Suggestion for Diet Pill

Hello Everyone,
I' m starting back on my diet and need a short cut just for right now & wanted to try diet pills but I don't know what kind to get nor were to start from.
Anyone have suggestion on what kind I should get? I don't nothing that is going to give me the shacks or gitters, just to help me fill full or not eat as much. I just need to for a week, then back to the natural way (exercise and eating right).


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    There is no magic pill. The secret ingredient of the secret ingredient soup is... nothing. It's all you.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I would not recommend diet pills at all.
  • snerk
    snerk Posts: 51
    The best thing you can do for yourself is to skip the diet pill all together!!
  • ItsMissMuffy
    ItsMissMuffy Posts: 27 Member
    All they really do is cause problems. Side effects and such.. they aren't worth it.
    Not recommended
  • frisk72682
    frisk72682 Posts: 11 Member
    Oxy Elite if your not gonna take no pill for an answer : )

    Appetite suppressant
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Diet pills are full of caffeine. All they do is give you jittery energy and suppress your appetite. They don't help you lose weight, they aren't healthy. There is no short cut when it comes to weight loss. The only thing that works is doing it the "old fashioned" way. Exercise, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low fat dairy, drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, and don't eat processed foods. You'll start losing pretty quickly.
  • shanamalena
    Phentermine is awesome.....But I think diet pills are okay just to like kick yourself in the booty!! lol Just dont take them too long. But phentermine is only available from a doctor you can't get them over the counter. Or google some weight loss clinics in your area. You pretty much have to force yourself to eat on phentermine. But you will get immune to it if your on it for too long. And the effect will not be as good. I feel like it dont give you jitters, but it made me wanna clean everything. And you have to drink alot of water or you will gets a headache.

    But I know there may be differences in opinions, but is just my opinion. But you cannnnn do it without medicine. But you was asking so I figured I would atleast tell you a diet pill anyways instead of bashing the idea of using a diet pill. lol

    Good Luck...
  • rockabyesarojane
    the last thing you want when you are trying to get enough calories for the day is an appetite surpressant. even if you have to eat as few as 1200 caolories in a day if you are avoiding processed foods, and eating little meals every 2-3 hours you will be amazed how full you will feel.

    (processed fake foods and sugary snacks wont stick with you very long- and your calories will dissapear in a flash)
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    ive tried so many pills hun in the past and none of them work!! I wouldnt recommend taking anything. I would love a quick fix myself but unfortunately they dont exist. You need to do it the right way which is slow and healthy. It takes a while but will be worth it in the end.
  • MargieNgainesville
    Hey, I agree with what everybody says, no magic pill, bad for you, etc. etc.etc.

    However, if you are truly wanting a crutch for a week or two, that is not such a bad thing and it is not going to wreck your health. You have to be smart and not try the most advertised thing. Go to your doctor, tell them what you want. A good doctor will work with you. They will give you a mini perscription, may have you take a 1/2 dose. There are many ways to aid you to get you on a good start. It is all about portion control, right choices, exercise, water, and journal.... write everything down.. measure don't guess. Be honest with youself! This is a wonderful place to find support. We are each responsbile for our own actions and everyone has opinions. Take what works for you and leave the rest for the people it works for. Good Luck. If you want it bad enough, you will do it. The mind is powerful. Think right thoughts and idenify when it is hunger for food vs emotional hunger. :smile:
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    Diet pills are not a very healthy way to go and most of the time the weight comes right back after you stop them. The best thing to do if you ARE going to try them would be to go to the doctor. that way the can monitor you and make sure you don't start having problems on them.
    If you are looking for a way to feel full so you dont over eat try eating high fiber foods and drinking alot of water with them. It really does help. try aiming for 35 grams a day. there alot of thing out there that are high fiber.
    Alot of people think that if you eat alot of fiber you will be pooping all day and that is not the case you may the first day or 2 but the difference is dietary fiber and soluble fiber ( will make you go to bathroom often! ) . This has worked really well for me. So it is something to be considered. Hope things work out for you.
  • corina19
    Oxy Elite if your not gonna take no pill for an answer : )

    Appetite suppressant

    i use oxy elite and taking that i sweat when i work out it is for me a FAT BURNER AND I LOVE IT :bigsmile:
  • shanamalena
    Hmm..I have never heard of Oxy Elite. Can you buy it in the stores? When I took phentermine I liked it. But I took it basically to get me going. Which I know alot of people who have been on it for years. But you suppose to get checked by a doctor every month. But I liked it, it is a appetite suppresant. I liked it because instead of eating everything I wanted to for a meal, I just ate what I needed.

