kaustin515 Member


  • Wow. What a great discussion. So many insightful and informative posts/opinions. Well, here's my story. I started using MFP about a year ago after seeing some pictures of myself at my son's 1st birthday party. I was disgusted and the worst part was before seeing the photos I thought I looked good. I had been signed up for…
  • I just signed up for WW yesterday and am attending meetings. I am at a loss for how to track. I have to say after using MFP off and on for a year I HATE WW tracker. There are so few choices and I barcode scanned my oatmeal today and it had no hits. MFP has such an amazing catalog of foods so how are you all tracking your…
  • That's awesome! Congratulations! I have been jogging for almost 10 weeks now and average 15 minutes/mile. I don't care because I'm just proud I'm doing it like a pp said. It feels so wonderful to do something you never thought you'd do. Last night I was jogging through town and a man (the new basketball coach) ran past me,…
  • How did you update it? Clearly I am not catching on to this.
  • I want in for 50 miles! (edited to try to add ticker) I just finished Ease Into 5k and am ready to start the 10k program. This will be a fun motivator!
  • I start Week 8 Day 1 tomorrow with a 28 minute run. To think back when I started and was gasping for air after 60 second runs is amazing to me. I am so proud of myself. Am I fast? No. But do I finish? Yes. Just pace yourself and I always allow for my rest days and do something else (was just walking but now I'm doing 30DS)…
  • And thank you all! I haven't tried tackling macros yet as I am still clearly confused with just the calories. And I use my phone mostly although I am really enjoying reading the boards so I do try to go "online" sometimes as well. I really like the suggestions of strength training and have made a plan to do 30DS on the…
  • SORRY! I knew I'd leave something out. I am 5'4"
  • I am in Week 7 of C25K (actually restarting week 7 tonight) and I am still in disbelief I've made it this far. I had been going to the gym and slowly worked myself up from 7 to 45 minutes on the elliptical. That gave me the confidence to try C25K. It was very tough and challenging but I just told myself no backing out. I…
  • Hi Katie! I have a similar story to yours. My husband and I have been together for a little over 12 years and for 8 of those we tried unsuccessfully to conceive a child. Like you my weight was a huge issue and I was diagnosed with PCOS. I tried what I was willing to which was losing weight (I joined Weight Watchers at…
  • You look amazing! I am hoping to lose 70lbs so thank you for some added inspiration. Your story brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful and thank you for sharing!
  • I'm a working mommy to a 1 year old! I am really thankful for this site and love to add new friends who like to motivate one another!
  • Hmm...I have her video too and will do it only if I can't make it to the gym or Zumba class. It's incredibly BORING to me but I did turn my ipod on and just tried to drown her out as much as I could. I don't mind her, I hate the music. But these results pictures make me want to really give it a go! I don't know that I…
  • I don't really give myself a cheat day, I've had a cheat LIFE, but depriving yourself can make you give up on your goals so I allow myself to have some things some times. If we're having pizza, I try to have just one piece and a really big salad or some veggies or fruit with it to keep from eating three pieces. Moderation…
  • Thank you for sharing your inspirational and motivating success story! You are exactly where I am starting and thank you again for the motivation you have renewed in me! I hope to have my own version of your success story this time last year!
  • I am new to this and I too am a nursing mom. My son is 4 months old. I EBF at home and pump at work. I too am trying to lose 1lb/week. I just added the food of breastfeeding 3-6month old which decreased 400 calories from my day.