

  • The swiss ball would definitely work for that, and some yoga poses too. Pretty much any home calisthenics, especially ab workouts, wouldn't require putting weight on you leg.
  • Doing that would probably make the thing way seem way more accurate. Thanks! That helped loads. :laugh:
  • So the simple activities like walking around campus shouldn't be entered? That would make some sense. I think mine's set at a couple levels above sedentary, whatever it's called. But then what should I plug in and what should I ignore? Does that just have to do with the amount of effort put forth for the activity? As in,…
  • Hopefully eating more fruits and veggies would help, but yeah, it's not always satisfying. One other thing--usually I eat dried fruit just for the convenience because I can't stand bruised fruit; does it have all the same benefits dried? Courtney--that's a really good tip! Thinking about it, it's when I don't have anything…
  • If you try shopping at health food places, sometimes their products are higher priced, but their food almost always has higher quality ingredients. No HFCS! I like Balance Bars and Clif Bars for chocolate cravings along with nutrition. The Clif Bars have fibre as well. I like to eat them for breakfast. :smile: