

  • This is good to know. im generally oily skinned. i wash it after swimming, but do not moisturize. Maybe i need to look into that. thanks!
  • i have this in the pool. course, i cant use a tissue, but i have to grab at my nose and keep it from never is though. really weird,.
  • bile salts. hmmm. i wasnt sure what kind to get, but i also had my gall bladder out and that might help me. i have always had problems with my stomach and digestion, so something like this might help me.
  • I have eatern the cereal. dont remember what kind, but it was the Kashi Cherrios version. they taste so darned good. i ate 2 bowls. be forwarned, they are full of fiber. i spent alot of time on the toilet that day. but it tasted so good
  • we have one of those. they have to move her around alot so new people get annoyed by her. its wonderful.
  • Today before i went swimming, i had a spoonful of reduced fat peanut butter and a sip of gatorade. i did not get dizzy, so thats a good thing!
  • i am eating, just after i work out because i dont want to cramp up in the pool. but i will check with the dr if this happens again tomorrow. thanks!
  • Thanks guys. This is what i was looking for. I also swim during the week for my regular exercise. The hand weights are just something extra. I like the wall push up idea. I'm going to check that out too. Thanks.