M - Full Body Strength T - Easy Run W - Full Body Strength Th - Medium Run Fri - Full Body Strength Sat - Total Rest Day Sun - Long Run In a month, I will need to find time to start triathlon training. Will probably ride the bike/swim on the evenings of my strength trainings. Any thoughts on this schedule?
Thanks for all of the advice and it is nice to know that some are following a similar plan. I guess it all comes down to what our bodies tell us and how we adjust from there.
SHOES! Go to a local runnng store and they will watch you walk, evaluate your current shoe wear pattern, and recommend the type of shoe for you. I tried running multiple times in the past, always got shin splints and would quit after a month. Got the right shows, now I am training for a half marathon and have grown to LOVE…
If anybody needs a place to send their excess girl scout cookies, my address: 1234 I love Samoa Lane Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Lol. Nice job though! I have to just not buy them. I cannot resist the deliciousness that is a Samoa. I swear they secretly sprinkle crack into those things.
I realize this post is probably going to get lambasted because it goes against the "norm." I do agree with the previous posts, regarding it is a much better idea to take things slowly. However, I felt like I should answer your specific question. I believe you could take a few steps to at least "appear" a bit more toned and…
HYDRATE. It is the single best thing you can do before, during, and after drinking alcohol. This will help with the bloating and everything. Cheers!
Wow! Congratulations! Great Job.
This WORKS! I have been using this method for about 2 months or so, with a reassess about once every month. I have lost close to 20 lbs by "upping" my calories to what my body needs It is also very nice not having to worry about overestimating my exercise calories after various activities.
CostCo: 19.99
This is getting to be hilarious. Also, in your profile, one of her inspirations is "Making people jealous." This speaks volumes.
This really helped the pounds start shedding for me, I believe I was under eating at first, then I switched to over eating, but then 2.0 brought me to a great middle ground. I was losing about 2 per week, but that has changed to 1 lb per week now. I believe this is because I am closer to my goal weight though. Trust this…
I love this! I am in. I already resisted the pzacki day :) Workout one: Run 2.5 miles Workout Two: Core Work
Bump for later. These are awesome!
I have recently started training for my first triathlon, along with a half marathon along the way. The HM is in early June, and I have signed up for a sprint triathlon in July. As a person who has done multiple marathons, what do you think about jumping from sprint to Olympic distance? Is it a large jump? Would it be…
Shoes! Made me fal in love with running.
One of my best recommendations I give anybody interested in starting a running program is this: Get running shoes that are fit for YOU. Go to a local running store, where they will watch how you walk, and then will offer their advice on the shoe to get. They will not be anymore expensive then what you would pay for…
What do you do when you encounter a dog? I have thankfully not run into this problem, but I have come close. I normally turn around if I see one way ahead in the distance that might be trouble. I know this is not what you are supposed to do if you encounter one close? Don't mean to hijack the thread, but it seems like…
I second or third the importance of running shoes. I suffered miserably from shin splints, no matter what I tried to stretch out. I would ice them, rest them, always came back. I FINALLY went to a real shoe store, the identified immediately that I was overpronating. Gave me 3 recommendations for shoes, all a different…
I second or third the importance of running shoes. I suffered miserably from shin splints, no matter what I tried to stretch out. I would ice them, rest them, always came back. I FINALLY went to a real shoe store, the identified immediately that I was overpronating. Gave me 3 recommendations for shoes, all a different…
These look amazing
I have already begun to think about things I probably won't want to walk home with, i.e Ice Cream! It was really nice though, nice motivating start to a Sunday. I will attempt to make it a regular weekly habit.
Oscar Meyer Center Cut Bacon is the best I have found. 3 slices for 70 calories, 4.5 grams of fat, and 7 grams of protein. It can be a bit pricey, so I usually stock up when it is on sale. It is normally 6.99 for a package, but I can find it on sale usually for $5.00. It's really worth it though, and I usually just use one…
These all look great, great resources!
I live in Ann Arbor, feel free to add me if you'd like.
I love Taco's, bump
Bump, this sounds amazing!
Very happy to hear people have had this happened as well. Things like that make me happier than seeing the scale move.
No takers?