jeannine1125 Member


  • Hi...I feel your pain...but perhaps it's because you are busy replacing fat with muscle.... I'm at the end of my first month and for 3 weeks I only lost a 1 week 4 ...all of a sudden I dropped 3 4 Total!! I was getting frustrated too...but by the end of week 3, my jeans were feeling more…
  • Ok... so I have been walking on my treadmill 5 out of 7 days ( 40 minutes 3.5 -3.8 mph ) and 1 night of hot yoga for 2 weeks now...only lost 1 lb.... so I am looking for something else.... should I go out and buy this dvd?? I just tried her yoga melt down and SHRED weights 1 on exercise TV.... I liked them both ALOT... and…
  • Just did that workout as a trial on exercise TV...I do Hot yoga 1x per week and just love it... I was familiar with most of the moves and found it just challenging enough to keep me interested... I was sweating and "felt the moves" which is what you want!!! I found on line that someone said it burned 215 I…
  • thanks I was thinking about that and pulled the tape measure out to measure my hips, waist... When should I begin to see the wight shift though,...? I had my foot surgery in May and had no weight bearing until mid July....It took a long time to be able to walk for any length of time... I have been consistently adding…