

  • Hi Bri, I just looked at the video on youtube, it seems madly intense - are you managing ok with it? I do the 30 day shred but want to focus on abs...
  • You look amazing! Well done!
  • I thought level 2 was more intensive?
  • I log everything because I am interested in maintaining nutrition levels too; herbs have nutritional value for example, and over-seasoning can send your sodium levels through the roof and cause bloating. I
  • I like it because it goes very quickly and it relatively easy to do. I did it first a few years ago and found it difficult, but I started again recently and this time enjoyed it to an extent. I had been mixing up a bunch of different exercises, mostly aerobic and some crunches, but this workout will burn the same if not…
  • thanks, that's what I have been putting in!
  • I'm starting this tomorrow (again!) . I got to day 9 a few years ago then promptly abandoned it. I have been doing some basic aerobic training lately and I am wondering if this 30 day shred makes one muscular. Any tips from the other side?! I don't fancy being to 'built' looking.
  • Thanks, I will adjust accordingly. I don't understand why MFP suggested I stick to 1200...
  • 2lb a week, but I acutually just changed that to 1lb. I also read on another forum that a good way to calculate your calorie goal is to multiply your BMR by .2 then subtracting that from your BMR. Any advice on that?
  • I think there may be some issue with the MFP app. I have put in several variations and it still tells me to put 1200 as my net calorie goal. I have put it up to 1400 as a result of the advice in this thread.
  • Thanks for the information. I'll take a lot of the advice here and up my calorie intake (which I have no problem with!). My BMR is lower than that so not sure how one applies to the other. (Should the net calorie goal be the same as BMR?) In any case, I'll reset my app to 1300 or 1400. Thanks all!
  • 1200 is what I am netting. I can go up to 1600 gross sometimes or thereabouts. I do eat back if I have calories to 'spare'.
  • But I am eating three meals a day and snacks - not going mad in the gym either. My TDEE was 2100, my fitnesspal app said 1200 for daily calorie intake. I am by no means starving myself. I guess it is possible that the calculator (online) was wrong.
  • Foleyshirley, I follow the app pretty strictly - I filled out what I wanted to lose and what my exercise goals were. So usually at the end of the day, food and exercise submitted, I am back at 0 or somewhere around there. If I have a long workout with extra burn, then I will have a an extra snack. I think I am doing it…
  • Ok thank you. I am aiming to lose about 10 lbs so you are probably right.
  • Ok, thanks. I am eating three normal meals though and only working out for about 30 minutes a day. Maybe the calculator was wrong. It said 2100 was my expenditure. I hope I am not doing it incorrectly yet again.
  • Thanks for that Ladyraven! I found a TDEE calculator and have discovered that I am about 40 - 50% under my expenditure, so it's all good! : )
  • I can't imagine bringing my daily calorie intake to 600 calories. Maybe 1,000 but when I do that the app tells me I am getting too few etc.
  • Thanks! : ) I was just reading that link that was posted above, and one more question! How relevant is that Body Fat indicator? It says on some websites that between 20 and 25 percent body fat is considered 'fit' but I feel that I need to knock off some of it. What does anyone consider a healthy body fat percentage, or…
  • Thank you for the answers everyone. Now apologies if I sound silly, but if by the case that the body burns 1200 at rest position, does that mean that anything extra burned in my case is the starting weight loss number? I.e. if I burn 300 to 400 calories a day while keeping under my 1200 consumption goal, then I am on track…