Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    im stretch marks are just from being fat! lol im soooo joining! its hard to related to women trying to lose the baby fat sometimes...
  • mybutterflower
    mybutterflower Posts: 90 Member
    im stretch marks are just from being fat!
    My tummy got large from burritos, not babies :laugh:
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    i love the way you put that! haha
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    haha welcome nom noms...get your goals in mind so you can report back! we aren't here to feel sorry for each other, we're here to burn some calories:wink:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Hey all! Non-mom here, just furkids and a lazy bone to blame for my weight! I live in gorgeous San Diego and could be out every day but most of the time i'm too self-conscious to exercise outdoors. I'd love to fix that! :love:

    My goals for December are:

    1. Work out at least 5 days a week, and twice a day two times a week (I get up early on weekdays and do short video workouts but I have to try not to let that excuse me from afternoon cardio)
    2. ZERO cigarettes
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    Non Mom here :-) Down 2 lbs this week..which put me at a grand total of 30lbs lost!

    I didn't even know this thread was here! I would love to share tips with women not cooking for kids. I live with my boyfriend but he's not trying to lose.

    All the recipes I'm finding seem to be made for an army! Would love some suggestions for recipes for two people without picky kid's palates to satisfy :-)
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    shash26, AWESOME! thirty lbs is HUGE! 2 lbs a week is fantastic!!!!!!!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Non Mom here :-) Down 2 lbs this week..which put me at a grand total of 30lbs lost!

    I didn't even know this thread was here! I would love to share tips with women not cooking for kids. I live with my boyfriend but he's not trying to lose.

    All the recipes I'm finding seem to be made for an army! Would love some suggestions for recipes for two people without picky kid's palates to satisfy :-)

    I just cook for my husband and myself. I do 2 and 4 serving meals (freeze some, eat some leftovers later in the week) and because my husband isn't trying to lose weight, I have to make "normal" meals, so I've kind of revamped a lot of the old things we used to eat. Depending on what you like, I might be able to help. I used to be a cook, not a chef or anything, just basic foods. I still like to think I'm doing ok. My real success this week was making enchiladas that were so good that my husband decided he wasn't going to have pizza this weekend (I have decided to try and make healthier takeaway/delivery foods on the weekends so he doesn't feel like he's missing out) and he's told me in advance so that we'll definitely have the stuff in the house. Still, he's very easily pleased, food-wise, as he doesn't cook at all.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    And welcome, newbie noms!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Shash, I usually make meals for 2-4 then eat the leftovers. I'm making miso filet mignon from tonight. Really easy to do for two. I'll let you know how it turns out.
  • JLeeAlton
    I think I am going to jump on into this!

    I only cook for myself and fiance.. I do not make special meals for him.. He eats what I cook.. or he gets himself something to eat =). Sometimes he doesnt like the meals but the good thing is I give him a list of meals and he chooses from there.

    Anyways.. friend me if you like!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hello to all newbie non-moms! this is a great group - welcome!

    my goal for this week is to get back on the bandwagon! i have completely let interview stress derail me for the last three days, so i am giving myself a stern kick in the butt. for main goal is to reach 193 by new years, so i'll really need to focus on not eating crap. i'm great at working out - love it! but i have a thing for junk food. but before i think that far, i'm going to make sure that my friday is in order and set up to carry over to a successful weekend - maybe i can counteract some of the damage i've done this week. and we're going hiking on saturday, so that makes me happy and i feel all healthy and outdoorsy, so i think that is just what the doctor ordered for my current self-destructive mindset!

    love all the small meal chit-chat! i could use some ideas too!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Good morning, ladies! It's nearly 10 am in the UK. Just weighed in and I am down....wait for it!....Drumroll please....five pounds! That's all the crap I gained on holiday and then some. I'm sure it will slow down after this, and that is fine with me, but it's good to be rid of those pesky 8 (that's right, 8) extra pounds and more. I am officially under 170 now. Haven't seen this number since high school, so I'm pretty optimistic for the day. Tonight we're having sushi and going to see the Harry Potter movie because we're nerds. I've been avoiding chocolate all week, which isn't like me at all, but I will be having some tonight. All planned, of course. Wouldn't want to ruin a good week. I hope everyone is doing as well as I am, not that it's stopping me from being a little cranky and considering getting back into bed, lol.

    Chanstriste, good luck getting back on track. You can do this.

    P.S. Maybe we can all post our favorite recipe for 2 this week. I think that would be nice, if anyone's interested.

