Kelceybyers Member


  • You can definitely lose weight without counting calories. I find for me though personally I need to log my food and count them. I hold myself much more accountable when I do.
  • It's his birthday. You shouldn't be counting calories but the candles you're putting on the cake you can enjoy. Life's too short to worry about a day that's supposed to be about celebrating. Even if you do go over your calories for this one day it's ok. The world doesn't end. You get up the next day and get right back to…
  • This really isn't a theory. It's just the simplest truth you will ever need to know. You can have your cake and eat it too. Last night I had a Great American Chocolate Chip Double Doozie.....sounds awful to a diet right???? Well I woke up this morning 1 pound lighter. Why? Because it fit into my daily calories. You can do…
  • I always did this. If I had one bad day I turned it into a bad week lol.
  • Hello all, I'm 47 and way 227. I'm a shortie at 5'2". I'm feeling great about all the changes I'm making in my life to make 2016 the year I finally get on track and stay there. I would love to join the family. My goal weight would probably be about 125. I like long walks on the beach too....... :wink: :smile:
  • I feel your pain, on Wednesday I am going into hospital for a hip operation - The thought alone that I am going to be on crutches for the next 4 - 6 weeks literally has me in tears.. It is going to be one hell of a struggle with not over doing it and pushing myself too far, too quickly, as I am as equally as stubborn..…
  • My grandmother once told me "Why die for a smaller casket?" Of course my grandmother was one of "those people" who could eat whatever she wanted and not gain a pound. :)
  • I am in for this group too! I'm 47 recently divorced and looking for ex revenge weight loss lol.
  • My doctor would like it if I didn't get on my foot at all lol. However three kids makes that almost impossible as it is. The doctor knew that at my job I can walk up to almost 5 miles a day just working. It's all sporadic walking though so I never count it as exercise. Since he knew that he basically wanted me to come…
  • I would talk to your doctor as well. However I lost weight with all 3 of my pregnancies. I wasn't trying. I ate quite a bit at times. I lost 23 pounds with my first baby and he was born healthy at 9lbs 2ozs. Each one of my kids are healthy and strong (and skinny thank goodness lol). Talk about your concerns to your doctor…
  • I have a lot more than 50 to go but I'll start with the first 50!!! I'm in for some motivation and workout fun :) Please add me!!
  • You above all things are human. This means that as sure as you can fall you can pick yourself right back up again. It's ok to have these days. You did better than most, you recognized it, confessed to it and now it's time for the last step....move on from it. Cut yourself some slack....there will be more days like this but…
  • I started my 100 day challenge this past Sunday at 253 pounds. I'm just now making peace with the fact that it's going to take a long time to take it off. I've been doing great so far though :)
  • Welcome and best of luck to ya :)
  • I'm in :)
  • I have about 110 pounds to lose total maybe 115....depends on how I look when I get close. Add me if you like :)