

  • try cutting out salt. only drink water. eat whole foods. no processed foods or food bars. count everything. pick a calorie goal you can reasonably meet that will give you consistent gradual weight loss. if you lose a few pounds and hit a plateau just keep doing the same thing and focus on not gaining weight back until your…
  • I have cut out added salt from my diet many times. I usually notice a quick 5 pound weight loss over the course of several days. I think its a great idea to recalibrate yourself to the taste of real whole foods w/o added salt. A cup of broccoli has 30mg of sodium in it already. If you are running a marathon or something…
  • thanks everyone for the ideas. this is very helpful. i have made my food diary public for anyone that wants to take a look. i was camping without internet Friday - Sunday so those days are blank but Monday - Thurs last week are filled out completely. i really like what was said about not worrying about sleep. that is the…
  • you can't really go wrong with vegetables, fruit, and lean protein. steam your veggies and add seasoning - eat with chicken breast, fish, eggs, turkey bacon... that sort of thing. bake/broil meats with seasoning or sautee in a pan with cooking spray like Pam. i also like protein shakes for breakfast - a scoop of whey…
  • Weight can fluctuate a lot from day to day for reasons beyond our control (as much as 5 lbs for me). you need to monitor your weight over a longer period of time than 2 days to figure out which direction you are actually heading. I've heard that a more accurate daily measurement is your waist size but I haven't tried it…
  • the next time you get upset you may want to stop and reflect a moment to find out what is really going on at that moment. putting a delay in between an emotion and acting out on it will probably help a lot. be accepting of whatever you find and move on to the next positive action. also you may want to read this book for…
  • hey Alycia - there could be a couple things going on here. If you are starting an intense workout program you may be hungrier than usual and overeating to compensate. From my experience this is somewhat normal and if this is happening your appetite should subside after awhile. The other thing like someone else said is to…
  • take it easy, make moderate changes you can stick with. don't rush it. i have found that the weight comes off when it wants to and if i push too hard i will just get frustrated and over indulge. also i agree with others there is no reason you should be hungry all the time. if you are hungry you should eat. lean proteins…
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