SqueezeTheClay Member


  • I'm getting back into keto this week, after taking too long off. I've lost a lot of weight with it in the past, and put half of that back on (at least is wasn't all of it?). Feel free to friend me!
  • Dandelion greens can be tolerable if you balance it by using a little less of them and adding in another easier green, like romaine or spinach. And one trick for making any green drink tolerable is to make it with one apple, half a lemon, and an inch of ginger. The lemon and ginger help cut the bitter, and the apple…
  • I'd avoid what your allergic to and switch to fruits you can consume. Juicing recipes aren't set in stone, most don't have strawberries or cherries (unless it's a smoothie recipe) and apples and pears can easily be exchanged for grapes or other sweet fruits. Most of the time, the apples and pears are present in the green…
  • If you're just juicing, and not doing smoothies, then you get your protein from the greens. It's not so much their protein content that does it, but when you juice them you get a lot of amino acids, which build the proteins, so your body still has a lot of material to work with. That's also a reason it's good to vary your…
  • I'm doing pretty well, I'm on the same day as you are, I started on the ninth. The most trouble I've had so far, sometimes when I see pictures or smell my kid's food I drool a little and think how nice it would be to eat, but I have a pretty easy time snapping myself out of it. Most of the time I just appreciate the smell…