Maggiethu Member


  • The hardest part is getting out your front door. Get your gym clothes on (even if you desperately do not want to) and GET IN THERE! Once you're at the gym, you'll have no excuse NOT to work out. I understand the position you're in... I've been there. But you can do this! Get off the couch, and go do something for yourself!…
    in Help! Comment by Maggiethu April 2011
  • Um... you should ABSOLUTELY do weights for your legs. It will make you a far better walker (and you're legs will look great too). I am an avid runner and I lift legs 2-3x a week.
  • Ask to get rid of it entirely! Unless its a special occasion, candy is so not necessary. You'll be promoting health at work!
  • Will they motivate you to go biking/spinning? If the answer is yes... don't return them.
  • Try running on softer surfaces (ie. grass, trails). Even the asphalt is a better option than concrete.
  • On it! Though I am a cheater and eat a piece of salmon about once a week (its too delicious and healthy for me to give up!) But I'm looking for new food ideas as well!
  • I say "no worries" on the fiber issue. I am always WAY over my fiber as well... I think the guidelines are extremely loose based on the processed/preservative-filled diets most Americans consume. Congratulations... by eating healthfully, it is one less thing you have to worry about :) You can get too much protein, but you…
  • I highly recommend the book! It is so insightful and inspiring (whether or not you buy-in to the notion of barefoot running). If nothing else, the book motivates you to get out and run!
  • We are doing a baked potato bar... lots of healthy options + fun! Good luck with your endeavor! BUT...... GO PACKERS! GO PACKERS! GO PACKERS!
  • Juevos Rancheros! My favorite is the Cooking Light recipe.