JuroNemo14 Member


  • Wow, thanks! :) You're one of the first who actually noticed the weight drop, so I was kind of wondering if it was working at all. Until my exams aren't over, I'll have to rely on all 6-week programs(like hundredpushups and one fifty dips) to build strength, and then I'll go get over to the gym. But till then, I'll work on…
  • Love to talk or listen. You can add me if you like.
  • I can't tell you that you shoudln't worry about( I'm a guy myself), but even though I am merely an 18 year old kid, I can state that there a quite a number of guys who are just jerks. My advice: don't take it out on yourself. It's okay to feel sad once in a while, but I don't think it's your fault. If he doesn't feel like…
  • So, did you notice any noticeable changes already doing nerdfitness?
  • Okay, so lifting really is the way to go for me. About that, what kind of lifting is most recommended for training my core and chest? Deadlifts, Bench Press, or is lifting with dumbbells good enough(granted I find enough variations for different kinds of body parts)?
  • So, if I understand correctly, I should start strength training. Are there some good body-weight exercises as an alternative to lifting, just for the following 3 months? I don't got much money left for a set, or for a gym membership :(
  • So, how does that You are your own gym work? You buy the app, or the book?
  • Well, thanks for the answers anyways. Understand, that I wasn't asking, if it was normal to gain weight, but if it was normal to gain much more weight after eating so little. I was afraid I was in that state, where you gain much quicker the weight you lost. Well, thanks, now I feel ridiculous for asking such a "dumb…
  • Maybe I can clarify, before people start calling me a retard here: I ate an omelet, which (according to my food-scale weighs 150 g excluding the plate), and then, due to my curiosity, I decided to check HOW MUCH weight I had gained after eating something this small. Now, I'm not anything close to a professional when it…
  • It ain't like that. I weigh myself once a day, but I found myself losing weight to fast. So I decided, to weigh myself as usual, but also weigh myself after eating, to see if there would be a big difference. I don't know if a difference like this should be normal, or shows how unstable my weight is because of the speed I…
  • So, a week later, after eating an almost normal amount of food, I lost 0.5 kgs compared to last week. This is a good thign. But, after eating my breakfast(an omelet with a slice of cheese, turkey and a tomato), I weighed myself once more(just to check out how much I would weigh more with my breakfast), and the scale said I…
  • Well, I had an annoying cold, which resulted in keeping me in the house most of the time. Just a question: what exactly is water weight, and how can I lose more fat, instead of water weight? This probably sounds like ridiculously stupid question, but I'm just wondering what people mean by "water weight".
  • Perhaps I'll see how the stats are in a week.
  • So, should I stop eating 1700, and go to 2000? I am just afraid I won't experience much weight loss then, or veery slowly. I like the idea of losing a pound a week, so that I could get a good figure before next summer holiday.
  • So, protein snacks are the way to go? Interesting, I'll give that a try. Any suggestions for some healthy, easy to make, protein snacks?
  • Hahahah I know. I have some problems with saying "no" to junk food.
  • Diary is now public, but most of it is in Dutch. @graysmom2005, what kind of snacks do you recommend then, that contains lots of protein, and doesn't take long to make(I am a student ^^). I sometimes make an egg white omelet, but that doesn't fill me up even remotely. As for the calories, I know I'm 18, but pretty much…
  • So apparently, my TDEE is 2304(could this be right?) Then -15%, and I get about 1958 calories a day(much more than any of my recommended calorie intakes). So does this sound like an idea: my MFP recommended calories is 1770, and my Cut Value is 1958. Should I aim to daily get my calories in between these two numbers?
  • What could I do best now then? I still believe, even though the scale is not telling my exact weight at the moment, that I did this too fast. Should I gain weight, and start over, or continue eating the amount of calories recommended to me. and hope for the best? Also, honestly, I don't know what to trust more: the MFP…
  • According to MFP, my usual daily carb usage is about 150 g, and sugars more like 50/60 g(I eat a lot of fruit). None of the stuff I eat tend to show the amount of sodium, and I don't really use salt(hate the taste). Besides that, my fat level is never over the daily limit. This was more of a "what-if" question, but thanks…
  • Unfortunately, no :(
  • Hey, I've also started losing some weight(for the sake of losing it). I'm sure you'll do magnificient! You're welcome to add me if you want ;), be it for motivation, advice, general banter.
  • @dave, I was thinking of buying some protein powder, but I'm not exactly sure whether that could help my cause(my MFP goals show that I actually use too much Protein, but maybe that should ignored...?) @bnb, I bought me some G Smiths ;) Thanks! @Harry, wouldn't the oatmeal spoil or something? I use about 40g of oatmeal,…
  • The fire that keeps me going, is one simple fact for me: the fat is the core of my unhappiness. If I ever want to be happy ever again, I should not submit myself to the fat.
  • I am currently still having trouble staying under certain nutrition goals. I primarily have trouble with sugar. See, the thing is, that I tend to eat almost no processed sugar-foods(cookies, etc.). With almost, I mean, that I do have some small diet snacks, by a diet-company, which does contain a bit of sugar(1,2 g per…
  • To clarify: I(am a guy btw ;)) am trying to lose weight. And I am set on eating back most of those cals(I want to do this as "right as possible"). Besides that, I am training my muscles a little bit(after losing weight, I am planning on tackling my muscles), and I am also training my fitness-level/stamina. I know that my…
  • While I am extremely thankfull to all of you guys here for sharing their insights, I was actually wondering How to fix the deficit. More like, any tips, or hints, or general good snacks not containing sugar(I usually eat fruits, which take away my sugar after a while, and I have this need to still stay under the sugar…
  • Thanks guys! Guess I should grab some less suggary fruits, and remove the "sugar part" from my nutritient tracking. Actually, this brings me to my next(and probably last) question: what nutritients are vital to track, and to keep maintaining under the goal daily?
  • Thanks everybody! I'll get me a scale, and start measuring too :)
  • @Kimshu, I'll check Pinterest out :) @amatie, done ;)