I haven't been having any problems with syncing until today. My calorie adjustment from Fitbit to mfp was right yesterday when I went to bed, and has been syncing and working just fine today. However I just went back in my mfp diary to yesterday and now the Fitbit adjustment isn't on there, so it says I went way over…
There doesn't seem to be spike in calories so I guess I'll pay attention to the differences in steps taken on days I work and steps taken on days off and adjust my target number from there.
Thanks everyone. I've been doing good so far. Went for a 30 min jog instead of eating everything in sight. I'm goin to hop on the treadmill every time I feel like I can't stop myself from eating. Soon I'll be to tired to think about over eating. Lol Still prolly not the healthiest choice, but it's gotta be better in the…
Sorry about how emo that sounds. I'm a bit numb and lost right now...
Gross! But yay! But gross! Also, you are always loose, not just on thanksgiving!
Here, have another. I'm just starting to get into running (not quite there yet, still jogging) and you my dear are an inspiration.
Cool idea.
You, my friend, are a true bad *kitten*.
That's great! I'm so happy for you and your family.
Thanks everyone!
Don't sell yourself short, that's a huge accomplishment! You're doing awesome, keep it up!
When nearly everyone on mfp belong to this group just so they can act however they want to, like adults, without being censored, do you think they may lighten up on the rules a bit? I know, dumb question. By the way, I'm in.
I had corn rows in high school for about 6 months. I got them done in Mexico while on a mission trip. While I didn't like them enough to keep them up, I didn't regret it. I'm all for experimenting with hair!
My point exactly.
Hell yes.
December 21st is simply the start of a new baktun (era) for Mayans. It's a cause for celebration, not fear. Their calendar would have simply rolled over to the beginning.
The good news: my dad is comming to see me tomorrow. We've never been that close, him going out of his way to see me is a huge deal. The bad news: they made tiramisu at work today. I couldn't stop myself.
Man, I get 23 PTO (paid time off) days a year and that's considered a lot where I live. The US in general isn't very good about vacation time. My vote is the 15 weeks holiday, for sure. Unless you are going to starve.
This also bothers me, but an unprovoked offensive attack supported by conjecture? You may be a teacher OP, however you are not their teacher.
That is not at all true. My mom was quite literally named after her father's favorite stripper (I don't know what you're talking about, my family isn't trashy at all!). Her first name is the strippers first and LAST name together. Interesting way to get named, but it's actually a pretty cool, unique name.
I've worked graveyard for 8 years. The trick really is to have a schedule and stick to it. Set yourself a bedtime and follow it. For me it works best to stay awake in the morning and sleep in the afternoon. I work 11pm to 7am and sleep from 1pm to 9pm. If I sleep in the morning and wake upon the afternoon then I'm way too…
The street you currently live on? Then mine would be Renee West Rhine River. Lol, no.
Using the classic first pets name and the street I grew up on route I would be Dippy South Fork. Don't think that's gunna work. I think my real name would work quite well: Lacey Huff. It's a lingerie (albeit spelled differently) and a drug reference. Sounds about right for a stripper.
Today is my 100th straight day logging into mfp and faithfully logging my slightly less fat heart out. Still got a long way to go, but I'm going strong.
Yay! That's awesome!
Britons say "I seen" too? I truly don't mean to be a d*ck, but I fear for the English language.
I haven't worn makeup in probably a decade, and then I only wore it 3 times a year or so. But then again, I generally only loosely fit into the category of "ladies."
A bottle of sriracha. Nice.
1. Hazel 2. Fall 3. Christmas 4. Handcuffed in the back of a cop car, yes. Charged with anything or been incarcerated, no. 5. One of my cats and an Xbox controller. 6. Neither, at all. If I had to choose I guess I'd say when. That seems slightly better then being afraid of something for the rest of your life. Plus, then…
Oh man, Cherapalooza just took place in my brain.