

  • Was there any doubt that Monsanto was going to be able to "recklessly plant" experimental crops (and then of course sue the farmers whose land they infected with their poison ?) I had never even heard of the act until it just passed the other day … makes me sick.
  • Can't wait :)
    in Soon... Comment by tklaing March 2013
  • I am following you ! I have a Wordpress blog as well:, but it's more of just a personal diary, trying to keep track of how I feel, what I try, what I like/don't like, etc ... kind of boring ...
  • In case anyone hasn't already heard of it, there's an awesome group on Facebook called Gluten Free Planet. Lot's of helpful people on there :)
  • I have been taking Trader Joe's Papaya & Pineapple Enzymes, but haven't noticed a difference in my gluten induced allergy symptoms. (But, the probiotics have helped immensely !) How long do you need to take the enzymes for ? Maybe I need more time ? Maybe I should try a different brand/type ? How many times a day do you…
  • I haven't tried it yet ... but this one looks delicious:
  • I have had a similar journey with gluten. Went off it for about 3 weeks, felt MUCH better, then the holidays came, I gave in to family and tradition ... Felt terrible again. I have now been gluten free just over one month. I am doing much better ! My symptoms are: allergies, joint pain, fatigue, "flu like" symptoms,…
  • I have been taking probiotics for a few months (as well as being gluten free for the past month, on & off for 5 months before.) The probiotics have helped me so much with my allergy problems ! (Gluten causes allergy/sinus type symptoms for me) I totally recommend anyone with allergies to start probiotics, I noticed a…
  • I have been gluten free over a month now. It has been the biggest thing to ever benefit my health. I used to get sick all the time, I used to joke that "I had no immune system". Going gluten free has greatly reduced my allergies, shoulder/neck pain, headaches, and fatigue. I still have some issues with sinus/ears, but I am…
  • I am currently gluten free due to sinus & other issues - I am now on Day 22 :smile: Question about PCOS: I had never really heard about PCOS before, I had heard the term mentioned, but didn't know what it was. However, when I was 20 years old, I had a large cyst removed (along with the ovary that it crushed) they just told…
  • How long have you been gluten free ? It took me about the first 2 weeks to really notice a difference with the sinus problems, and it seems like it is slowly getting better and better. (I have had these problems for about 8 years now, so I guess I shouldn't expect them to go away immediately) I had pain in my shoulder/neck…
  • Wow ! I wonder what it means ? Does it mean we have gluten intolerance ? Celiac ? Maybe wheat is bad for everybody ? (I have heard the argument that it is ... e.g. the book "Wheat Belly") I guess it doesn't matter, just need to stay away from it !
  • That has been my most noticeable change too ! It goes away pretty fast (in a couple of days after not eating gluten) There is still a little bit lingering, but much better !
  • Dairy is definitely a problem, I noticed that over 20 years ago. I try to avoid it as much as possible. (No milk, ice cream, yogurt, etc...) I don't stress about the occasional butter on my potato or something like that, but maybe I should ? I have been questioning corn for a few years. It seems like it "heightens" my…
  • I have noticed that I always get a headache - the same headache (right side, back of neck and in front behind right eye, with a tight band going across forehead) every time. Every time I eat something with gluten. The same headache. That alone is reason enough to never eat it again.
  • Wow ! So, it took about 3 months for your sinuses to clear up ? There is hope after all ? That is good to hear, helps to keep me on the right track, good to hear that you are doing better !
  • Actually, yes, I do have a problem with dairy (not lactose intolerance) When I have dairy, I feel sick like I have a cold. I have tried going dairy free for a few weeks and while it helped a little, it didn't reduce the other symptoms. It wasn't until I cut out gluten that things started clearing up. I had less allergic…
  • I'm not sure if I am gluten intolerant/Celiac, but these are my symptoms that I believe are associated with gluten: Headache Sinus pressure/pain Sore, achy feeling all over (flu like) Brain fog “Crackly” sounds in ear Ear “pounding” – this drives me nuts ! Fatigue (although taking a liquid B complex has helped a little)…
  • I just started today ! I actually just finished my first workout, I feel great. (A little sore, but otherwise great !)