

  • Hi all! I'm Anjolize and I live in South Africa. My superpowers stem from being born in a Friday the 13 th . I can remember random facts but not my studies. I can read a book in an evening. And I have the world's most over active imagination yet! I get obsessed easily and bored fast, typical ADD. But the obsessed part....…
  • Sound like my horses. I used to walk parts when we did endurance training but grew lazy when it was just arena training. That is an idea thou!!
  • Lol, nice to know! Used to ride with a lady who drove a new Porch, she sold it because she could onlly fit 3 bales of hay in it! She drives a SUV now, just can't remember which one!
  • To work a chauffeur driven Tshwane City Bus. For other a 2009 Chevvy Aveo Hatchback that has 48 000km on it. White. For horses and pulling the horse box or trailers or whatever a 1998 Izuzu twin cab, 2.8 turbo diesel in grey. Edited to add that I needed a smaller car for the city that could survive dirt roads. And the Aveo…
  • Well done!! You look so much happier in the last pic! If it was me I would be very proud!
  • Chris, it helps that you were active before the diagnosis. I stick with what i said, but then again my mother has had it for...... Eish.....20 plus years. Let your body tell you and work pro active.
    in Arthritis Comment by Adara13 August 2012
  • First I have to stat to say that I don't have, BUT my mother has and we grew up with her and it. I would really recommend by starting and seeing a specialist doctor, most GP's think they know what they are doing but doing really keep up with new meds and trends. And what makes this so hard is that each person differ…
    in Arthritis Comment by Adara13 August 2012
  • Better question is why can't you hear yourself? ;-)
  • Wow!!, that you all and the person who posted the article! My dad has bad cholesterol and it's very much a genetic thing. ( I 'm adopted) and I do have mine tested. Never had a worry!! Will definitely be eating a lot more eggs! And with the low calorie count.... Smiling all the way
  • Thanks all for the reply! At the moment I have at least two eggs a day. And I was worried..... But now I am not! Lucky for me I don't have a cholesterol problem!
  • Dozen doesn't sound bad. I am around that as well.
  • Off all the things you could pick..... Eish.... Will report back
  • A bloodily weight lifter!! ;-) * trows lunch in trash* Gonna take the dog for a walk, even if I have to tie him to the car to do it ;-)
  • Had to do it in two ... Okay three parts but it is done!
  • I'm in.
  • Thanks all for the replys so far, and I must admit that it was, at least for me, bit of a wake up call! It's 14:00 here and I can happily report I have had two glasses of water. Not ideal, yet, but for me a start. I find it difficult thou finishing a glass .... Trying the bottle idea. What works best for everyone?
  • Thanks Monigibson! I don't know the product that you are talking about but am making a note and wil go look for it.
  • Elcollins, For me the biggest question was can I get away by not drinking so much water. I am sorry if I didn't put it in the correct wording for you to quite understand it, I drink about 4 cups of coffee a day and arouse 2 cups of tea with honey. But water self.... Not unless it snows or rains or some major even takes…
  • Kathiemcn, reason that I am wondering what " African mango" is is because I live in south Africa and have never heard about it. Nothing against you. I have tried many products the last few years and some have worked and some not. Trying another product Tbthe moment and it is to early to tell if it is working
  • Jacqui same with me. I still have the horse that my dad bough me for my birthday in1999 even thou the man is getting old now. But at 18 we still keep him in light work other wise he just stops eating and sulks! I have a young filly that I bred myself ( Arabian) and she is soon to be 5 but I can't ride her because I am just…
  • Thanks for the good warning and sorry that this happened to you. I am just sitting here scratching my head wondering what the hell an " African mango" is??
  • Hi Ivan I am afraid horses is my biggest addiction ;-). Even worse than chocolate's"
  • Thank all for the replys! I drink a lot do the, Rooibos and fruit tea's. But from what I am reading I will have to make a bigger effort!
  • Wow! Well done! You are a great inspiration for me!
  • Would either of you mis if I invited you? Please? Lol. Would love to have some horse rider friends in here as well.
  • Thanks for that!! It was handy because I am just starting out and snacks is the one place I need a lot of help with! Was not sure what to eat!
  • Well done! Getting as far as here already is a big step, and I am not just talking about joining the site! What you have overcome is amazing, good luck!
    in hi. Comment by Adara13 July 2012
  • Totally different point of few. I live in South Africa and here we also have to by law inject all our animals against it because of recent outbreaks the last few years. Here a shot is anything from R280 up, so about the same price. What we did the last time is take the animals (3 dogs) to the state vet who did it for free.…
  • Hello! I am in almost the same boat as you it seems. I joined.... 5 days ago after finding this as an app for iPad and I must admit sceptical was my middle name. Guess what? Got on the scale this morning and lost 1.8 kg! Motivation.... It's easy now but I know thing will get more difficult later and that is usually when I…
    in 6 days in Comment by Adara13 July 2012