

  • Lots of good tips out there, and I have followed many of them. I avoid alcohol, but cannot give up my coffee. and have certainly noticed a few hot flashes after my am fix. but I only allow myself my 2 (large) cups in the morning. I take supplements like black cohosh and primrose oil in spurts, really didnt see any…
  • We all need encouragement. I don't know why I am so lazy and not "getting it". I want to lose 18 lbs but seem to be just covering it up with baggy clothes. I remember feeling so much better about myself and my appearance after being sick with pancreatitis and not being able to eat more than a graham cracker a day for…
  • WOW! so inspiring. Good for you!
  • sounds like my past 2 weeks. I do well for a while, exercise, eat great... then indulge for a while, skip the evening walk, get really lazy, eat out a few times. I lose a few pounds, then they go right back on again. Just joined not long ago and was really shocked when I realized I am eating double the protien I need. I've…
  • Can't wait to try this in the morning! I crave PB & J allthe time.
  • Hi, Whats Burgen? I too find it easy to fall off the wagon. I can eat well, lose 2 or 3 pounds, then get cravings, bake something really nice, go out for a meal with my husband, then within the next week, its all back to where i've started. I know I should be more active. I can get on a good roll there too, then its a week…
  • I can relate, I am 5'6" and weigh 156lbs. Hae 4 adult children and am 48yrs old. If I were to go back to my pre-preg state of 125lbs, I would look dead. Have reached 140 with the help of Weight Watchers but of course, gained it back. I had a breast reduction 6 months ago, and love the results, but hoped it would inspire me…