

  • Hi, I wasn't part of the first group but hope you don't mind me joining this one. I am on my second week now and my third fasting day. I have lost 3lbs that I gained over the last few months and an extra 1lb (though I am sure some is water weight). What is your go-to meal on a fast day?
  • Wow! That's great :) well done.
  • Wow, can't believe you are on the same day too, and a whole % down. What do you use to measure because that would be a good indicator to look at as opposed to weight loss?
  • You've lost 67lbs! That's incredible, well done! and the inches lost are great too! I am also mainly looking to tone up so I'm not expecting major weight loss but I would love major inch loss.
  • Well done on the inch in 5 days! That's great, I'd love to lose inches on my stomach it's my main trouble area! We haven't taken measurements but we took some before pictures yesterday so if he can stick with it then I'm sure he will be amazed by the difference and then I can get him in to 'ripped in 30'!
  • Wow 17lbs is amazing! Thanks for the inspiration - we will be incorporating running into it aswell and hoping to eat better though we still have easter chocolate lying about which is so tempting! How many days a week are you doing it this time? We are going for 5 days a week - we can keep eachother posted on how it is…
  • Thank you for your advice! I will mainly be working from home so body weight exercises sound like the way to go. I have just downloaded the GAINfitness app and that has a lot of ideas on it so I think I will try to build my own routine from that and the nerd fitness exercises.