Mini_Medic Member


  • My mom had a double lung transplant in 2010 through Duke Hospital. They saved her life. She lived 7 more years post transplant. The evals want to see that you are a good candidate medically and also if you are willing to get as physically fit and healthy and possible before surgery. Because the work you put in before will…
  • Calories are what matters. Time of day doesn’t factor in weight loss. The timing is significant in that it helps some people regulate their hunger hormones and get control of their eating behaviors and patterns. I naturally do what you are talking about. I only eat 1 or 2 meals a day between 12-8pm. If it’s once, I eat all…
  • I totally get the fear of creeping out of maintenance range. I also let that happen before and am super strict to ensure I’m not gaining again. However with that said, I would track your cycle if you don’t and make sure your range includes your cycle/TOM or make sure you are tracking your weight at the same time of the…
  • I think what your wife is referring to is that during transitional periods of losing weight the fat cells themselves go from being firm and filled to soft and squishy. This often makes the skin look “worse” temporarily, despite the fat going away and obviously the body getting smaller and more compact. Anecdotal of course…
  • Don’t be so hard on yourself for a bit of loose skin, it’s not as noticeable as you think. You did an amazing job and you look (and I’m sure feel) fantastic! Proof that it can be done, no matter the circumstances. Seriously you are inspirational.
  • You get more bang for your buck eating “clean” aka most generally recognized as unprocessed, whole foods with little or no added sugars, such as fruits, vegetables, meats and grains. More bang meaning if you ate 1,000 calories worth of Twinkie’s (6.5 Twinkie’s to be exact) or 1,000 calories of broccoli and steak (that…
  • Look out for the little things that can add up and put you out of your deficit and into maintenance. Things like water flavoring, liquid calories from absentmindedly drinking more than anticipated or forgetting drinks, ketchup, dressings, sauces and dips. Best guess from experience. At one point on my diet I was aiming for…
  • I used to do 24 hour fasts twice a week. It worked for me. Initially the scale would drop 2-3 lbs after each fast. Obviously we know that is a water dump and waste from my GI tract but after consistently doing 24 hr fasts twice a week for a couple months I was steady losing 2 lbs a week. Actual lbs that were not water.…
    in Fasting Comment by Mini_Medic June 2018
  • Set backs happen, no one is immune or perfect. But, do not throw in the towel just because you ate a meal 3 times the size you should’ve had or you go crazy on a tub of ice cream, (insert your guilty pleasure here). Get right back on track as soon as that meal is over! Never the next day, right after that one bad meal.…
  • Three times. First time lost 40 at age 21. Second time I was 24 and lost 50. Now I’m 27 and in the process of taking off 25, down 5 so far. Thankfully I caught myself at only 25 this time. It has previously been so much worse. I’m not sure why maintaining is so much harder than losing. I need to find a way to keep myself…
  • I live in SC and I believe a lot of it is exposure. If you grow up and see your entire family eating lots and lots of fried chicken and huge bowls of cobbler and tons of sweet tea then you will probably follow suit until you either are old enough to know what overweight/fat means or realize the portions everyone eats are…
  • Both will burn calories, which if you are in a deficit will cause weight loss. It's all about the heart rate zone for those parameters. Fat burn zone is a lower percentage of your maximum heart rate. Cardio is a much higher percentage. The fat burn zone is what people used to think was optimal for losing weight due to it…
  • I would try eating more frequently even if you don't want to eat or you aren't necessarily hungry right then. It's likely a blood sugar regulation issue and eating more frequently will help balance it so you don't bottom out or overeat to compensate.
