Clownfish423 Member


  • Great graphic!
  • That's wonderful! I'm so glad you have a supportive doctor! Mine just gives me the blank stare...
  • These all sound wonderful!
  • Well, I joined the gym (one of my goals). The only problem is making myself go! I WILL go today!!
  • June Goals: Break my plateau and get below 180 (plateau for 2 months now). Rejoin the gym tomorrow and start strength training again 3 times per week. 16:8 intermittent fasting 4 days a week, which started today (I'm hungry now, but not hangry)!
  • I have more to lose, specifically about 25 pounds. I've been "experimenting" with IF since last fall off and on, but then I stopped when vacations got in the way! IF definitely helped, so I'm going to try 4 days of 16:8 with 3 days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) of low carb and see if this shakes things up. I'm also going to…
  • I've found that if I try to add too much fat, my weight will creep up a few pounds! I started concentrating on my protein and carb numbers only (I tend to go overboard on protein, which can be counterproductive also) and I do better this way.
  • I've never thought of the goals this way, but it makes sense! I generally don't make my fat "goal" per my macro settings, but I definitely watch the carb and protein numbers.
  • I must not have not have gotten there yet. I have a hard time with anything 100%. My weight loss journey has been a compilation of a lot of strategies from different weight loss approaches! His humor does crack me up, though. :)
  • "Graduating" from the plus department for the first time in many years!
  • Interesting chart! I haven't seen that before. I'm not resting with 6. I was just thrilled to drop it from 7! My goal is definitely in the lower 5's. I'm hoping to have more progress by the time of my physical in a few months. The combination of LCHF and increased exercise definitely helped with my weight loss and moved my…
  • Thanks, @RalfLott! So far, I really like the book. Interesting perspective on modern medicine and the lack of "health"care from today's physicians.
  • I have lost 20 pounds since August and am 57, postmenopausal. At your height and weight, I wouldn't expect to see major fast movement! Actually, your current weight is my goal (I'm 5' 8")! My weight loss definitely comes in "whooshes" now. I've been at a plateau for about 2 months, but I'm okay with that since I'm at my…
  • Great thread! I've been low carb for many years and recently lost another 20 pounds using low carb and intermittent fasting. I'm up about 2 pounds from two vacations in May and am going back to 16:8 IF today. My physical is set up in July and my doctor will give me his usual parrot speech about statins. He was thrilled…
  • I'm going back to 16:8 starting today. I've crept up about 2 pounds, after losing 20 pounds since last fall using IF and low carb. Two back-to-back vacations have contributed to the weight gain! I usually start my 16:8 with a cup of coffee with half & half/coconut oil, then start solid food later when I get hungry.
  • Great work! I also lost weight using IF with an 8-hour food window. I'm up about 2 pounds, so I'm going back to IF starting today! My first "meal" is usually coffee with cream/coconut oil, which starts my 8-hour window. I then eat when I feel hungry. The first day is always the hardest for me....
  • Just realized I didn't put my name below the previous post! Rhonda in Tennessee
  • Hello! I'm back on MFP after a hiatus and looking for some new friends, especially in the "over 50" crowd. It will take a while to read through everything! I was basically out of town most of May and just recently came home. I've been in a plateau for a few months and am ready to move on and start losing again! May is…
  • I usually say something like I've given up processed foods with ingredients I can't pronounce. I might even throw out that I'm diabetic and have improved my blood sugar numbers to near normal levels WITHOUT drugs!
  • Great posts! I agree, if you're the cook, you decide the menu! Here are a few things that have worked for me...first of all, no separate meals. I do compromise, though. I pick a starch that I don't care my case, it's white rice (fried rice is another story). I will not fix potatoes because I know I'd give in.…
  • Ditto on "zoodles"...I have a spiral slicer thing that makes zucchini look like spaghetti. I made shrimp scampi the other day. Sauteed the zoodles in garlic and butter, added little white wine, threw in some cooked thawed shrimp, and sprinkled with Parmesan - YUM!
  • I'll be making a road trip next week and will have these with me: Macadamia nuts, individually wrapped cheese, canned salmon (Wild Planet has the pop-top lid so no can opener needed), and Nick's sticks (beef sticks). Otherwise, I stick to salads when eating at fast food joints and steak or seafood when eating out at night.
  • Ditto for chia seeds. They're pretty much tasteless and add bulk to smoothies/liquids. Some people swear by them as a pre-workout energy booster. Per my package (Nutiva organic white chia seeds), 1 TBSP = 5 carbs and dietary fiber = 5 carbs, so net carbs = zero.
  • Definitely Vitamix. I don't know how I survived without it! I bought mine at a Costco demo - had been watching prices and I got it about $50 cheaper by buying it there. The smoothies are so nice and creamy. You could probably blend concrete into a smoothie (wouldn't recommend trying that one)!!! I've also used it to make…
  • Thanks so much for all the replies! I did make the recipe that everybody seems to like and I think the difference was the olive oil. I've always used the organic first pressed extra virgin, which is really heavy on the flavor. It made the mayo almost bitter tasting. I didn't think to try the light olive oil. That makes a…
  • This idea is incredible! I just examined my food processor and it has the little hole, too! It's such a pain to slowly drizzle in the oil. I'm going to try that recipe, too. Will let you know what I think!
  • Leftovers, salad greens with dressing, boiled eggs, avocado, macadamia nuts, grass-fed beef jerky, canned salmon, cheese (I love Kerrygold)
  • I have dealt with these kinds of situations by packing my own stuff (large purse - nuts, jerky, individually wrapped cheese). Maybe you could bring some deviled eggs and sliced ham? - those are both on my menu for this weekend. The Italian meal will be tough - maybe bring a large salad or an antipasto type plate with…
  • Down 1.16%! Slow as a snail, but I'll take the loss!