Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    So, I really missed this site while I was out of town, been gone four days. I had Thanksgiving twice, once with my fiance's family and once with mine. Tomorrow is back on the wagon with food and gym. I called the store where my HRM was purchased and since its open I can't return it. Now I have to go find a battery. While I have enjoyed the last few days, just chilling and the food, I am looking forward to getting back in the swing of things. I feel better when I'm in a routine, eating right and exercising. Just gotta get the HRM working.

    Here's to a productive week!!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Well, I'm definitely still a non-mom. One more month of trying and then I guess we get to start testing and what-not. So in December, I'm definitely going to focus on exercise and healthy eating and a balanced frame of mind. I'm up nearly 4 pounds from last Wednesday. I imagine most of it is bloating, so I'm going to focus on drinking water this week, cutting out the non-caffeinated soda, and actually working out.

    I hope everyone is having a better Monday than I am.
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    So, I got on the scale this morning, not my regular weigh in day, and was not surprised with the results. I am up about 5 pounds. Some friends have been begging me to go out tonight, definate no now!! I have to hit the gym!! I'm going to get a battery for my HRM and probably the wearlink as well just in case.

    Happy Monday All!
  • I have been so bad the last week or ten that I wasn't going to weigh in at all this weekend. But Sunday morning the scale was looking at me and I decided it really couldn't hurt anything if I did. Happily, I had no change. I have got to figure out a way to get out of my own way now and get back to it like i mean it. For some reason that getting out of my own way thing is proving very difficult.
  • ldafoe
    ldafoe Posts: 20 Member
    This sounds like a perfect group for me! I am struggling with losing my last 35 lbs..

    SW: 326
    SW with MFP: 215
    CW: 210

    Goal #1: Be under 200
    Goal #2: Be at 165

    Plan: Continue to run 1 mi/day, increase water consumption, track my eating.
  • natsjh
    natsjh Posts: 14
    I'm in and a non mum! We had a dinner party on sat and I posted a topic about being worried about putting on weight as my flatmate was cooking pasta with creamy sauce AND pastry!! Advice was not to worry as just one meal and to enjoy myself, so that I did and the best thing about it was... I lost 1lbs!! I got on the scales as wanted to see if I put on and nearly fell off I was so surprised!!! I'm still super excited about it!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm in and a non mum! We had a dinner party on sat and I posted a topic about being worried about putting on weight as my flatmate was cooking pasta with creamy sauce AND pastry!! Advice was not to worry as just one meal and to enjoy myself, so that I did and the best thing about it was... I lost 1lbs!! I got on the scales as wanted to see if I put on and nearly fell off I was so surprised!!! I'm still super excited about it!

    Ha! Sometimes going over you calorie goals for a day or two can have a positive impact. Especially if you've hit a plateau. :smile:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    This sounds like a perfect group for me! I am struggling with losing my last 35 lbs..

    SW: 326
    SW with MFP: 215
    CW: 210

    Goal #1: Be under 200
    Goal #2: Be at 165

    Plan: Continue to run 1 mi/day, increase water consumption, track my eating.

    great progress, you! hopefully everyone here can keep you motivated to get to your final goal - so impressed! YAY for you!
  • Not a great week, I'm up two pounds....but I did enjoy Thanksgiving!

    I have been over on my sodium and under on my thats what i'm working on now :smile:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hello, everyone! it felt pretty good to be back on a normal schedule...we had a three-day long weekend, and were planning to do all sorts of stuff in the house and know, organizing towels, *finally* getting the halloween decorations into the attic, raking leaves...makes sense, right? but we didn't do a damn thing. i couldn't cross one thing off of my weekend list! but we had a great time wallowing around in our jammies and watching 80's movies and yes, eating those little debbie christmas tree cakes. :blushing:

    but today i got my butt to the gym, and i felt my mind click back into gear...that seems to be happening easier and easier these days. i don't think i have fallen totally off the bandwagon in a pretty long time; i just kind of skid my heels on the ground as i hold on! my 5k training is going pretty good - i hit my 3 mile mark at 40:21 today, vs. 43:30 last week, vs. not hitting 3 miles at all the previous week, so i feel like i am progressing, so yay!

    anyhoo, hope everyone is back from the holidays, even though there's more in the not-too-distant future...i still haven't hit my first goal (onederland by thanksgiving). it seems soooo close and soooo far away! but i'm trying not to sweat it - overall, i know i've been treating my body right and i know it's going to pay off eventually! have a great monday everyone!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Welcome, all newbies. Jessifer123, it happens. Just knowing what you have to work on is a good way to get back on track. Chanstriste, glad you're back and even more glad there are none of those tree cakes over here. I am salivating just thinking about them. Mmm delicious unnatural caloric naughtiness. Good to see that you're back on track! I find it easier now too. And I am seriously jealous of your 3 miles! I'm still at 90 seconds, lol. You are so close to your MG! Even if that pound is being stubborn, at least you're within reach of it.

