Looks like you've gotten through the worst part - good luck with meeting your goals rest of the year :)
With my first baby, my then mother in law told me that my shape would change and she was right. I think you do get wider - I am quite small around the rib cage and with both pregnancies my ribs have had to expand quite a bit. It takes a while for this to go back and to be honest I don't know that it's ever the same...…
I have a 5 month old, (second baby) and EBF. In the early days (1 month pp) I had a food plan written up by a trainer/nutritionist which had me on 1500 calories per day plus moderate exercise. I lasted less than two weeks because although the weight was dropping fast I had to start supplementing with formula and almost…
Google Michael Pollan, really interesting learning about the food industry and how obesity has come to be a problem. His simplified tips: Eat less, eat food (i.e. real/whole foods, not processed), and eat mostly plants. He also advises to cook your own food wherever possible - kind of a rule I try to stick to, especially…
How about a fruit smoothie with protein powder? Some protein powders taste amazing but with very little carbs/sugar. Plus I think that adding the protein to the fruit lowers the GI level/insulin spike. If I'm out and about and trying to be good I take a mix of dried dates and natural almonds in my handbag, or a protein bar.
A lady in the lingerie shop told me anytime from 6 months is OK to buy nursing bras, and they should have enough room that you can comfortably slip your hand inside the cup. Still I wouldn't buy too many at this stage, wait until your milk supply comes in and see what happens. Also ensure they have plenty of hooks/eyes for…
Re the adding 200 - 300 calories during 2nd and 3rd trimester - I believe that is on top of maintenance calories (not your normal weight loss setting). That would make 1500 cals too low for most people.
16 weeks pregnant and doing a max of 10K three times per week. I was already starting to get sore in my lower pelvis after each run. I did a bit of research online and have just invested in a "smiley belt" support belt (NZ made product). First trial run done and so far, so good - let's see how long I can keep plodding :)
I love my protein powder fruit smoothies - last time my nutritionist said to ignore the warnings as it was basically just glorified milk powder. However most health food shops do sell protein powders that don't have artificial sweeteners or additives. My advice would be to either buy a very plain powder (e.g. pure whey…
I'm 5'9, 35 years old and for the last ten years have weighed between 133 and 143. I'm happiest at 133, and when my weight creeps up to the upper levels I start to feel bad enough to modify my habits. I would consider myself slim, but am certainly not skinny or small framed. I have a reasonably athletic frame that responds…
I'm a big fan of smoothies, you can add your pick of fruits, yoghurt, protein powder, even extra supplements such as chia seeds or flax seed oil - make it as calorie dense as a full meal if you want energy and nutrients without eating too much. I also started juicing a couple of months ago - that's a great way to get some…
Agree with both the previous posts. It's possible, but yes it's hard work too, and not everyone's body can cope with the training. Are you the type of person motivated by big goals? Do is it something you really want to do? Ultimately you won't know until you start running. is your friend willing (and able) to be your…
Hi all, I'm 35 and living in Australia, Kiwi by birth and of Samoan/Maori/European descent. My family has a sad history of obesity and type 2 diabetes, heart disease, to name a few. And why?? Many of them are genetically blessed with sturdy, healthy bodies and natural athleticism. It doesn't seem right to me, so I'm…
Generally I try to keep protein bars on hand. I might trial the vegetarian options on the plane next time! I've also signed up for the squats challenge on MFP as I know I can do that anywhere I go.
Good to know thanks, I will do my best to get out and about to work off those croissants! :)
I haven't used this particular pill but have used thermogenics sparingly (one tablet per fortnight approx) for hard training sessions and days where I'm just tired and need a boost. I find they're great for that purpose, but haven't really affected my appetite. I would be reluctant to take them every day, I feel like it…
My favourite supplements are: Horleys Carbless Crunch protein bars - they have a rice crispy texture, no yucky aftertaste, and are quite filling. Atkins Indulgence choc caramel flavour - smaller bar, not as filling but the closest thing to a choc bar I've had (maybe not good breakfast material here, but great for when you…