sweating_sweet_tea Member


  • NO, I don't really like it either, besides it would be "OUR" money, and anyways my husband works out w/ me and supports the healthy meals I make, that's WAY better than his offering to pay me, It shows me that he truly supports me and im not just a "bet". but to each their own I guess.
  • If you can get it, its worth it, Im on my 4th week of Beta and Ive ordered the extra Gamma workout to do next. Alpha gets your endurance up Beta is where the weight comes off Gamma builds the muscle that's what "they" say anyways, but I am down in both pounds and inches after 8 weeks, I cant wait to see what these last 6…
  • I started my journey in mid August, when my youngest went to school, I have 4 kids (12, 10, 9, almost 6) I couldn't believe when I got to my halfway point which was 29 pounds, when I started it just seemed so impossible, now ive lost 36 pounds and only have 22 left to go, Im doing it on my own, at home, its HARD but Im…
  • I am in my 4th week of the Beta Phase, Im down in inces and lb from starting, I also ordered the Gamma Phase too, and cant wait to start that next month. I don't think its too difficult but I do sweat up a storm, and from Alpha day 1 of using the moderator and it taking 45 minutes to do the 25 minutes because I had to…
  • When I started going to the gym 2 months ago and actually truly STARTING my weightloss journey, I chose not to share with anyone besides my husband, and my BFF who is on her own journey and we motivate each other daily. Last week I finally shared accomplishments on facebook, I felt like I had gotten to a point that I could…
  • when we got ours it was at Dollar General but recently I saw it at Walmart Super Center in their "infomercial aisle"
  • I agree w/ the ball being dangerous at times (we have tile in our living room) So to elevate during those moves, I put my legs up on the couch or ottoman.
  • I have baby carrots and celery w/ "ranch" the ranch seasoning pack mixed w/ cottage cheese, and can eat fresh cucumbers and tomatoes w/ just a lil salt all day long.