MetalTes Member


  • That's awesome!! So happy for you! Do you feel like it's hard to do, like…are you feeling deprived or anything? Or do you think you're going to be able to keep it up long term?
  • Awesome!! I hope you like it! I'd love to hear how it turns out! :)
  • haha…clean cheese... :D I haven't tried it without the yolks, but I love to make pancakes out of mashed banana, egg, and protein powder. Sometimes I throw in a little flax meal or some blueberries too…yum!
  • I made a shepherd's pie that came out really good and healthy, I have to sneak vegetables into food for my boyfriend's parents, so I put onions, carrots, and celery in the ninja and pulsed it until it's minced, then mix it with ground beef and brown it all together, add enough crushed tomato to make it saucy and any spices…
  • I've actually been doing better than it looks here, haven't really been tracking any workouts other than my morning yoga, as I'm not really doing many structured workouts, just doing a lot of work around the house, which is plenty of exercise! We pretty much know what to eat & how much of it, so I don't track that anymore…
  • This is pretty much my mindset at the moment as well, I have just had so much going on! I'm trying to get back on track now though, starting with a trip to the farmer's market in the morning….I've missed my farm fresh veggies!!
  • Me too, I'm at about 1200. I've read the same, that we should be eating a ton more on lifting days, so I just make sure any cheat days land on lifting days and that takes care of that! LOL! Seriously, for example, if I know we're going over to the in-laws' on thursday, I'll move my friday lifting to thursday that week,…
  • We don't follow any strict plan or rules, just a few basic guidelines such as not too many grains or carbs, try not to eat too late at night, and eat as much local organic foods as we can. Everything in moderation. We eat a lot of vegetables, and most of our snack foods I make myself so we can have guilt-free treats. We're…
  • I've lifted on & off, and just started up again also, but I don't think I know enough to be giving proper advice. I have learned a TON over at the Nerd Fitness forums though, you might want to check it out. You can join, and ask questions there, everyone is quite friendly and helpful. You can also just use the search and…
  • Oh this is a good idea! Right now I only work out at home so I just wear whatever ratty old thing I grab first! I might start a class or two in the fall though so some more presentable options are probably a good idea!! *completely unhelpful thread follower* :D
  • I do something like that too. We almost always end up going somewhere on the weekend, so we have all veggie thursdays - could have a big salad for lunch & a stir fry for dinner, fresh veggies & homemade hummus for snacking on, etc - sort of balances out whatever evils we may encounter on the weekend! Also, I try to always…
  • Same here! I read the first page when I first encountered it, but I couldn't stand knowing there was more so I came back today to read the rest…totally worth it!
  • Yup, 43 and still playing too, actually we meet in less than an hour, so if you'll excuse me, I need to go summon my inner orc...
  • I don't really count calories anymore, as I just sort of know how much I can eat from having tracked in the past. I only pay attention to my carbs for the most part, and don't eat too many of those, and when I do eat more of them it's on days that I lift. I don't eat back, just eat a little differently those days.
  • Definitely add my vote to the stir fry, lettuce wraps, fritattas and spaghetti squash, all super yummy! My favorite is meatballs…I love meatballs!! I try to always have some in the freezer, we buy the BIG thing of grass fed beef and I make a whole bunch at a time for freezing. Then just get a roasting pan, throw in some of…
  • I'll start adding people tomorrow, I'm up past my bedtime already!! :D
    in "Rules" Comment by MetalTes June 2014
  • Great idea! That's an excellent video, I might have to alternate now and then! Ha! I usually watch this one to pump me up:
  • Awesome, I think this is the perfect group for me! I'm 5'4", 141 lbs and would like to get down to 125-130-ish. I try not to concern myself TOO much with the scale, as it's more important what the measuring tape around my waist says! Goals: - Rebuild my strength - Fix my weak-*kitten* core muscles! - Lose the spare tire…