tracer888 Member


  • Much of it is probably the mass of what you ate, there can be 5 lbs stuck in the intestines alone for instance. You probably won't absorb most of that long term if you're back to normal (as in deficit) going forward. Eat a bunch of fiber with the water and see how it goes :smiley:
  • Change takes time, keep up on it. Many things take a long time to become habit.... 30 days is only a beginning to a healthy eating lifestyle. As you've included exercise in your routine, that alone takes at least 30 days to become "habit". Track your food in MFP (exercise as well) That will give you an honest look at your…
  • Don't forget to measure as well as weigh. There will be periods as your body readjusts that you don't lose weight but you do lose inches. I would suggest measuring biceps, chest, belly, upper leg/thigh. If you're seeing improvements in the measurements and the weight is being stubborn just keep on the same track. If you…