. (I've bern on them just under a week now)
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    To gain some semblance of self confidence. To look nice. To shop in the regular clothes stores again.
    To look good. oh i said that already....yeah well it's important
  • To like myself again, be more confident & so I can wear my gorgeous skinny ***** clothes again (short skirts, skinny jeans, cute dresses).

    Plus I'm a wee bit competitive, so being skinnier than my sister is also a motivation 8-)
  • I want to stop hating photos of myself, that's pretty much the alpha and omega of it for me. I am pretty happy, have a great relationship and am apparently very skilled in denial, so until I see photos I'm not that bothered about it. More than the scale and the mirror, I'll consider my goal achieved when I am no longer bothered by people posting photos of me on facebook.

    Oh and also I couldn't bear the idea of being 200 pounds. That was my 'enough is enough'.

    I also hate my photos. Even when I believe I'm looking fine, a photo from some celebration pops up and ruins my day. I look much better when I take photos in front of a mirror. When I see the other ones, I ask myself if that's really how other people see me and I feel terrible. It's my face, also, but my weight is the thing I can change.

    I don't think I'm at a health risk judging from my height/weight, but since I'm very tall, I weigh a lot for a woman, and some people laugh when they hear the number. I also feel huge for a woman. For example, my waist is the size of a shorter girl's hips, in some cases bigger...

    Shorter girls have told me that if only they had my height, they'd be super thin. It's as if I can't appreciate it and have the best out of it. By their logic, if they had my height, they'd be the same weight they are now, except taller, so they'd be perfect, while I have grown up this tall and still managed to mess it up.
  • Because I hate the way I look. I cannot find one redeeming quality.

    Because I want to love myself.

    Because I really want to be a nurse and I don't want to be a fat one, I want to be a hot one! :)
  • TorontoDiane
    TorontoDiane Posts: 1,413 Member
    I am losing weight for myself this time !!!!!

    all the other times, I believe I was doing it for all the wrong reasons... and mostly to attempt to please others!!!

    now its my time to dedicate to myself completely !!!
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    To look hot.....well that's a tiny bit of it.

    I want to be healthy and be able to look in the mirror without hating myself.
  • prisca83
    prisca83 Posts: 10 Member
    i just want to feel confident with myself, not hating the sight of me on the mirror and pictures, for my family to be a gud example to my kids
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    MIne is alot a bit about both. I am known as "The Big Guy" or "Big Don". Don't wat to be known like that anymore. I am a big guy in nature anyway, but weihing over 300 lbs just mafe it worse. Plus I have always had a poor self image.

    Sometimes in life you MUST be selfish and make it all about yourself. I am doing this for me and me only. The best part is everyone else benfits from it too. I am more energetic for my wife and can hang with my boy and keep up! lol
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I'm just tired of being overweight and wishing I was the skinny guy. I'm not getting any younger so I'm going by the fit by forty philosophy.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    "hitting 40 fabulously" [december 19th]
    I was very fit, even after having two kids. We moved to a cold climate that I hate when I was 30 and it started going down hill after that. My metabolism changed and I had to watch my meals more (which I didn't do)
    I don't expect to have my 25 yr old body back (though it would be nice) Just slimmer, fitter and more toned. This is the worst shape I've ever been in!

    And to look good for my husband. [ his b'day is dec. 18th, so it coincides nicely[
  • RonitMig
    RonitMig Posts: 30 Member
    Because I am 35 and hit my heaviest weight on my wedding day 6 weeks ago (and my BMI is in the obese category). Because I am 35 and want to get pregnant next year and I want to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Because I want to be healthy after I give birth and want to teach my future child/children healthy habits. Because I don't want to be a fat mom. Because I want to wear my size 4 pants again (and always!) .
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    so i dont look pregnant, and to be in the healthy bmi range. ive always eaten healthily, it was medicine that made me this way. but its coming off and im excited
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Many reasons:

    I became aware that I was in sin of gluttony and it showed.
    My mil became extremely ill due to her gluttony.
    My husband didn't like me packing on the pounds while having to deal with his mother's health issues.
    I was accomplishing stuff - writing a book, graduating from business school, having babies - but this one thing was still dogging me.
    Lost 40 lbs quick due to long walks needing to cool off from marital issues.
    Got a makeover to please husband.

    And then...

    I started wanting it for myself.
    I wanted to be healthy.
    I wanted to beat this sin.
    I prayed, told God that if I could do it myself, it would have gotten done a long time ago, so I apologized to God, and asked Him for help.
    I enjoyed looking good.
    I enjoyed having more energy.
    I enjoyed the great outdoors.
    I realized that thinking of me and focusing a little more on fixing me was the best thing I could do for the people that love me. When I take care of myself, I'm taking care of my family.