Confused about calorie goal

I am going to embarrassingly post my stats in hope for some help. I am throughly confused after reading through the message boards and trying to decide if I have my calorie goals set correctly. I, like most, just entered my stats in MFP and said I wanted to lose 2lbs per week and off I went. MFP has me calculated at 1200 cal/day. Then when I was reading I saw some posting about another calculator and when I did that one it had be at 1500-1600 (I can't remember the exact number). There was lots of talk about not eating enough calories and not losing and of course we all know if you eat too many then you also don't lose. I tend to notice I stall a lot and I know I make bad food choices (eating 200 calories of cake on my birthday instead of fruit) but whatever. I am still new at this and do my best most of the time (I admit I have issues like everyone) but I just want to really try to have my goals set so that I succeed. Anyway, I apprecaite any help or advice anyone has. Thank you in advance. Now for the embarrassing part:

34 year old female
189lbs (down from 218)
Work 8 hours at a desk job basically at my desk the entire day
Do couch 2 5k 3 times per week
Walk 2 miles 3 times per week (on the days I don't do C25K)
Have a 16month old son

Is that enough info for any advice?


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Need your height too =)
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Why is that embarassing? You should be proud of your progress so far! How tall are you?
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I am going to embarrassingly post my stats in hope for some help. I am throughly confused after reading through the message boards and trying to decide if I have my calorie goals set correctly. I, like most, just entered my stats in MFP and said I wanted to lose 2lbs per week and off I went. MFP has me calculated at 1200 cal/day. Then when I was reading I saw some posting about another calculator and when I did that one it had be at 1500-1600 (I can't remember the exact number). There was lots of talk about not eating enough calories and not losing and of course we all know if you eat too many then you also don't lose. I tend to notice I stall a lot and I know I make bad food choices (eating 200 calories of cake on my birthday instead of fruit) but whatever. I am still new at this and do my best most of the time (I admit I have issues like everyone) but I just want to really try to have my goals set so that I succeed. Anyway, I apprecaite any help or advice anyone has. Thank you in advance. Now for the embarrassing part:

    34 year old female
    189lbs (down from 218)
    Work 8 hours at a desk job basically at my desk the entire day
    Do couch 2 5k 3 times per week
    Walk 2 miles 3 times per week (on the days I don't do C25K)
    Have a 16month old son

    Is that enough info for any advice?

    Why don' t you try to eat 1600 calories for a month and see how it goes. That might even be low, but at 189, the best you can hope for is 1 - 1.5 lbs per week (depending on height). I would suggest seeing if you can add some resistance training to help retain muscle mass and adjust macro's to add protein and fats (if set up with the MFP standard).
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    That's a good start.
    But 2 lbs a week might be too aggressive for what you have to lose.

    For more info / an alternative suggestion, look here:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Why don' t you try to eat 1600 calories for a month and see how it goes. That might even be low, but at 189, the best you can hope for is 1 - 1.5 lbs per week (depending on height). I would suggest seeing if you can add some resistance training to help retain muscle mass and adjust macro's to add protein and fats (if set up with the MFP standard).
    This is a great starting point, OP.

    Like most folks, when they sign up.. unfortunately, they use the 2lbs / sedentary goals when that isn't the case. It'll toss the 1200 at you and then a lot of people can't maintain it... because it simply isn't enough to keep them going / sustainable / realistic.

    Worst case, go back and update the settings to match. 1 lb / active and then go from there.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Set your activity level to sedentary, and set your weight loss goal to 1lb/week. Log all of your walks/C25K training, and any other actual exercise you do. Also, consider adding in some strength training to help retain your muscle mass (which will help prevent stalls, make you look better as you lose weight, and improve your bone density).

    You should be fine with the above. If you're stalling a lot, there is likely one of a couple of things going on:

    1. Your measurements aren't accurate enough, so you're overestimating food and underestimating exercise. Make sure to at least measure, if not weigh, everything, so you get an accurate picture of what you're actually eating. Pick up a heart rate monitor, so you know what you're actually burning. (In the meantime, it's often a good rule of thumb to cut MFP's calorie counts for exercises in half.)

