kaylarose123 Member


  • i workout everyday at 5 am on an empty stomach.. get up roll out of bed a cup of black coffee with splenda speeds things up as well your body starts burning straight fat...... :) after eat some egg whites on a fiber tortilla with cheese n salsa u will be burning all DAY!
  • Good for you, you realized you had a problem and you dealt with it. I was at 150 pounds got super obsessed with weight gain as well and dropped to 126. But it took about 2 years of hard work dedication and lots of sweat! You look amazing by the way and no one should tell you any different. Just keep doing what your doing.…
  • you really have to be careful though, SO high in SUGAR and CARBOHYDRATES& calories.... Those smoothies trick you because you wouldn't normally eat 3 whole mangos a banana and whatever else is in there in one sitting would you? and even if you did. Wouldn't you rather enjoy actually eating 3 WHOLE mangos and a banana?
  • 2TBLspoonsFat free cool whip with strawberries, blackberries and blueberries. Calorie total: 60 calories
  • I work at a mexican food place and i will get a bowl of FRIJOL-LA beans (150 cal, 15CARBS, 10Gfiber, 15Gprotein... (no fat, just cooked and broiled)... and 2 small Corn tortillas(100) and some jalapenos... maybe some white chicken shredded if I'm really hungry.. its satisfying and it FILLS YOU RIGHT UP!
  • i have a question, i exercise prob about 800-1,000 calories a day... I take in about 200-300g of carbs a day! i know A LOT right! I was wondering what you guys take in a day because i'm trying to get into ketosis.. Thats about 40-100g a day... Is it possible?!??!
  • instead of eating 3 meals a day, eat every two hours(something small 100 cal snack)... that way you trick your metabolism into burning a LOT faster b/c it knows more food will be coming in... Also! With working out, If you workout 3-4x a day it all depends on how much calories you are burning... So try keeping track of…
  • pumpkin pie CHEESECAKE! yummmay!! A low-fat, low-carb dessert or snack that is a good source of protein and vitamin A. Serve with a tablespoon of whipped topping, and a sprinkle of graham cracker crumbs. (From ediets.com) Ingredients 16 oz fat-free cream cheese, softened 1/16 cup sugar (use 1/2 cup Splenda) 1/2 tsp.…