

  • At your height 129 lbs is an excellent weight. It seems like you've done mostly cardio, and aerobic type wourkouts. To lose those last 10-15 pounds you should try to incorporate resistance training in to your routine. The problem with cardio without resistance training is that when you lose weight, you also end up losing…
  • I would start by not having so many soft drink everyday. Most sodas contain a lot of surgar, and high fructose corn syrup. These can greatly hamper weight or fat loss. I would only have one soda a day, try drinking water instead. Sodas are nothing but empty calories. High fructose has been shown to increase appetite and…
  • I know what you mean, I have a 2 year old nephew and there are times when my family visit that he is just glued to his parents IPhone. I'll also never understand why some parents choose to be focused on the phone, tablet, or laptop at their child's sporting events, I notice this a lot at my niece's basketball games. Also,…
  • I wouldn't think much of it, I've seen 6 year olds who have an IPhone. And besides you can get a refurbished Iphone 4 for $30. It isn't as big of a deal from when they first came out because you can just buy a older generation IPhone. I might take issue if a parent gave they child an IPhone 4S, or the IPhone 5(when it…
  • True, but back then they didn't know that if you have a lot of belly fat that you are at increased risk for type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and the many other things that may come along with having a lot of belly fat.
  • If you just to cardio, you will lose quite a bit of muscle. It is best to just do light weight training to at least maintain the muscle you already have. If you just to cardio you'll end up with a "skinny fat" look
  • I guess she is an athelete accoring to the dictionary definition, but I consider the women who competed in the 48kg(106 lb) division more of atheletes. Some of the women in that division were able to lift over 90 kilograms on the clean and jerk, the person who won the gold medal in that division did 114 kilograms(about 250…
  • You're making good progress. You've lost weight, but dieting alone without resistance training will cause you to plateau because you will lose muscle if you neglect to resistance train. And you won't find anyone that says spot reducing will work, it just doesn't.
  • If you are trying to lose belly fat situps won't help, all they will do it make you look more fat because the abs are pushing the stomach out. When trying to lose weight you cant spot reduce. If a gym membership is too expensive, look into the community center in your city. You need to find a way to incorporate cardio into…
  • Although sugar isn't good for the body, so aren't many other foods. They key is moderation; I would avoid sugar substitutes at all costs, because they might be deemed safe now, but we still dont know the long-term side effects of "new" sweeteners like Truvia, Stevia etc. Some of the side effects could be neurological, for…
  • 1. This will vary depending on age, hormone level, caloric intake, metabolic level. 2.This to will vary, some people can gain muscle faster than others depending on the type of worksout they do. 3. To build muscle you should focus on compound lifts that work many body parts. Squats and deadlifts are really good for putting…
  • To continue losing fat you will need a caloric deficit, but it is very good that you are doing weight training, this will help you keep the muscle you currently have. However it is hard for anybody, especially women to gain additional muscle on a caloric defecit because of the decrease testosterone women have. Weight…
  • This is just an example, it isn't advice for anybody. You have to find an amount of calories that works for you. Also, when eating more to weigh less, you should choose healthy snakes in between meals. Snack should be small, like a cup of fresh fruit. A cup of grapes only has about 85 calories and it is filling.
  • Here is some information from the CDC about eating more to weigh less. http://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/healthy_eating/energy_density.html One thing that will make you feel more full is fruit and vegetables that are high in fiber. When trying to lose fat it's the foods that matter, you can feel just a nouished if you eat…
  • "Eat more to weigh less" refers to eating more smaller meals vs eating 3 large meals a day. For example instead of eating 3 600 calorie meals a day, you would eat 4 400 calorie meals, with each of the four meals spread apart by about 3-4 hours.
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