

  • Someone meantioned a Greek Yogurt bandwagon earlier. I looked up Greek vs the normal stuff and this is what I found out. Thought I would share with everyone. Greek yogurt is thicker and richer than regular yogurt, and typically contains lower sugar, higher protein and higher amounts of probiotics. Greek yogurt brands…
  • I would recommend using this site. I reached my goal and then quit doing the website and here I am back trying to lose the same pounds that I orginally lost. It helps to hold you accountable in what you are taking in. It also helps me to see my exercise log and how much I actually burn. Hope this helps.
  • Congrats!!! I look at mine every once in awhile :bigsmile:
  • I started MFP back when my husband deployed and lost all the weight I had wanted by eating my exercise calories. He came back and then I stopped doing this and gained it all back. I agree with what someone earlier had said about eating when you are hungry and not to over indulge. You just want to make sure that your body…
  • I have a garmin - the Forerunner 405. My husband bought it for me about a year ago around $350.00 I think. Kind of pricy but it was the best purchase EVER!! It will track your not only your calories but also if your a runner tracks how far you went and your pace. Hope this helps.
  • I would belive your heart rate monitor. It is accurately keeping track of how hard your heart is working and how much you burn. My problem is my HRM usually tells me that I burned less then what MFP says. I never believe what the machines say either, they take an average of everyone's height and weight. When I log my…
  • I haven't had fast food in about 2 months now, but I will say I miss Arby's sooo bad! But good for you, it gets easier not to crave it!:happy:
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