    2. You're current weight loss goal settings are too ambitious. If 2lb/week is setting you at 1200, then it's a good bet you're not giving yourself enough food to fuel the stuff you do. (1200 is the bare minimum MFP will give anyone). It's not a race, and losing more slowly increases the chances that you'll be able to keep it off in the long run.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I am going to embarrassingly post my stats in hope for some help. I am throughly confused after reading through the message boards and trying to decide if I have my calorie goals set correctly. I, like most, just entered my stats in MFP and said I wanted to lose 2lbs per week and off I went. MFP has me calculated at 1200 cal/day. Then when I was reading I saw some posting about another calculator and when I did that one it had be at 1500-1600 (I can't remember the exact number). There was lots of talk about not eating enough calories and not losing and of course we all know if you eat too many then you also don't lose. I tend to notice I stall a lot and I know I make bad food choices (eating 200 calories of cake on my birthday instead of fruit) but whatever. I am still new at this and do my best most of the time (I admit I have issues like everyone) but I just want to really try to have my goals set so that I succeed. Anyway, I apprecaite any help or advice anyone has. Thank you in advance. Now for the embarrassing part:

    34 year old female
    189lbs (down from 218)
    Work 8 hours at a desk job basically at my desk the entire day
    Do couch 2 5k 3 times per week
    Walk 2 miles 3 times per week (on the days I don't do C25K)
    Have a 16month old son

    Is that enough info for any advice?

    Why don' t you try to eat 1600 calories for a month and see how it goes. That might even be low, but at 189, the best you can hope for is 1 - 1.5 lbs per week (depending on height). I would suggest seeing if you can add some resistance training to help retain muscle mass and adjust macro's to add protein and fats (if set up with the MFP standard).

    This, too. MFP tends to run high on carbs and low on protein.
  • Shaky44
    Shaky44 Posts: 214 Member
    This is a good place to start:

    Guessing at your height, your numbers will be around:

    BMR: 1600 (this is the bare minimum calorie goal)
    TDEE: 2500 at moderate exercise (2200 at light exercise)
    TDEE-20%: 2000 at moderate exercise (1800 at light exercise)

    I would probably set a goal around 1900 calories/day based on this. You will need fuel for your C25K program.
  • kaustin515
    kaustin515 Posts: 18 Member
    SORRY! I knew I'd leave something out. I am 5'4"
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    SORRY! I knew I'd leave something out. I am 5'4"
    same info still applies.
  • kaustin515
    kaustin515 Posts: 18 Member
    And thank you all! I haven't tried tackling macros yet as I am still clearly confused with just the calories. And I use my phone mostly although I am really enjoying reading the boards so I do try to go "online" sometimes as well.

    I really like the suggestions of strength training and have made a plan to do 30DS on the inbetween days of not doing C25K. I am on Week 7 Day 3 of C25K and still can't believe I can run/jog for 26 minutes non-stop! That is HUGE for me. But I don't see weight coming off like I want or it's always a fluctuation of lose a lb gain a lb and for the last 2 weeks I've been hovering at 188-190-188 and it's ANNOYING! I just know something isn't right.

    I do feel MFP overestimates exercise and yes I do try to eat back most of my exercise calroies but not always because I just am set in the mind frame that I need to have as many left over in a day as possible. I also signed up for a weight loss competition so I beat myself up anytime I don't stay within that 1200 goal. I know I'm developing some dangerous mind frame and need some advice about my goals and am SO appreciative of what you all have said so far!

    THANK YOU!!!!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I do feel MFP overestimates exercise and yes I do try to eat back most of my exercise calroies but not always because I just am set in the mind frame that I need to have as many left over in a day as possible.

    Not the case at all. The number that MFP gives you is already at a deficit. From what you've told us, the deficit is already too large. Not eating at least the 1200 is doing you absolutely no favors as far as weight loss is concerned.
  • beemour
    beemour Posts: 2
    I will post mine too for you. :)

    5'8". Originally 201, now at 194 lbs. Strength workouts 2x wk; C25K 2x/wk. MFP gave me a calorie count of 1600.

    I did not have much success losing weight until a week ago when I met with a dietitian offered here at work. She looked at my MFP diaries and said that while I was always under my calorie goal, that my ratios were all off. She suggested limiting my fat intake to 20g/day, increasing fiber to a minimum of 25g/day, and aiming for 50-70g protein. In one week, my jeans are all looser and I'm down a pound in a week. And it was not hard. I'm not hungry and I'm at 1200-1300 calories a day, but they're really good quality calories -- like egg beaters, lowfat greek yogurt, fruits, veggies, & whole grains. I was initially concerned that I wasn't eating enough calories but she says that if they're good calories with lots of fiber, I'm meeting the nutrition goals, and I'm not hungry, then I'm giving my body what it needs.