  • Not that this helps, but I have noticed at one of my doctors I'm 5lbs heavier than at home, at the other I'm 10lbs heavier. Granted I have clothing and shoes on at the time of weighing versus nude at home but I go based on my home scale for ease of consistency. I also think I have a lot more food and waste in my system at…
  • I get hungrier after I eat breakfast. So I don't eat breakfast. I am not even hungry until noon or 2 anyway but if have breakfast I always go over my calories because the hunger kicks in. If I only have 1200-1500 calories to play with it's much more filling for me personally to eat one or two meals of 600 or 700 calories…
  • I was in the exact same position as you! I'm also 5'3 and I went from 175 to 125. It took me the second time losing all the weight for it to stick. The first time I didn't change my habits and I stopped exercising. This time I have been able to successfully maintain. I have continued exercising, and I go on a weekly goal…
  • I think you'd have to specify that the same two women started and ended with the same body fat percentage. Because in doing so if woman A maintained just a random 30% body fat, and woman B went from 30% down to 25% then back up to 30% at the end then yes they'd be the same health wise because they both ended up at the same…
  • If you draw a vertical line down your face at the nose you will see two different sides and most people are not symmetrical even with their eyes (shape, level, size). If we did have perfectly symmetrical faces we would look too fake and off in my opinion. My right foot is bigger so I always try on shoes on my right side.…
  • Yes sometimes they will intentionally leave wounds open now, (or if they spontaneously open) to prevent infection. My mother had a huge open abdominal incision to be packed and kept wet for a few months, hers was delayed healing though due to malnourishment and immunosuppressants. Open wounds are freaky but medicine is…
  • This happened to me! I had lost 40 lbs at that time and I am not sure exactly what caused it. I went out for Mexican food. Chips/salsa and a quesadilla I mean nothing crazy or out there. I had eaten homemade Mexican dishes while losing. For some reason the restaurant food made me sick and I think it was just a shock to my…
  • This is delicious, have found it at dollar general! (Do not know where the OP is from). $1 or less for 32oz. Zero calories. The lemon lime tastes like regular sprite, not even diet! This is caffeine free.
  • Great job on recognizing a problem. You can have a good relationship with food and enjoy life and eating again with a little help. I always struggled with moderation. I'm an all or nothing type. So I either all out went for only eating what I deemed healthy and low calorie to create a big deficit or I binge ate whatever I…
  • Hi fellow runners! I am never hungry immediately after a run. It's always the next day for me that the hunger kicks in which makes sense because we recover during rest periods, when we are not exercising or sleeping. I have found I lag badly if I don't fuel pre run. Stubborness gets in the way. This was because I used to…
  • Two approaches: One meal won't kill your progress unless you use it as an excuse to go all out feast style. Just enjoy your one meal in normal portions, maybe pick something healthier if possible based on the menu and get back on track the very next meal, not day, your next meal. That will prevent you from spiraling out of…
  • Inner toddler is PMSing and wants to eat all the things! It's so bad and I'm so ravenous with my empty belly syndrome that I looked sideways at my cat and I thought to myself, wow he looks like a furry cheeseburger.
  • This. I felt like this for so long. 173lbs to 126lbs. I think a lot of it is perception. Before my whole stomach was big, now the fat pad between my belly button and lady bits is more pronounced. It's easy to look at it and feel awful. But I have to remind myself how lean my ribcage looks and how my hipbones have a nice…
  • Here's what has helped me. Tell yourself you can have whatever binge food you are craving tomorrow but not today. This helps me a lot. Because I'm a now or never type. If I'm at a party I used to binge because I knew those specific coveted yum foods will not be available after that day/event. If you can honestly tell…
  • Honestly it may not even have a relation to your workout. Because if you eat 1400 normally but today ate 1700 and burned off 300, your still getting the same net intake as your normal. In face you may have under fueled your workout and that's why your hungry. But my original thought was it's possible that since you ate…
  • Obligatory reminder that there are a lot of threads on here already that you can search for 30 day shred and even several with before and after pics/results. There are also groups that start frequently for accountability that start all the time, I did twice and liked the support and community. I used it twice and…
  • You lost 35 lbs in 3-4 months! (You said you were stuck for the past two months, so I assumed the loss was from Nov to Jan, forgive me if I read that wrong). That is great losses and fantastic progress. Hopefully that is motivation enough to keep going on this journey. The thing is, you've already lost a substantial amount…