
  • I think setting a goal may sometimes be the wrong way to go about it. I've had success determining a workable intake and setting my goal based on that intake. I am comfortable @ 1500 calories and it loses me 15 lbs in 5 weeks. I've lost 44 lbs so far
  • Truly, sugar is not the problem. it's the amount of unnecessary sugar you consume. I see previous notes where "all sugar is the same" Common sense says that an apple is not as bad as a 3-tier cake with gobs of icing. Compare the two; see the difference But you don't know me, and you don't know my qualifications. If you are…
  • Go to "my home' click on "weigh in" enter your weight save simple as that :)
  • If you are dibetic and you have the questions you have, get your dr to prescribe a visit to a nutritionalist. You get questions answered and it's covered by insurance
  • I've had the same problem. My goal is 1500 calories/day. I plan my meals specifically with carbs in mind, but I always end up short on calories. I decided early on that if I make a plan and I'm not hitting my calorie count, I'm just not going to worry about it. There will be days that I go over, and over time they will…
  • Most insurance companies will cover a physian referral for a diabetic visit with a nutritionist at your local hospital. It's a way to get the info you need
  • I will often consume the entire can, and the sodium hit throws off my personal goals. I don't have a sodium problem but common sense would say that anything over normal consumption can't be good.
  • What made me really start....hmmmmm I was watching TV one night and saw a guy in a commercial who seemed to have a perfect existance, So I asked myself "why am I not happy like the guy in the commercial?" After chuckling about the supermodel wife, I got serious and mad this list: II'm tired of being overweight 'm tired of…