Thinking ahead…how to you maintain your target weight?

I have a question for anyone who is at their weight loss goal or thinking ahead like me. I have lost weight before but gained it back, and then some. So this time I am looking ahead to find a way to maintain. How are you managing maintained weight loss? Do you use MFP after weight loss to maintain?


  • 1harleygal
    1harleygal Posts: 226 Member
    :smile: To maintain your target weight keep with this site, it will let you know your calorie count and excercise required to keep you at your target weight! :smile:
  • fitandhealthy
    fitandhealthy Posts: 82 Member
    While I would like to see what some of the long-timers say, I would think that this site will have taught us what to do. Although I've always incorporated exercise into my life, I have learned alot in terms of nutrtional values and what not to eat, etc. Geez, when I look back to my pre-MFP days, and what I was eating....well, I think I know now how to maintain my healthy lifestyle...exercise and eat healthy. :smile:
  • cattiemac
    cattiemac Posts: 251 Member
    I am working on maintaining my weight and still use MFP to track what I eat. I follow their plan and have been at the same weight for several months. I find using the site keeps me accountable and that I what I need in order to be successful at maintaining my weight.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    I have been maintaining since the end of March, and I have found this site to still be very useful! Even after adding in a couple hundred calories gradually, I am still noticing a 1/2lb. loss a month... I guess due to my metabolism operating correctly! My advice would be to not drastically change your diet once you hit your goal. Add in 50 extra cals. a week until you are close to your maintenance level, and keep monitoring your weight. Stay active & eat mindfully forever, that is the way to maintain!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I've been maintaining my weight loss for the past few months, and this site has been a large part in keeping me there. I've adopted a 3 lb range (+ or -) that I will allow myself to work in (because you can easily move a few lbs with salt/water retention etc), and as far as the calories I take in, it says 2300 for me to maintain, I still operate in the 1800-2000 calorie range so that if I have a bad day here or there, no worries. I also make it a point to calorie cycle and incorporate different styles of cardio (HIIT, C25k) along with different resistance training to kinda shake it up. Either way, I try to keep it interesting and not get bored by the workouts or the perception that working out is a "chore". Actually, with summer coming, I've made it a point to substitute a gym day with an outdoors day instead (take the mountain bike out or the rollerblades and go venturing into other neighborhoods, trails, playgrounds, etc).....makes me feel like a kid again sum it up, it's more of adopting and accepting a lifestyle change that is for the better
  • katstorm27
    I would recommend using this site. I reached my goal and then quit doing the website and here I am back trying to lose the same pounds that I orginally lost. It helps to hold you accountable in what you are taking in. It also helps me to see my exercise log and how much I actually burn. Hope this helps.
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    I hit my goal in mid-April but still log every calorie faithfully. Unlike what many have recommended, I didn't gradually up my intake though, I went BAM! Head first into my 1800 calories per day with great joy! Some days I am a little over, some days a little under, but in general I try to stay between 1800-1900 net calories and have lost 3 more pounds since then. Logging my calories has become such a part of my life that I actually enjoy it, and with the new offline version of MFP on my ipod touch I can do it anywhere. The last time I tried to count calories a few years back, I thought I was good at "eyeballing" my portions but that method just made me gain the pounds back...and they brought friends! So I plan on logging for as long as I can - it really is the only was I can stay accountable.

    Good luck with your goal - you will do it if you are faithful!
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    Thanks. Really great input!