    Ericaroo, that really sucks. I'm not sure what I can say, because I've never been in that position, but I can imagine that it is beyond any frustration I've ever felt. I hope you get it worked out.

    It's getting really cold here. Running is still making my lungs hurt and I had a bit of a coughing fit earlier which seemed to alarm the neighbors. Whoops. They are getting better, though. Normally, this would leave me voiceless and coughing until I thought I was going to crack a rib. I have ordered some warm pyjamas so I'm not so freezing cold at night. Got my HRM today and was pleased to find out I burned 310 calories with my 27 minutes of c25k. That's better than I thought, and much better than MFP thought. Anyway, my husband just walked in the door, on time for once, so I've got to start a big pot of vegetable soup! Hope everyone is doing well and ignore any typos I've made here because I don't have time to edit.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Thanks, ickybella. "That really sucks" is absolutely the perfect thing to say. I wish my friends and family would learn that. :laugh:
  • So with Thanksgiving and all I am only down .3 pounds, but I guess a loss is a loss, at least I didnt gain like i thought I would. I hope everyone has a great week! I am being ridiculously lazy about school right now. I have a test on Wednesday that I pretty much haven't studied for, gotta love nursing school. :tongue: Not to mention today I slept in until NOON. So now breakfast will be around 2pm? haha. oh well :ohwell:
  • Ok...this will be my first time reporting my I just put it here or am I supposed to message someone? I weight in today at 173.8. However, I'm using a different scale now. I was participating in a weight loss challenge at work and we weight in on a scale at work. Now that's done, I'm using my scale at home which was always about 2 pounds less than the work scale. BUT, it's the number I have to go by now, and I'll take it! I just can't wait to be in the 160's again. Even though I started at 180 and have definitely lost weight, it just doesn't feel like it yet
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Am back from the weekend, but completely unmotivated. I already know that getting back up on the horse completely will take a few days, and I'm prepared to give that to myself. Today, it was hard enough to get out of bed in time just to get to work, let alone early to work out. Tomorrow is another topic entirely, and I have every intention of accomplishing something.

    [funny note: the hubby thought I had worked out this morning, so he worked out because he figured if I could do it, so could he! then when he called me at work, I admitted that, no, I just couldn't get out of bed...]

    Anyhow, Thanksgiving day went really well. I did a mighty fine job of controlling myself. Friday through Sunday, though, were almost perfect disasters. So, not to self: must plan for more than just THE DAY when traveling for the holiday. Next year we'll be hosting the holiday at our house, so we won't have to contend with crappy hotel breakfast, road food, and irregular meal times so much.

    I also learned that homemade Chex Mix appears to be a trigger food for me. Wow. Mom brought a huge bag, from which I filled a much smaller zip-close sandwich bag. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of having a few bites Thursday night after we got to the hotel and were watching TV. A few bites turned into quite a lot more, but thankfully I didn't eat it all. First of all, the hubby helped eat some, and there was probably a quarter of a bag left when he took it away from me. He told me I'd thank him in the morning.

    I'm gonna wait for my regular weigh-in day on Friday to see what the end result is.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm here, but my goal is shot to hell...i haven't gained though so i'm pretty pumped about that...Saturday was my free day but i didn't gorge...and today nothing is tasting good lol...but i'm here!:ohwell:
  • I am a non-mom and am happy to be part of this group. I weighed in today, and gained...which I fully expected. But today is my fresh start. Started P90X and going to watch what I eat very carefully. The goal is a healthy, happy lifestyle.

    Here's to all you, Non-Moms...we can do this!
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    I got batteries for my HRM and wearlink, I'm excited to see but nervouse as well. I shall report the results tonight!
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    What a Monday...back to a normal schedule after being out of the classroom for a week. This was a hard day and I'm so tired. However, I did come home and do my 30 minute workout which is my success for the day. :wink:

    Hope you all had a wonderful Monday.
  • I got batteries for my HRM and wearlink, I'm excited to see but nervouse as well. I shall report the results tonight!

    Hope all goes well! Keep us posted. :)
    I can't wait until mine gets here. Supposedly my HRM and Zumba Fitness for Wii should be arriving this Wednesday. I am supppper excited!
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