Couch to 5K people!

Hey guys,
I've been on here a while, and thanks to a crappy thyroid have gained some weight recently. I'm starting the couch to 5 k app to help keep weight gain under control until I can get medication instead of being told I'm fine.

I just did day 1 today, and did 20 minutes of it before the heat killed me. So anyone who does it as well please add!


  • Hi there!
    I just recently downloaded the C25K app, too. Last Sunday I gave it a shot. It kicked my butt. I can't wait to do it again! The heat around here is insane, once it cools back down a bit I'll be back to it. In the mean time I've been walking/running in place in my cool, air conditioned basement. Not quite the same, but it's something :)
  • lea123e
    lea123e Posts: 16 Member

    I start wk 3 of C25K on Monday, I am THE most unathletic person but am determined to finish it. I did it last year but was scuppered by repeat chest infections so am starting over :))
    Best of luck with the program
  • FriscoChet
    FriscoChet Posts: 57
    Congrats on Day 1, that is fantastic. I am on week 5 of workouts 6 days a week (normally short runs in the morning around sunrise before the heat hits here), as I am in TX. I used to be an avid runner when up in Chicago, as we had a fitness center in our building and as such, if I could get to work, I could work out. So I did a 3-4 mile run every day I was there. You did the first thing, and got off the couch which is the hardest. Stay focused on your 5K goal and I promise you will you will succeed in not just the race, but the weight loss. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want, I am on daily, but either way, you have made the right move! Good Luck.
  • lisetteparks
    lisetteparks Posts: 13 Member
    I just downloaded it today. I'm going to start on Monday! I'm shooting for a MWF routine. I've out grown my asthma for the most part so running is alot easier now that I'm an adult.
    Good luck everyone.
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    Hi! I'm doing Week 7, Day 3 of Couch to 5k today! It was tough at first but I feel like in the last week or so I've broken through a "wall" that was holding me back. I'm on the "Run for 25 minutes without stopping" portion right now and next week is the "Run for 28 minutes without stopping." It was super scary on my first long run, let me tell you! But my distance and pace keep getting better and better, on Wednesday I did a 5k in 39 minutes, 9 minutes of which was walking. I didn't even noticed how much better I was getting until I did 3.1 miles and every mile took me under 13 minutes! Long story short, you can do it! I'm adding you. :smile:
  • HealthierFoodie
    HealthierFoodie Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in week 2 and I'm surprised at how easy it is! I've heard that the transition from week 2 to week 3 is difficult but I'm sure it'll be worth it. I get up at 5:30 to work out so it's nice and cool, otherwise I would surely collapse. Good luck!
  • Primal_Warrior_
    Primal_Warrior_ Posts: 2,180 Member
    As of tomorrow I'll have completed Day 3, Week 2. Week 1 was on the treadmill, Week 2 I took advantage of the great weather and have been running outside in th sun. A lot harder to run outside than on a treadmill, but still averaging 4K within the time limit. Will reach 5K in no time. Any welcome to add me.
  • snowboardandasuitcase
    snowboardandasuitcase Posts: 222 Member
    I'm thinking of starting next week (or whenever I get over this cold). There's no amount of tissue in the ´world that would let me run oudoors at this point...

    Feel free to add me WITH a quick msg that you found my profile here.
    I'm on daily--and a religious logger when I'm not wasting away in bed. :wink:
  • nave002
    nave002 Posts: 211 Member
    I got as far as the end of Week 2 doing it on Treadmill and then went on vacation.... Would love to build up the endurance to actually jog for real -- that is my ultimate goal!

    Feel free to add me and to anyone else.... I've been on here a couple of months now and am enjoying the site, the motivation and seeing stories of REAL people... :happy:
  • puckit61
    puckit61 Posts: 112 Member
    Week three here! I'm supposed to have finished week three this week but I think I'm going to do it again. I've only done it "by the books" once. I don't know if it's the 90 degree weather or the fact that I'm running at a different place but it's tough. Good luck you CAN do it!
  • homofit
    homofit Posts: 2 Member
    whoops i don't know what any of that means but hello whovian!!
  • i'm on week 2 day 1! It's kinda hard to go every other day right now with the rain and the heat, but I try to keep myself motivated. Feel free to add me!
  • Irisvguitar
    Irisvguitar Posts: 5 Member
    I am new to MFP. I started C25k because I want to do the color run in november :)
  • we completed the couch to 5k about 2 weeks ago, we're now up to 45 minutes of straight running. I've gone from 280lbs to 255lbs from MFP and running. Only 55lbs away from my goal now!

