

  • I would look into this a bit more before believing it. It sounds like a fishy email forward. Acids dont turn into a base in your stomach, and that "sludge" from cold water would melt as soon as it comes back to body temperature (assuming that it ever does form). That "sludge" would also be very similar to butter, and I…
  • Meat is usually weighed uncooked.
  • An entire egg is only 70-90 calories depending on its size. So are you sure you are looking just at egg whites?
  • I dont know how you survived on 1 glass of water a day. I have at least a quart down by early afternoon and my second through the evening. Unless I have a lot of soda or something. Im trying to quit that, but it still happens now and again. Are you drinking something other than water that you can cut out?
    in Water? Comment by Madjohnbonny May 2011
  • I dont know that I would go with any pills, but snacking is awesome. My first week or so on here was pretty tough, then I read about smaller meals with snacks in between. Most days I have a pretty big breakfast, then have smaller meals with snacks in between. I try to eat something every 2 to 3 hours.
  • I go over occasionally, but I enter my calories anyway. I even plan to have one meal a week where I eat anything I want, but I still log the calories as best as I can. Then at least I have a record, so if Im not losing weight I know why, or if I am, I know when and by how much I can still 'indulge' a bit.
  • Im from a smaller town, a meat and potatoes sort of town, so I have a hard time with food choices as well. However, I have found that trying new foods is rather exciting and makes me want to eat them. We have a fresh market nearby and I have been buying all the new fruits and vegetables I have never tried before. It…
  • Its all based around how many calories you eat and how much your current weight is. If you ate a few hundred calories less than your goal for a few days, when you actually eat your full allotment it will add a pound or so.
  • The serving size is a sort of a standardized size for nutrition comparison. It just makes it easier to judge about how much of a certain food you should be eating, and how many calories that serving has in it. If you feel that a full serving is too much for you then you can eat smaller portions of that serving.