frisk72682 Member


  • I work in LE as well...only I am ALWAYS on overnights...8pm-6am.. I find that it is hard at times to eat every 3 hours or so especially if it's busy and there's NO time to eat... I have started keeping my lunchbox in the trunk of my squad; I pack veggies, larabars, and even a GNC pre bottled protein shake once in awhile.…
  • I had a bad weekend and lets just say a row of oreos was involved along with two bowls of girl scout cookie ice cream and a jalapeno cheeseburger from applebees. But even though I felt ****ty and like I royally screwed up...I started over on tuesday and the last two days i've ate better and excercised. I think sometimes…
  • Oxy elite pro!
  • Oxy Elite if your not gonna take no pill for an answer : ) Appetite suppressant
  • I took those pills for awhile and they did not work. The Kardashians should stick to being eye candy and not try to sell pills...look what happened with their "credit card" ha ha ha I am now taking OxyElite which you can find at Vitamanshoppe or GNC, but it's about $15 dollars cheaper on OxyElite is…
  • If you do Bob 's workout...pause it every 10 minutes or so and take a minute or two break!! It will help you last! :happy:
  • Hey! I am currently OBSESSED with kettlebells lol Hers is a good one..The way I figure it, I've looked at several websites and the majority state that using kettle bells usually burns approximatley 15 calories a if i do her 25 min workout, I put in that I burned 375 calories. If you think about it, doing all…
  • 1 cup original almond milk 1/2 cup pineapple (unsweetened frozen or in own juice in can) 1 cutie brand orange 1/2 banana 1 fiber one vanilla yogurt container 5 ice cubes Blend all ingredients 190 calories I know you have berries, but try this with the other fruits listed when those run out. The yogurt is good for you cause…
  • vanilla vodka with water, then add half a packet of sugar free crystal fav flavors are fruit punch and rasberry lemonade...careful..they go down really easy!!!
  • Try Designer whey protein shakes. I usually do a scoop of the chocolate, with 1 cup of almond milk, a banana, and 6 ice cubes. There's enough carbs and proteins in it to make it through a tough work out. I then would eat half an english muffin with 1 tablespoon PB. If you drink a shake like this, wait at least a half hour…