auntiebk Member


  • Today’s gratitude: chat with Joe in the car on the way to pooches’ nail trims. He was unusually talkative, I finally figured out it was because I was driving. Next time when he’s driving and silent, I’ll try to remember he’s concentrating, not giving me the cold shoulder. Yes, Lisa, you were missed. “honey badger” :laugh:…
  • Gratitudes: Today: This morning’s power outage was shorter than Monday’s ;} Yesterday: T3 is low normal so MD recommends snacking on a little Nori to make sure I’m getting enough iodine. Funny I thought living on the coast was a natural source ;) Anyhoo I’m thankful he’s not pushing thyroid meds. Mammo last month…
  • Today’s gratitude: the encouragement of others in the BB&B class. Annie what you said to Machka about caregivers needing to be flexible. ((hugs)). Barbie “…the things I chose to do or buy make me happy or fill a need…”, yes this! Pip, yup, guilty :naughty: Tracey Brava for consulting an expert about your table refinishing…
  • Today’s gratitude: Pastor’s wife’s, loving, understanding, forgiving response when I dinged her new car door. Meeting up with D and V at music in the park, chat stroll with D, pleasant time later with both at Chetco brewery. Shadow was welcome in both venues. Heather Huzzah! Sorry to hear there was discomfort in both hips…
  • Today’s gratitudes: Shower, hot tub, and the ramps at the Crissey Field visitor center. Finally felt water was safe enough to shower at home. What a luxury to have all my products on the shower shelf and not in a gym bag. Could only spare 15 minutes for the hot tub so I savored every moment. While the rest of dog group was…
  • Gratitudes: Yesterday: trip to P’s “deck party” over the pastures and into the redwoods. A family home/compound that looks like a rustic resort complete with indoor pool, hot tub, play structure and cabana. Today: I misread next week’s forecast (80s and 90s!) by looking at the Winchuck instead of our place (max 73). Whew!…
  • Belated happy birthday, @KetoneKaren Karen in VA. Sure miss you! Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
  • Today’s gratitude: blue skies, mild 60F temps. Pajama day, couldn’t drag my lazy butt outside despite the glorious weather. Made brown rice, prepped many more bean salad for tomorrow’s deck and dance party, started goat cheese for Sunday, worked on bathroom sink drain, grilled chicken breast and stir fried snow peas for…
  • Today’s gratitude:Joe’s eyes were clearer, brighter and less swollen/painful appearing this morning. Tumble’s trotting with her usual vigor, not favoring any limbs. When Joe checked the storage tanks this morning they were “the fullest and clearest they’ve ever been." Target’s free return donate-in-lieu-of-shipping policy.…
  • Today’s gratitude: waking up after good, dreamless sleep. Low energy almost a pajama day. Tumble is limping, at first it looked like one of her front legs, then after cutting out some of the mats behind her front knees, she seemed to favor the right rear leg. After working on her I was going to take Shadow to the powerline…
  • Today’s gratitude: good long chat with former work buddy. Lisa 11 whole days? Whoopeeeeeee! Yours to Vicki. Annie “broccoli from heaven” Brilliant! Tracey Bravissima for taking your walk. Baby steps. Later, lighter, lovelies! Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday,…
  • Today’s gratitude: was able to walk up from the cistern to the chair before I had to stop to catch my breath. Aim is to make it up to the drive and eventually to the house without stopping. Flea me2. :cry: Lanette so relieved no permanent food damage. Brava for return to morning walk! Heather Oh that Bea! :love: Pip…
  • Today’s gratitudes: able to do three things I enjoy today: play in the dirt (excavated a third of the old raised bed), took Shadow to dog group, made broccoli crunch salad for fellowship. Walking the dogs down to the cistern path a young buck jumped up onto the drive in front of us. Both dogs took chase and were out of…
  • Today’s gratitude: hot tub, chiropractor, ibuprofen. Tried something new, dressed and worked in the side yard with Joe before morning routine (readings, PT, etc) and after only 1 cup of tea. Good chat time too. Proud of myself for moving the compost pile. Reward? Found a bay laurel seedling in the old raised bed. Potted it…
  • Today’s gratitude: we have dishes and vegetables to wash, and bottled water to rinse them. The “other redwood tree” survived the tank’s move. Cistern is working as it should, holding water and apparently not cracked or leaking. New control box installed so water pumps automatically from cistern to storage tanks in the pump…
