

  • I started yesterday. I've never (ever, ever) been a runner or jogger; I've always worked out doing other things so this is going to be a big test. I read someone downloaded an that a C25k app? Are there more than one...if so, which is the best? Thanks!
  • I don't know if this will help, but after starting and stopping this diet/exercise thing so many times, it finally occurred to me that every time I gave up working out or gave in to tempting foods, I was voiding out all the times I chose wisely and stuck to the plan. You know how mad that makes me to think I did weeks…
  • awesome, thanks for the recipe, I had been planning on making a pork tenderloin tonight.
  • Thanks ladies, it's good to know I'm not the only one grappling with this! I actually like working out in the evenings, but it's usually the first thing to go if there's a change in the family schedule (kids need to be picked up, hubby working late, etc.). Maybe it's a mental block about getting up early and, quite…
  • I'm in the 5th week of P90X...started with Lean, switched to Classic. Am having trouble getting all those calories in! I love the intensity of the workouts, am definitely getting stronger and am waiting until I finish 60 days to expect any visible results (i've had a little but nothing earthshattering). Good luck with…
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