Stephanieb325 Member


  • Hey Hey! Biloxi, MS! Dirty South! LOL
  • Thank you for the response and I feel ya! When you have a great Dr and support at home its so much easier to make those lifestyle changes. I concur 100%!
  • So curious, I have heard of Adernal Fatigue but what exactly is that. Sorry if its a stupid question! LOL
  • Hey no excuses here! JUST WANTING TO MEET OTHERS LIKE ME! That is all. Losing weight just fine.
  • I totally agree!
  • Hey ladies! :) Yay, I knew there were some of you out there! I was just looking for others with hypo or thyroid issues lol. I am losing weight just fine and my levels are great! :) As long as your levels are great there should be no issues with losing weight!
  • Love this post! Very inspiring! I can't wait to post my before and afters. Thank you! Everyone of you look amazing!!
  • Hey there! I had a baby 6 months ago as well!!! Well back in DEC! You should add me, we can encourage each other :) I have lost 50 pounds so far :)
  • Hey!!! I am 5'3 and my Goal weight is anywhere from 130-140. My CW is 195 and my starting weight was 245(the heaviest I have ever been and I was pregnant). My pre-pregnancy weight was 170. I have been bouncing up and down with my weightloss but I am SERIOUSLY going to get down to at least 140. Add me!!! I love all my…
  • I spoke with my Dr the other day and he said that me dropping it from where I had it 1570 to 1200 would help me drop weight faster. He let me know that it is safe and is OK to do but just to get where I want to be. I am still having trouble keeping down to 1200, I still go over a bit but I am really trying hard to not go…
  • Well unfortunately there is a rush for me to lose this weight. I really do not feel comfortable losing it this fast and was doing fine with my calories at 1570. I am not eating back half of my calories either. I just thought I was not supposed to eat those. Makes sense that I should eat back some of those cals though. I…
  • Ya know I think I actually need to bump up my protein! Shoot I didn't even think about that! Thanks!
  • Im sorry that is 3 times a week strength training NOT everyday lol. Thank you for the reponses so far. I do agree I think I just need to EAT something. I am spacing everything out just fine, I think it just isn't enough.
  • Age: 29 Weight: 195 :/ BUT I have lost 50 pounds since giving birth in DEC :) Height: 63 inches Daily Calories Intake: 1300 Weekly Exercise Activities: 55 mins cardio 5 days a week/ 45 mins strength training Weekly Weight Loss Goal: 2 lbs Health Issues If Applicable: hypothyroidism BUT my levels are good and I am under the…
  • OMG just posted something along the same lines BUT I am trying to lose weight! Good luck to ya! Its tough LOL!
  • I log my cheat meals. I like to see how many calories it is and it just gives me a general idea of calories I consume on a "cheat day/meal". I learned that most of my "cheat meals" aren't even really that bad and that makes me feel pretty darn good!
  • I use Shakeology, personally. But I work very closely with a dietitician and I did ask her advice. She said that any shake replacement is fine, you just need to find one you can afford and that you like. She also said that she recommends doing the "two shakes a day" to speed up weightloss for 3 months max and then cutting…
  • Thank you all for the responses! I really do appreciate it all of the input. I can handle eating right and working out to lose weight, its the other "stuff" that gets me. I did some research and thought it might be a better switch. But with yalls input I may just go for it. I am nervous because I have been on synthyroid…
  • Just to be clear before anyone else suspects I am trying to take medications "just because" I want to lose weight, let me clarify. I have been hypo for 6 years. I have been getting tests done every 3months to get my meds correct. Yes every 3 months. I recently been told I can get my thyroid checked every 6 months now. I…
  • Should have included all the information but didn't think I would need to. If I am asking about it, then I obviously would need it or am able to switch to it. Just wanting to see what others opinons are that are on it . Thanks for your input though. Very nice of you to care.
  • Thanks for the info.
  • I have been hypothyroid for 6 years. I have heard of Armour. I was just wondering. I am very educated on the synthetic meds I am on now but would like to take a natural approach as I have heard many good things about it. I should have included this info as well. I would never try to take meds that I did not need. That is…
  • Hey not sure if I am too late to reply but my doctor keeps my levels at 0-2. Since we do have hypothyroidism we are not normal people which mean our levels should be lower than a normal persons or so this is what my Endo believes. I must say I do agree with her because I feel like my old self again. My only advice is…
  • Hey sorry for the late reply. You want your levels to be between -1 to 1. I learned this through reading and talking with my Endo Dr. To be honest I have been getting my blood check every three months for the last 4 years and I just now got to the mg. I need to be on. If you are ever feeling sluggish and slow and you have…
  • "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." ~William Shakespeare You have my support and faith! I know you can do this! Getting started is the hardest part. Set your goals and then reach them!
  • Hmmm PJilly you look so delish... I mean nice :)
  • I eat weird things like people so I don't want other people seeing the people that I have eaten... they might not want to be my friends anymore :ohwell:
  • Well dang I wish I was more like you then! Cause I am really hungry and I usually eat all my calories :/
  • Wow so many people with hypothyroidism! I am so glad that I am not alone. It is so much harder to lose weight for us! I feel like people don't understand that, its like I want to lose the weight but it takes a more effort and time. Feel free to add me! We all need to start our own thread to keep up with each other. I have…