    Edit: And by "this week" I mean next week, silly me. Haven't had any coffee yet. :yawn:
  • Flawlessk
    Hey, i am so jumping on this :smile:

    I am a newbie non

    Today is my first day so i'll let you know how i'm getting on next week
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Just weighed in and I am down....wait for it!....Drumroll please....five pounds! That's all the crap I gained on holiday and then some. I'm sure it will slow down after this, and that is fine with me, but it's good to be rid of those pesky 8 (that's right, 8) extra pounds and more. I am officially under 170 now. Haven't seen this number since high school, so I'm pretty optimistic for the day. Tonight we're having sushi and going to see the Harry Potter movie because we're nerds.

    that is *so* awesome! congrats to you! such a major accomplishment - 170 is my main goal right now, and you have me drooling with anticipation! as for harry potter nerds...that just opened up here in the u.s. last night, and me and my husband were totally at the midnight showing! i think we were the only people in attendance over the age of 20 last was flooded with college students, and there we stood in our flannel pj pants with our harry potter t-shirts - so at least you know there are some bigger nerds out there! :wink:

    glad you're here, flawless - this site is an amazing tool to keep you on track and there are some really great people around to keep you motivated! happy friday everyone!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Just weighed in and I am down....wait for it!....Drumroll please....five pounds! That's all the crap I gained on holiday and then some. I'm sure it will slow down after this, and that is fine with me, but it's good to be rid of those pesky 8 (that's right, 8) extra pounds and more. I am officially under 170 now. Haven't seen this number since high school, so I'm pretty optimistic for the day. Tonight we're having sushi and going to see the Harry Potter movie because we're nerds.

    that is *so* awesome! congrats to you! such a major accomplishment - 170 is my main goal right now, and you have me drooling with anticipation! as for harry potter nerds...that just opened up here in the u.s. last night, and me and my husband were totally at the midnight showing! i think we were the only people in attendance over the age of 20 last was flooded with college students, and there we stood in our flannel pj pants with our harry potter t-shirts - so at least you know there are some bigger nerds out there! :wink:

    glad you're here, flawless - this site is an amazing tool to keep you on track and there are some really great people around to keep you motivated! happy friday everyone!

    Oh, thank God I am not the only one here. I am so wearing my potter hoodie tonight! I had a t-shirt, but I left it in Ohio when I moved here because it had gotten so tight on me. They didn't do any midnight showings here, unfortunately, or we would've been there. I'm actually sneaking my sushi into the theater (shhh) that way we can get in before all the kids. I'm pretty sure my husband will be the oldest one there. He's 37 and he has been to all of them, but he says he feels like a grandparent when he goes because everyone else is a teen.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    So jealous of you ladies getting to see the movie. I'll have to wait until next week because I'm leaving town for the weekend and we don't want to deal with all the tweens tonight. :laugh:

    Great job on the weightlost ickybella! That must feel great!

    The miso steak was only so-so. I think it would have been tastier on a different cut of meat, though I really couldn't taste the marinade at all. Back to the drawing board. Turkey chili tonight. I'd share that recipe, but I just use ready-to-use chili beans and tomatoes, and they only sell those in certain markets like the middle of nowhere in the US. :grumble:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Good morning, ladies! It's nearly 10 am in the UK. Just weighed in and I am down....wait for it!....Drumroll please....five pounds! That's all the crap I gained on holiday and then some. I'm sure it will slow down after this, and that is fine with me, but it's good to be rid of those pesky 8 (that's right, 8) extra pounds and more. I am officially under 170 now. Haven't seen this number since high school, so I'm pretty optimistic for the day. Tonight we're having sushi and going to see the Harry Potter movie because we're nerds. I've been avoiding chocolate all week, which isn't like me at all, but I will be having some tonight. All planned, of course. Wouldn't want to ruin a good week. I hope everyone is doing as well as I am, not that it's stopping me from being a little cranky and considering getting back into bed, lol.

    Chanstriste, good luck getting back on track. You can do this.

    P.S. Maybe we can all post our favorite recipe for 2 this week. I think that would be nice, if anyone's interested.

    Edit: And by "this week" I mean next week, silly me. Haven't had any coffee yet. :yawn:

    5 pounds is an awesome loss...congrats~
  • niknok28

    I just found this! I'm a non-mom and have lost 18 lbs since starting in October. My diet was awful the last 6 or so years. I estimated that I was eating between 3,000 - 5,000 calories a day and poor choices at that.
  • tammilk
    tammilk Posts: 86 Member
    I'm a non-mom (well my babies are of the furry variety! :laugh: )
    I am trying to lose about 30 lbs before I start trying for a baby.
    i know i CAN do it because i did it 2 years ago and just slooooooowly gained it all back :mad:
    So this time i need to lose it and keep it off!