P90X Working Mom Version

shamrock3am Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So, any working moms out there bravely attempting the near impossible task of adding P90X to their already-overflowing schedules? I love the commercial that says an hour a day. As if. Tack on time to set up the DVD, mat and weights, get water and a towel, and put up the dreaded chin up bar. And then there's all the minutes wasted hitting the pause button to catch your breath, answer a homework question, stir the spaghetti sauce (yes, I literally made dinner while doing legs and back last night), and break up quarrels between siblings.

Ahhhh, I feel better now, thanks for letting me vent. If you're in the same boat, how do you juggle it all? My hubby has a simple solution: get up before the kids in the morning and work out then. Hahahahahahha. No way.


  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    i agree with ur hubby ~ sorry but I've been doing my workouts at 5am and I love it. gives u energy and ur day feels a lot longer cuz when u get home from work u don't even have to think about working out :) u can have the rest of the evening to ur family or urself.
  • katejones79
    katejones79 Posts: 28 Member
    It is nice to know that I am not the only one in this boat!!!
    I am almost done with my 5th week of P90x, I am happy with the results...but an hour a day is a joke. I think I have to plan for about 1.5 hours. I have three kids 6,4 and my youngest just turned 1 this week. They have all had the flu, including my husband. Last night I did legs & back (with ab ripper) by the time I got everyone in bed and asleep it was 9:30. Then my Bro-in-Law stopped by... when I finished my workout it was past 11pm, so I just walked upstairs and went to bed!
    Usually I so my work out at 8, as soon as I put my girls to bed. It just seems like there is always one more thing to do, someone needs a drink etc etc etc!!! Plus that means I never get to snuggle on the couch in the evenings with my husband... I just keep telling myself this doesn't last forever, I will be done before Christmas and I'm going to look amazing..
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I'm a 5am workout person. I'm alternating between P90X and ChaLean Extreme...just depends on how long I feel like working out that morning. I NEVER get interruped during my workouts, and then when I get home at night, it's all about family time. It is hard getting up some mornings, but it feels so good to get it done and out of the way. If you make a habit of getting to bed at night at the same time, it makes it much easier to wake up early. I usually will put my kids to bed no later than 8pm and then from 8 until 9 or 9:30 I do all the stuff I need to get done around the house.

    Give it a try, you might like the peace and quiet and time to focus on just your workout!
  • Thanks ladies, it's good to know I'm not the only one grappling with this! I actually like working out in the evenings, but it's usually the first thing to go if there's a change in the family schedule (kids need to be picked up, hubby working late, etc.).

    Maybe it's a mental block about getting up early and, quite honestly, maybe I'm just not trying hard enough to break through it. I'm on week 7 and am finding myself reverting back to excuses for everything...weird, because nothing could stop me through the first 5 weeks! Now I'm getting bored, dreading certain days, and allowing myself to get distracted.

    Thanks for sharing your success with AM workouts. I think cooking while strength training last night sent me over the edge and has me rethinking my routine, so your messages were encouraging!
  • katejones79
    katejones79 Posts: 28 Member
    I struggle with the 5am thing... I have no desire to every get up that early for anything!!! I do enjoy evening workouts when the day goes as planned (and everyone is in bed at 8). I am a night owl, and feel punished if i have to go to bed before 11 :)
    Thanks also for the encouragement... here's to not giving up, even after the bad days!!!
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