So depressed ... need help :(

i have been stuck around eating healthy for one month and back to my old habbits again since last year ... i lost 25 pounds before but i didn't lose any pound after that ... i started eating clean and exercising 2 weeks ago and i didn't lose any pound and didn't realise any difference ... i went today to buy new clothes and didn't find ANY THING THAT FITS ME ... i am so depressed i just want to see results to know whether what am doing worth it or not ...


  • Knikels
    Knikels Posts: 5 Member
    The best advice I can give is to remain persistent( even know that's easier said than done.) It took me about 5 months into my fitness journey to even see decent results.( With thyroid issues and all that.) Also make sure you're getting enough calories and if you get bored change it up a little! Fitness no matter how hard or long it takes is ALWAYS worth doing! Good luck!
  • tracer888
    tracer888 Posts: 4 Member
    Change takes time, keep up on it. Many things take a long time to become habit.... 30 days is only a beginning to a healthy eating lifestyle. As you've included exercise in your routine, that alone takes at least 30 days to become "habit". Track your food in MFP (exercise as well) That will give you an honest look at your calories in and the added value of the exercise.

    Good luck!
  • biba_luly
    biba_luly Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all , i appreciate your replies :)
  • lhatchaa
    Use interval training! I totally feel you though its disheartening but you youre beautiful! also use heavier weights i have been using them for a month and see a difference