    It does make you not hungry at all, but you still have to eat period. Now with any diet, diet pills, or anything you have to learn to eat healthier. You can not lose all the weight with a diet pill. Then go off of it and have not learned to eat healthier.

    But like i already said, I dont see anything wrong with it, just take it for a little bit. Definetly not over 3 months, you dont want to become dependent on a diet pill. But I figured everyone is a adult, your going to do what you want to do nomatter what anyone says. And that comes with everything in life.

    You know I had tried this energy drink one time.....I forgot what it was called. But it came in a big purple can and it was grape flavored. But I drank that energy drink......OMG I was really jittery and I felt my heart just a racing. I wanted to clean everything. I just kept talking and talking and fast too. It freaked me out. But that was the last time I drank a energy drink. lol My husband drinks them quite a bit.

    But.....Good Luck with your choices..:bigsmile:
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    Oxy Elite if your not gonna take no pill for an answer : )

    Appetite suppressant

    i use oxy elite and taking that i sweat when i work out it is for me a FAT BURNER AND I LOVE IT :bigsmile:

    i am taking it now and it is a good fat burner, but that said it is not magic you have to do your part also! I am working out to Insanity so allot is my diet plus, busting my rear, the oxi is used to get me going! So again it isn't magic its just some help!!!
    Good Luck! But do your research on the product to see if it will work for you! Also look into recreate!
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    Hmm..I have never heard of Oxy Elite. Can you buy it in the stores? When I took phentermine I liked it. But I took it basically to get me going. Which I know alot of people who have been on it for years. But you suppose to get checked by a doctor every month. But I liked it, it is a appetite suppresant. I liked it because instead of eating everything I wanted to for a meal, I just ate what I needed.

    It does make you not hungry at all, but you still have to eat period. Now with any diet, diet pills, or anything you have to learn to eat healthier. You can not lose all the weight with a diet pill. Then go off of it and have not learned to eat healthier.

    But like i already said, I dont see anything wrong with it, just take it for a little bit. Definetly not over 3 months, you dont want to become dependent on a diet pill. But I figured everyone is a adult, your going to do what you want to do nomatter what anyone says. And that comes with everything in life.

    You know I had tried this energy drink one time.....I forgot what it was called. But it came in a big purple can and it was grape flavored. But I drank that energy drink......OMG I was really jittery and I felt my heart just a racing. I wanted to clean everything. I just kept talking and talking and fast too. It freaked me out. But that was the last time I drank a energy drink. lol My husband drinks them quite a bit.

    But.....Good Luck with your choices..:bigsmile:

    Its made by USP labs and Gnc has it also! I bought mine online!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    They say apple cider vinegar is supposed to suppress your appetite, but I took it years ago and didn't find it did anything.

    Seriously, all you need to do is just plan your meals ahead of time. Throw away all the junk in your kitchen and buy healthy, unprocessed, foods. Buy some vegetables and fruit, lean proteins, whole grains, etc. I have my food diary open to my friends if you needed any ideas. I found that by eating three meals a day and three snacks is really satisfying.. I don't feel deprived or hungry at the end of the day and I make sure I get at least 8 glasses of water.

    I know you want to get a jump start on the weight loss, but the right way is the long-term way. Diet pills are such a waste of money.. and who knows the long term effects that they have on your body. You've got the tools and support you need right here to make the changes necessary. You can do this!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Drink a couple cups of strong coffee and do an amazing workout...
  • mmellor
    mmellor Posts: 146
    You could try adding Benefibre Shape Management to your water/tea will help with feeling FULL and give you the fibre you need (we usually don't get enough fibre in our everyday diets) It's kinda like a natural appetite suppressant! Good Luck
  • pamcakes15
    Best Diet Pill is NO diet pill - What jump started my weight loss in the past 2 wks was going totally gluten free and dairy free - eating whole foods only, lots of veggies, fruit (low sugar fruits) and protien (no red meat). It's amazing how much better I feel, lost 7 lbs and lost all my belly bloat.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I take D4 thermal shock and I love it. It does NOT make me jittery but gives me the energy I need to get in a great workout. It also kills my appetite. You can get it at GNC.