    We used the get running app which is a fantastic program. Now that we've graduated form that, we're using the Nike+ app to track our runs.
  • nitza53
    nitza53 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey is there a couch to walk 5 K app? I'm 60 and will never be able to jog.!
  • blessedmomof3girls
    blessedmomof3girls Posts: 61 Member
    Just finished w2d3 today! I'm super excited and nervous for w3d1! 3 minutes sounds like a long time. Although, I did go 'free range' today and it seemed like I ran forever. It really has been working for me so far! Anyone who wants is more then welcome to add me! I'm just excited to get to run again, I never thought it was going to happen! But I'm doing really good so I can't wait to see how far this takes me.
  • zephyrq
    zephyrq Posts: 22 Member
    I will be running w2d3 in about 9 hours -- feel free to add if you'd like.
  • danglewtf
    danglewtf Posts: 29
    I'm up to wk5d2, with 2x8 min runs, and I'm fangin' to get into it! I never thought I'd be excited about something like this :-D
    Even reaching week 5 has been a big deal for me. I've bombed out before completing week 4 a few times with the spectre of the longer runs having me completely spooked, so this is huge :-)

    Congratulations on getting started!
  • danglewtf
    danglewtf Posts: 29
    Hey is there a couch to walk 5 K app? I'm 60 and will never be able to jog.!

    Never say "never", nitza53! That said, there's no reason you can't use the app to walk the distances - for the walk stages you can do as gentle a walk as you feel comfortable with, then when the app says "run" just increase your walking speed :-)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'm doing c to 5k! I go early in the morning, before it gets too hot! I work 3rd shift, so I just go when I get off in the morning.
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Hi, I am doing the C25K program, but with power walking. After I get down I am going to try it with some jogging. Then I will do it a third time and try to run :)

    So far on W3D1 and down to a 20-21min mile from a 24min mile :)

    Open to some C25K buddies so add me up!
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Hello! I just completed WK1D3 so I'm not too far ahead of you. I'm using this to bridge into a half marathon training program for a Feb 1/2. I used to run all the time and then I had two kids and well I got lazy. But no more I'm going to kick the couch habbit!
  • 08312013
    08312013 Posts: 24
    Another C to 5k'er here. I am on week 4. I go out early to avoid the worst of the heat like so many others. I did the program 8 years ago and went on to run 5Ks, 5 milers, 10 milers, and a marathon! (I then hung up my shoes and gained 50 lbs :-)

    Add me so we can cheer each other on!
  • Bec_88
    Bec_88 Posts: 45

    I started the c25K about 8 weeks ago.. I had to repeat week 1, week 2 and week 3!

    I was going to repeat week 4 as well because I struggled running 5 minutes at a time, but was okay with the 3 minute runs.

    Anyway, I accidentally went into week 5 day 1, which is run 5, walk 3... and I'm now glad I didn't repeat week 4! I just did my second time for this routine, AND I COMPLETED IT... ALL THREE RUN 5 MINUTES I feel so ACCOMPLISHED!!

    Honestly, I couldn't run for 30 seconds when I started this, and now look at me running 5 minutes! Week 5 day 2 is run for 8 minutes, THIS IS FREAKING ME OUT! But if the past is an indication of the future I know ill be able to do it sooner or later :)

    So for anyone who is just starting do not get discouraged if you have to repeat a week like I did, and probably will again :)
  • I finished W1 today, but I'm going to redo it next week because my legs have been very unhappy about this new development.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I'm on week 4 day 1 of the zombies run C25K version. It's awesome.
  • msmarisa21
    msmarisa21 Posts: 23 Member
    I completed Week 1 Day 1 today. This was no small task for this 350 lb chica, but it's a start, right!. The running defintely got easier as the workout progressed. I can't wait until the day that I can run the entire thing.
  • kaustin515
    kaustin515 Posts: 18 Member
    I start Week 8 Day 1 tomorrow with a 28 minute run. To think back when I started and was gasping for air after 60 second runs is amazing to me. I am so proud of myself. Am I fast? No. But do I finish? Yes. Just pace yourself and I always allow for my rest days and do something else (was just walking but now I'm doing 30DS) on the days I don't do C25K. I use an app called Ease Into 5K. I love it and actually enjoy the runs. I live in OK and run in the evenings outside. Best of luck and feel free to add me! I like other C25Kers!
  • Hey i'm on week 4 at the moment. I was astounded that i could keep up with the majority of the workouts. I've repeated week four as the last day i couldn't finish the last run and if i haven't run in a week or so i usually repeat the last workout.
    I've found every workout as hard as the first, but if you can do the first, you can do them all :)

    I've found not looking at how long you have left to run really helpful, especially for the 3+ minute runs.

    I can't wait to be one of those people who run for 30 minutes without stopping (and to be fitter than my boyfriend)!

    Best of luck, and feel free to add me.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    Hey there :)

    Actually just finished for the second time today :drinker: did it last year as well but this time I did better on time and am not completely dead after it :bigsmile:

    Stick with it and you will be running 30min+ by the end, promise! :flowerforyou: