Breaking through Plateaus

I am looking for advice and tips for breaking through plateaus. I have about 30 lbs to lose and I seem to be able to lose the first 10-12 within the first 3 months and then I plateau for a while and finally give up and gain that weight back. I have done this 3 times over the past 3 years. I am really committed to losing every one of those 30 lbs this time, but I fear that I'll hit the dreaded plateau in 12 weeks. I have tried mixing up what I'm eating, how I'm exercising, etc. but it gets so frustrating when you can see a calorie deficit week after week without any change in weight or measurements. Anyone out there been through this and come out the other side?? Thanks so much.


  • chelseloveschris
    I'm stuck too so I'm trying to up my water. I'm adding mint to aid digestion.
  • ladymissdana
    ladymissdana Posts: 8 Member
    I have the exact same struggle. I workout diligently, I track all my food intake and yet for the past two months nothing. And I seem to hit it at the same point you did after the first 20lbs. I have been doing a lot of research about it and there is so much advice, some crazy, some seems rational, but no one single answer. Many people say persistence, just keep working out, keep eating well. Be aware that as you get fitter your body needs less fuel and uses less energy to do the same exercise so they say to vary workouts, try new things that are hard for your body again. I'll post again if I figure out the secret. This week I am going to add more running and am going to vary my eating by having small snack like meals more frequently throughout the day to see if that breaks me out of this plateau. I can totally empathize with you though. Hang in there! Try not to give up and I won't either.
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    Eat more at least 1500kcal
    Do less cardio(other than walking), if you are working out constantly and on a huge deficit you are making the hormones in your body hold onto fat/water.
    Eat more protein & start lifting.
    Are you getting enough electrolytes?(magnesium,potassium and sodium)
    Get more sleep
    Eat more fat(good fats)
    Get a good quality
    Go get your thyroid/metabolism checked if it's a serious issue.
    I am looking for advice and tips for breaking through plateaus. I have about 30 lbs to lose and I seem to be able to lose the first 10-12 within the first 3 months and then I plateau for a while and finally give up and gain that weight back. I have done this 3 times over the past 3 years. I am really committed to losing every one of those 30 lbs this time, but I fear that I'll hit the dreaded plateau in 12 weeks. I have tried mixing up what I'm eating, how I'm exercising, etc. but it gets so frustrating when you can see a calorie deficit week after week without any change in weight or measurements. Anyone out there been through this and come out the other side?? Thanks so much.

    Plateaus are do to homeostasis, meaning the calories you consume is the same you're burning. Simple solution, Eat lass.
    It's not that simple, people platue eating 800 calories.I used to eat 600 calories and run 45 minutes for a month straight, no weight loss :P
  • jmmurray203
    jmmurray203 Posts: 13 Member
    Make sure to keep adjusting your calories for weight lost. Base your calories upon your current weight, not your goal weight. If you are 250 pounds you don't need to eat calories for a 190 pound person to get to that weight.

    To estimate your target calories and macronutrients I would use the following link. There are other calculators, but this one has been my favorite and given me the best results.

    You want to consistently eat around 500 calories below your TDEE.
  • anglergirl3
    anglergirl3 Posts: 113 Member

    You want to consistently eat around 500 calories below your TDEE.

  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    What is your current activity level? What type of cardio routine do you do?
  • FlowerFairy493
    I had two plateaus during my weight loss journey. One I broke with GAINING a pound and then losing again. The other one I broke with calorie cycling. :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Plateau is synonymous with eating at maintenance. You are most likely underestimating food and overestimating calorie burns.
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    I have read that it can take 6 weeks to break through a plateau... Be patient... Adjust your numbers as suggested here... Don't give up... I got stuck at 30... And almost 6 weeks later scale started moving again...
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    pulling from stored knowledge back in my mind, I read research that said most peope plateau after losing 10 percent of their body weight. So..if you weigh 200 pounds…you'd plateau after lositng about 20.

    I don't know if that's the case…

    I think the article said you have to wait for your body to "reset" and then the weight loss starts again..but it can take a while.

    you could lose that 20 and go to maintence to maintain that loss for a few months..(better than gaining it back) then start dieting from that point… i bet that would work.
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    I had the same problem. I started working out harder, hiking with weights in my backpack, and drinking a lot more water. Also, started weighing my food. Also, I didn't give up. I figured this is part of the deal. I got on the scale yesterday, something I don't do often, and lost 3 pounds, finally! You can do it, don't stop now, work through it, you'll be glad you did! Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • tracer888
    tracer888 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't forget to measure as well as weigh. There will be periods as your body readjusts that you don't lose weight but you do lose inches.

    I would suggest measuring biceps, chest, belly, upper leg/thigh.

    If you're seeing improvements in the measurements and the weight is being stubborn just keep on the same track.

    If you completely stall take a close look at your MFP food diary, there are probably hidden calories in what you've slipped into eating that are holding you back.
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    Eat more at least 1500kcal
    Do less cardio(other than walking), if you are working out constantly and on a huge deficit you are making the hormones in your body hold onto fat/water.
    Eat more protein & start lifting.
    Are you getting enough electrolytes?(magnesium,potassium and sodium)
    Get more sleep
    Eat more fat(good fats)
    Get a good quality
    Go get your thyroid/metabolism checked if it's a serious issue.
    I am looking for advice and tips for breaking through plateaus. I have about 30 lbs to lose and I seem to be able to lose the first 10-12 within the first 3 months and then I plateau for a while and finally give up and gain that weight back. I have done this 3 times over the past 3 years. I am really committed to losing every one of those 30 lbs this time, but I fear that I'll hit the dreaded plateau in 12 weeks. I have tried mixing up what I'm eating, how I'm exercising, etc. but it gets so frustrating when you can see a calorie deficit week after week without any change in weight or measurements. Anyone out there been through this and come out the other side?? Thanks so much.

    Plateaus are do to homeostasis, meaning the calories you consume is the same you're burning. Simple solution, Eat lass.
    It's not that simple, people platue eating 800 calories.I used to eat 600 calories and run 45 minutes for a month straight, no weight loss :P

    Bet you a million to one if you fasted all day you'd lose weight. It's still about calories. This woman is in a maintenance phase. Weight loss protocols don't apply to her. She's not trying to lose weight. SHe's eating a good amount of calories. If she said she was eating 1000 or less, then I'd say something different. In her case, it's about eating less or more to maintain her weight. SHe needs to find her balance.
    I fasted for 3 days, actually fasting is what made me realize I was sick and tired off destroying my body for the sake of weight loss. Eating low/no calories ruined my body, it wasn't until I started eating that i started loosing weight. It was rapid, i.e I lost 50lbs in 2 months.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You have to adjust your calorie intake and/or activity level as you lose weight, or you will plateau.