

  • Wow! How close is that person to you? They don't sound like the most supportive person in the world... If I was you I would stop listening to them and be a size where YOU feel comfortable - is it possible they were jealous when you were lighter? hence why they said you needed to put on weight? Some people are funny and…
  • I'm in!! I was on target until xmas and then was eating like a woman possesed!! Getting back on track from today and 14lbs is my target!! Good luck all!
  • I'm in and a non mum! We had a dinner party on sat and I posted a topic about being worried about putting on weight as my flatmate was cooking pasta with creamy sauce AND pastry!! Advice was not to worry as just one meal and to enjoy myself, so that I did and the best thing about it was... I lost 1lbs!! I got on the scales…
  • Thanks all - feel much better about it all already - and you are right as long as its only one night it should it shouldn't make a differnce, and hopefully the metabolism will speed up a little!! Good idea about the apple before hand, will do that so I'm not really hungry for dinner! Have lots of housework to do and will…
  • hahaha - love it
  • haha no not weird - I'm just not doing it as it will scare me how many calories are in the food I love... mind you if I do count it might stop me from eating too much! I love peanuts and they are sooo full of calories for such a tiny little thing.. now thats weird! lol
  • This is a fab idea!! My goal is not to laugh at my aunt too much when she tries to play the hula hoop game on the Wii - although its the funniest thing ever!! I'm not going to count calories from xmas eve to boxing day, although will still do my best to eat in moderation - If we are good until then, surley we deserve a…
  • Hi - There is a really good post / blog I read on here about someone only eating 700 - 800 calories a day (although I cant remember the title) and they couldnt loose any weight because they were starving themselves as the body is storing any food it gets as in starvation mode. Apparently 1200 is the minimum you should be…
    in Hi(: Comment by natsjh November 2010
  • Hi - I found it quite hard when I started logging all the food - esspecially when I realised how much I was eating!! However am used to it now, and now i have the app on my phone its so much easier! I actually put on a couple of pounds when I started which I was shocked with and felt so de-motivated as was eating so much…
  • This might sound a little boring... but when I only have a small amount left for dinner I have a grilled or baked piece of meat (lamb steaks are good and only about 120 calories, or grilled chicken with lemon juice) - and lots and lots of veggie to fill you up (no spuds tho!)
  • I know that feeling.... I can only just get my jeans done up and I know if I move, sit or breath they are going to riiiiiiiip too! I'm hoping to be able to at least be able breath in them by xmas! Good luck!
  • I'm serioiusly trying to cut down on the weekend binge drinking as always leads to me feeling rubbish in the morning and a craving of fatty fried foods!! I try to plan my weekend food in advance and dont buy anything I shouldn't eat so I am not tempted! also try to do something during the day so I'm not sitting there…