  • Today’s gratitude: Shadow’s good morning greeting. Joe’s recommendation of Miss Willoughby and the Haunted Bookshop on Amazon Prime. Hot shower at the gym. Tracey imho with pen, paper and faxes, more people had gainful employment, fewer homeless. Love your idea “Tracey’s Community Craft Cabin” Camaraderie is crucial to our…
  • AAARRGGH!!!!! :angry:I am SO MAD! :rage: While Joe was finishing the side yard clearing up job things I couldn’t do, (move the potted cherry tree, cement blocks and iron rose trellis) he “cut down the little tree.” “Oh NO! Not the redwood tree?” If he had talked to me first I could have begged him to spare it. It would…
  • Today’s gratitude: Joe spoke with our neighbor today. Parts ordered. Soon as helpers are done with current job, will install control box, move and connect tank and “talk about” sanitization system. Hopeful, but I am so very weary of rinsing dishes and vegetables with store bought water… and I think Joe has been sneaking…
  • Today’s gratitude: the abundant hot water in the gym’s shower. Made it to the 3rd BB&B class, got down on the floor for the mat work. Struggled to sit up diagonally, just don’t have the abs to get up. Got less than an hour of line dance class but managed to walk the dogs down to the powerline meadow before completely…
  • Today’s gratitude: 15 degree temperature drop at sunset, and wow was it a beaut! Just let word get out at church that you have water/well/cistern/pump troubles and what a lot of helpful advice, support and sound recommendations come your way during fellowhip. Have a strong recommendation for a pump and well company if our…
  • Today’s gratitude: no apparent issues from dropping iPhone into the water bowl. Actually did the planned shoulder PT and BB&B combo this morning, yay me. Skipped dog group for a BBQ/Dance at the Elks. Fun time though the music was too loud and the portions too huge! Yes, Carol, we’re able to use SOME water, but it still…
  • Today’s gratitude: cool fresh morning air, summer scents and sounds. Oh! What a beautiful morning! Joe checked the tanks and we risked a load of laundry. Took the tanks down by half so he’ll pump up from the cistern later. When he checked the cistern this morning, most of the creek water he’d pumped into yesterday it was…
  • Today’s gratitude: Michele, Lisa and whoever else suggested keeping some grapes in the freezer. Thank you! 90 degrees here is unusual and too hot for me to do anything but sit by the window and catch up from June. Like Kim, we have no A/C except the ocean breeze bringing in the fog. Had to move the lettuce and daphne into…
  • Today’s gratitude: Coach Ken and the welcoming, supportive people in the Better Bones and Balance class. Yup, I did it. First Better Bones and Balance class today. Just as I remembered, challenging but do-able with Coach’s encouragement and adaptations to each of our individual needs and abilities. So proud of myself for…
  • Today’s gratitude: Barbie and all the wise, compassionate, funny gals on this thread. Thank you Barbie, just the fresh start I need. Will go back later and catch up reading. Water system woes continue, wiring for new pump in cistern needs changing, cistern itself is very very low. No showers or laundry for us! Using…
  • Likewise add water is blank. Manually typing in a number does not work. Windows laptop using Firefox.
  • Since I can’t do laundry, or take a shower, spent some time catching up ;) Rebecca could you record some of your songs on your phone and share? Allie Yikes indeed! Amazed you were able to keep from whoopsing on the carpet. Fingers X’d your doc can give you some relief. Carol “…I spend too much time playing games on the PC…
  • Today’s gratitude: our neighbor the water guy came yesterday. Only through pg 30. KJ right there with ya on not being MIA from the group for more than a couple of days. I am in awe of your attitude toward the toddlers, and your DH’s baby whispering. 8 under 2 yrs and 4 more toddlers? Aieee! I’d be with Lisa “laid out flat…
  • Tracey you were on my heart when I woke this morning. Can you help me understand the 30 hr/wk limit? Does it relieve the county of the responsibility to pay overtime or benefits? What hours would you work? Would it be possible to work part time for a local bookkeeping outfit to supplement income? It grieves me to think of…
  • Popping in again for a few. Very belated welcome @Babytessie01 ! Please let us know what you’d like to be called and your general locale. Kim thank you for Prayers and thoughts for Debbie’s Mom, your friends, and all affected both residents and responders. Allie what did the ER say about your fainting and…