If I could turn back time...



  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I would go back to about 15 or 16 to not sneak my older sisters cigs. I would tell me its not worth it and you would save so much money just by not doing it and quitting is a challenge I am doing now.

    I would go back to my 16 yr old self and tell her not to quit soccer. It would have kept me in shape all these yrs and I would probaly weigh alot less than I do now.

    I would tell my 18 yr old self to not marry the first guy I "loved" he would cheat on me and take me for granted, But in a way that made me who I am today so I would prob not waste too much time on him.

    I would tell myself to go find Christopher early. He is one true guy and I would fall madley in love with him.

    I would tell my younger self to start watching what I ate and not finish a bag of chips or a box of cookies and to finish off the fruits and veggies instead because when your 24 you will face the challenge of trying to get that weight off.

    I would go back to 1999 and tell my grandfather I loved him one more time and go back a few yrs ago and call my friend Corey so when he came back to town he would have been with me instead of someone running him over and taking his life. I miss him so much.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I would go back 22 years and started couples counseling when my husband and I were first living together. I think we wasted a lot of years not being good to each other. I would still marry him all over again, but it would have been nice to skip some of the really hard parts, which could have happened had we known how to communicate with each other effectively.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    August 2003. I'd make sure I avoided ever talking to the guy who took advantage of my friendship and my love, manipulated me, verbally abused me, and turned my friends on me. I hopefully would have avoided clinical depression, eating disorders, unhealthy relationships, staying in dying relationships because of not wanting to hurt someone like I'd been hurt, fear of not being loved or accepted... It's amazing how badly one person can screw you up if you let them.
  • sicoe17
    sicoe17 Posts: 120 Member
    Oh man, Cherapalooza just took place in my brain.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I would spend more time on the floor playing with my kids, and less time cleaning it.
    I'd quit believing love conquers all a whole lot sooner.
    I'd skip my Master's program and go to Law School instead.
    I'd go to my mom's house and demand she see a doctor when I suspected she was ill (I didn't, so she didn't, and she died in 2008).
    I'd delete toxic persons from my life a whole lot sooner.
    I'd refuse to listen to the voice that told me for years that I wasn't good enough, that what others do to me is all my fault, and that it's my responsibility to make everything okay for everyone else.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I would start my life again, I have made so many mistakes in my childhood and early teenagehood that make my life a lot harder than it should be now ..
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    None. Good or bad it's all shaped me and who I am today.

    And I am a good person today, with a good life.