

  • I'm in! Have tried to do this a few times now, but I've always slacked after day... 3... =/ Need motivation desperately!!!!
  • Mainly ab strength. Try to focus on keeping your core strong while in the plank. Keep in mind, it's your first day and quite a leap from level 1, so you might be shaky and a little awkward the first few times. Just keep pushing for the correct form and stay with the easier modifications to avoid injury until your muscles…
  • Started Level 2 today... probably should have watched the workout first since I can't do the plank pose due to previous hand/wrist surgeries. Any ideas for exercises I can add in during those spots or should I just go back to level 1? It's a physical injury problem more than a strength thing... Any tips?
  • Level 1 Day 8 done.... TWICE!! =D Did it once this morning, went through classes and needed and extra pick me up tonight.... so did it again! :laugh: My treat for sticking with it so far (other than how great I feel and how much stronger I'm feeling) is a new sports bra! That might have something to do with wanting to…
  • I've been using my heart rate monitor to figure out my calorie burn. Sadly, I was cheap when buying my HRM... so I use this equation to help supplement: Using VO2max Men: C/min = (-59.3954 + (-36.3781 + 0.271 x age + 0.394 x weight + 0.404 x VO2max + 0.634 x HR))/4.184 Women: C/min = (-59.3954 + (0.274 x age + 0.103 x…
  • Good that you still did some exercise while making sure you don't push yourself too hard! I'm going to start taking Sundays and possibly Wednesdays off to work other muscle groups or just do a different exercise with lighter cardio. Can't push myself too crazy hard during allergy season here, last time I tried that end up…
  • generally, I use my HRM and find the site underestimates for me sometime. But only by a bit, so I feel pretty confident that the site is logging it semi-accurately when I can't use my HRM for some reason or another.... because odds are the input on my foods is only semi-accurate anyways since I don't weigh out my food. I…
  • Agree. If you are incredibly sore, take it easy! No injury is a good injury. However, if you are mildly sore or sore from a couple of days then some light to moderate exercise along with stretching can actually help the soreness go away.
  • Debbie, it's OK, I'm just relaying the tip from a writing site, so can't really take credit either. Just found it very helpful and wanted to pass it on. :happy: Finished Day 3... barely! Had to take a few more breaks than the last couple days... but I think that might have something to do with the weather messing with my…
  • Well, you have come to the right place to aid with that strength. I've only been active again for about 5 days, but I've already surprised myself with my fitness goals because of the encouragement on this site!
  • Welcome from a fellow 20-yr-old! Been actually active on this site for the last 5 days and have already gotten so much encouragement from the community. I've only just begun with my fitness goals, but I've already gotten more confidence that I can reach them because of this site.
  • Welcome, Barb! I can understand some of the craziness being a full time student with a job and WAY too many interests in student organizations (yeah... totally did that to myself). I started really using this site only 5 days ago and have already been blown away by the amount of support and encouragement I have gotten from…
    in Newbie Comment by celesalk January 2011
  • Welcome! I just re-found this site again and have already been blown away by the amount of support and encouragement offered by this community!
    in Howdy. Comment by celesalk January 2011
  • This is the right spot! Started using this site again (signed up for a day then re-found my account) about 5 days ago in an attempt to up my fitness level and have gotten SO much encouragement! I actually want to input my food and exercise amounts now because of the encouraging comments I get on my profile. Also, I like to…
  • huzzah for coming back. Created my profile for a day forever ago... and finally putting it to good use! As someone who also loses focus easy, maybe we can help each other out!
  • Hello new person! I'm the semi-new-again person! What do you do on your days off? Try to plan something for one of the days off. Also, try fun things. Maybe go for a quick jog or bike around the neighborhood. Is your son interested in any sports? Practice them with him if you can. Fun time to bond with your son and sneak…
  • Most important thing is to avoid injuries. Still do the workout (as crazy as it sounds, working out helps make the soreness go away quicker). However, be honest with yourself on if it is a good pain or a bad pain. Good pain is soreness from the previous day. The tricky part is that good pain can still be intense. Bad pain…
  • January Goals: Fitness - Complete the 30 Day Shred (or at least get to level 3... need to be realistic with my health issues, but goal is to complete). Personal - To turn my computer and TV off for one day every week and have a relaxing day away from work/school/pressures/etc.
  • My legs feel like jelly and my heart is racing... but I completed day 1!!! Had to take more breaks than I wanted, but that will get easier with time.... right?
  • Want friends who will get onto me too if it appears I start to slack. Sending an add your way as well as to the others! =D
  • I have the same problem! The days I can go to the gym, I either change up which machines I use or add in some climbing or swimming, or getting some friends to play some basketball or something. When I can't get to the gym, I will try some DVDs, Wii games, or (again) call some friends to do something active. I find even if…
  • I keep seeing a couple of those on Netflix, but I've never tried them. Thanks for the reminder!
  • yay! *excited waving!* :happy:
  • Welcome from one h.s. dancer to another! I was kinda in the same boat of going from eating whatever you wanted to having to think about weight and exercise... and not having time to thanks to college life. The biggest thing that helped me when I was starting into college was finding new kinds of activities that I really…
  • Welcome! I'm new here too and wanted to join the welcome wagon! :smile: I can totally relate with the overactive sweet tooth. My big weakness is sodas... LOVE the sugar and carbonation! I'm doing a lot better about it now, mostly because of a bet a group of friends made once. We bet each other that we all couldn't go a…
    in Hello Comment by celesalk December 2010
  • I've only join recently, but I could use some support and motivation too when it comes to exercising! Would love some MFP friends too! Ellen, totally added you! :happy:
  • *Stop being such a perfectionist/workaholic with my grades and actually get out to enjoy my last bit of undergrad! *Graduate with highest honors. *Spend less time on the computer and more time painting, rock climbing, or any other of my many hobbies. =D *Be able to look back on December 31, 2011 and know I had a great year.
  • Zumba is back at $40 on Amazon now... no idea how long. Can't wait to buy my copy!
  • LOVE the boxing game.... especially after a stressful day when I feel like punching something anyways =D Just got the Wii Fit Plus for Christmas, so haven't had a chance to really try it out, but I like a few of the rhythmic stepping exercises they have. Also, I like how they have more than one solid mini-game so I don't…
  • Hey! Thanks for the welcome. I hear you with no real work ethic for exercise. I used to really enjoy working out, but then I hit a couple insanely busy semesters where I had very little time for myself... and never wanted o exercise during those times. Quickly got me out of an exercise habit. Hoping to stay around a bit…