    What I learned is that it's not just about the calories but about where those calories come from.

    Hope this helps.
  • raneylfrick
    raneylfrick Posts: 380 Member
    If you are exercising that often during the week, then I really hope you didn't mark your lifestyle as 'sedentary' because you are not. Go in and adjust that and see what it brings you to. I would say 1400 calories should be the absolute minimum for you.

    And just a side note::: Those are definitely NOT numbers to be embarrassed by! Congrats on your loss thus far!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I was there a few months ago and we have close stats otherwise. Definitely eat 1600. I've been eating around 1600 for 4? months and losing fine with just one hour of exercise a day (either walks or weight lifting) and sitting most of the time otherwise. I'm 35, 5'5", down to 164 now.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I really like the suggestions of strength training and have made a plan to do 30DS on the inbetween days of not doing C25K.

    While 30DS might be good if you're absolutely just starting out and you've never lifted anything heavier than a plastic bag of groceries, it's far more cardio/endurance than strength.

    I highly recommend picking up something like New Rules of Lifting (and/or New Rules of Lifting for Women, though really, strength training is the same for women as it is for men) or You Are Your Own Gym, and start a program that is focused on strength training. You're getting good cardio with the C25K training.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    What I learned is that it's not just about the calories but about where those calories come from.

    While it's fine to eat healthy, it really is all about the calories.
  • lewsmith67
    lewsmith67 Posts: 25

    I am certainly no professional on weight loss but our stats are similar. I am 5' 3" and currently weigh an awful 200 pounds. I have been gaining weight steadily since I got married three years ago but I have always battled weight. I just realized I have gained about 13 pounds since May.

    Long story short, I think the 1200 calories is good. In the past I have been restricted to a 900 calorie low carb diet (20 net carbs per day) that is NOT maintainable. My suggestion would be to try the 1200 with your exercise and see how that works for you. If you are still hungry or not satisfied add a few calories but not too many.

    I just joined this site a couple of days ago and also got the 1200 calories. I DO think the carb count of 165 was too high. I will play with it and see how my progress goes. My goal was also 2 pounds per week. I would be more than happy with 1.5. My wish is to be able to lose the weight and MAINTAIN FOREVER: I am tired of yo yoing!

    Good luck to you!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator

    I am certainly no professional on weight loss but our stats are similar. I am 5' 3" and currently weigh an awful 200 pounds. I have been gaining weight steadily since I got married three years ago but I have always battled weight. I just realized I have gained about 13 pounds since May.

    Long story short, I think the 1200 calories is good. In the past I have been restricted to a 900 calorie low carb diet (20 net carbs per day) that is NOT maintainable. My suggestion would be to try the 1200 with your exercise and see how that works for you. If you are still hungry or not satisfied add a few calories but not too many.

    I just joined this site a couple of days ago and also got the 1200 calories. I DO think the carb count of 165 was too high. I will play with it and see how my progress goes. My goal was also 2 pounds per week. I would be more than happy with 1.5. My wish is to be able to lose the weight and MAINTAIN FOREVER: I am tired of yo yoing!

    Good luck to you!

    Keep in mind that 1200 is pre exercise unless you included exercise as part or your lifestyle.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    And thank you all! I haven't tried tackling macros yet as I am still clearly confused with just the calories. And I use my phone mostly although I am really enjoying reading the boards so I do try to go "online" sometimes as well.

    I really like the suggestions of strength training and have made a plan to do 30DS on the inbetween days of not doing C25K. I am on Week 7 Day 3 of C25K and still can't believe I can run/jog for 26 minutes non-stop! That is HUGE for me. But I don't see weight coming off like I want or it's always a fluctuation of lose a lb gain a lb and for the last 2 weeks I've been hovering at 188-190-188 and it's ANNOYING! I just know something isn't right.

    I do feel MFP overestimates exercise and yes I do try to eat back most of my exercise calroies but not always because I just am set in the mind frame that I need to have as many left over in a day as possible. I also signed up for a weight loss competition so I beat myself up anytime I don't stay within that 1200 goal. I know I'm developing some dangerous mind frame and need some advice about my goals and am SO appreciative of what you all have said so far!

    THANK YOU!!!!

    Keep in mind that large deficits can lead to more frequent plateaus and your "weight loss" can be masked by water retention as a protection mechanism. If you fuel your body, you should see better results. Also, I would suggest a real weight training program. If you like at home, I like Chalean extreme, p90x and body beast. CLX is greater for beginners too.