

  • 800km or so north of Winnipeg here! Previously from the GTA and hopefully soon to be in Saskatchewan.
  • I have the 2012 - Baby Blanket Bonanza going on at the moment. 9 baby blankets, 3 "boy" colours, 3 "girl" colours, and three "anything-goes" colours. I finished one blue and white in Bernet Pipsqueak and one pink and orange ombre in Bernat Baby Blanket. I'm working on a white/yellow/green ombre in an unknown yarn. It's…
  • The fact that Firefly and Dollhouse were both cancelled far before their time. Terrible tragedy.
  • I find I'm the opposite! I'm a compulsive baker, whenever I'm sad or angry I bust out the MixMaster and start making cookies, cupcakes, brownies, whatever I can whip up with what's lying around the house. By the time I'm done making and baking, I don't even want to look at the finished product. It's my fiance who has the…
  • Kashi Cinnamon Crisp. 200 calories for 1 cup of cereal, 255 if you have it with a 1/2 cup of 1% milk. It has 9g of fiber, 10g of protein, and I really like the taste. It's like a grown up and healthy cinnamon toast crunch.
  • Captain Malcolm Reynolds: [over PA microphone] This is the captain. We're having a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode. -Serenity Teddy: This is my age! I'm in the prime of my youth, and I'll only be young once! Chris: Yeah, but you're gonna be stupid for…
  • My grandfather was the first person I met to eat kiwi skin and all. I would peel it with a vegetable peeler and then slice the fruit. Now that I've read that there are good things in the skin, I'll probably start eating it too.
  • Wow, what a difference 11 pounds makes. Day 30 - Day 60 were an incredible transformation. Congrats!
  • I'm 26 (almost 27). 5'0 (and a whole half inch) SW: 160 (Aug 2012) CW: 153.6 GW: 125 (ish)
  • Go ahead and fake whatever tests you want, you WILL fail the psych eval, and rightly so. Also, if you have insurance, you should hope that they don't find posts like these, which would go a long way in proving insurance fraud. Not necessarily for the WLS, but if you successfully convince then that you have sleep apnea when…
  • My parents feel the same way as your cousin. I have two tattoos that are easily covered (I wanted it that way, as a teacher). I like tattoos, but the gauge earrings make me feel kind of queasy. I don't find them attractive, and I'll admit I get a little judge-y when I see them on someone.
  • You may also want a 10. I was using the 10 by the second week, maybe even a 15 for a couple exercises. If you don't want the extra weights, do extra reps. Also, the push up bars really help.
  • I completely understand. I moved 3000 km away from my all of the people I know to a remote northern community and I've struggled with depression more than ever since the move. Pushing yourself to exercise is hard, so don't until you feel better. I have lots of hobbies and a cat. I knit, crochet, make jewelry, cross stitch,…
  • baby carrots and a cheese string a granny smith apple (or celery sticks) with natural peanut butter whole wheat triscuit with a cheese string, or salsa
  • If it doesn't work out, you can use the almond milk in most baking. I used it to make bread for a vegan once, it tasted pretty good for no traditional milk, eggs or butter.
  • Do you hate all milk, or just cow milk? Almond milk has calcium comparable (or maybe more than) cow milk. I don't like white milk, but I do like chocolate milk. So I add some sugar-free nestle syrup to my 1%. I used to hate milk until I switched from 2% to 1%, and it made a world of difference. Play with it a little, maybe…
  • I'm a silly person who sees strange coincidences. I noticed on the first picture you have three fingers up (300 lbs) and in the second you have two thumbs up (200 lbs). ... I'll see myself out, but before I go, congrats, you look great!
  • Hi, I'm Courtney and I'm a lover of all things Whedon, with a huge soft-spot for Nathan Fillion. I live in northern Manitoba, originally from outside Toronto. Nice to meet you all!
  • I have an over-the-head style. I can tell you now, post workout with jello arms and rivers of boob sweat... this baby is not coming off without help.
  • Hi Christy! I'm 26, currently 5'0 and 160 lbs. I'm looking to lose 40lbs and get to 120 which was my healthy college weight. I'm doing a combination of the Abs diet and P90X and starting today. If you're interested in a shoulder-height buddy, let me know!