Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    Good morning fellow Nom-Noms!!! Today was my first official weigh in since I started the website, on a regular basis, last week. I am happy to report that I am down 2.2 pounds!! I'm excited because my weekly goal is 2 pounds. There are still improvements that can be made, more exercise, but I'm starting off good!!

    Have a great day!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    *sigh* It's a grey day today, so that probably isn't helping.

    i *so* know what you mean! my grey day totally unhinged me - sat on the couch and read twilight while shoving pringles and swiss cake rolls in my mouth. but i did go to the gym, if you can figure that out....

    anyways, you'll do fine! eat a lot of veggies and call it good. oooohhh...make veggie soup! perfect for a grey day!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    way to go, anew! what a great start, and i love the motivation that comes with a big bang loss at the start! congrats to you!

    welcome aboard, rawr! the past is the past and it ain't no thang if you keep truckin'. there's a lot of good people on this board to help keep you and me both from going astray!

    just came back from the gym - great workout. i usually take bosu on wednesdays, but i only stayed for half of it so i could use the other half hour for my c25k. i'm hoping that in a few weeks i'll have the endurance to do c25k and the entire class, but we'll wait and see on that! finished it all up with a healthy dose of pilates, which i love.

    and i think i'm becoming addicted to jogging. not something i thought i would ever say...! happy hump day to all!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I am grouchy today... it's funny how message boards with complete strangers can get your panties all in a bunch. :laugh:

    I am having a good week health-wise. No soda, staying under calories, drinking plenty of water. Go me!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I love that you are loving the Nom-nom comment, anewpath! Great job on your losses, anewpath and Chanstriste (hot new picture! And good luck with the c25k. I so want to do that.) Hiya, MonsterRawr, and welcome to the Nom-noms! Ericaroo, I have the same problem! It's just too easy to get worked up here. Hope everyone is ok. Grey skies suck. We had a thick layer of fog for a couple of days but it's gone now, just super cold out there. All I can think about are all the soups I want to make in the next couple of weeks. My weigh-in is Friday and I'm feeling good about it (since I peek daily). Been sort-of redoing 30-day shred, every other day, though, with a day of cardio in between. I'm really hoping for cross trainer (elliptical), stationary bike combo since my bike is dead, for Christmas, so I can get some cardio I don't absolutely hate in. Hope everyone is well. Must get ready and start dinner.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    In fairness to MFP, it was a different community where someone implied that if you're having trouble getting pregnant (like I am), it's because God has determine you're not ready to be a parent. Um... okay... So all those people I hear about in the news who have abused or killed their kids were ready according to God? I think he's a bit off if that's so... I'm all for having religious beliefs until you use them to insult me. /rant

    I'll just be happy being a non-mom for now. :smile:
  • Yarnpiggie
    Hello there! Finding myself having a rough time getting motivated to do any sort of exercise at home. I do a great job going to the gym when I have a session with my PT, but that is only twice a week. I did get on the bike last night and rode for 40 minutes and hopefully can do it again tonight. I think I have just gotten bored with it. I would rather go out and walk with the dog every night, but it is dark out now, and cold. :-) Look at me being super whiny

    I need to come up with something for dinner tonight that sounds awesome enough to make for one. I often do a can of soup or a bowl of pasta and sauce. Neither of these things is appealing to me right now. Maybe a baked potato with Turkey bacon. hrmmm... maybe.

  • Yarnpiggie
    In fairness to MFP, it was a different community where someone implied that if you're having trouble getting pregnant (like I am), it's because God has determine you're not ready to be a parent. Um... okay... So all those people I hear about in the news who have abused or killed their kids were ready according to God? I think he's a bit off if that's so... I'm all for having religious beliefs until you use them to insult me. /rant

    I'll just be happy being a non-mom for now. :smile:

    OH. MY. HELL!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    You could do easy fried rice. You just need some cooked brown rice, veggies, low-sodium soy sauce, and an egg. Very easy and low-cal.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    OH. MY. HELL!

    Ha! My thoughts exactly.
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    A broiled or otherwise cooked chicken breast sliced up on top of a salad with a little bit of dressing is easy, can be quick if you have the ingredients, and so, so good.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    In fairness to MFP, it was a different community where someone implied that if you're having trouble getting pregnant (like I am), it's because God has determine you're not ready to be a parent. Um... okay... So all those people I hear about in the news who have abused or killed their kids were ready according to God? I think he's a bit off if that's so... I'm all for having religious beliefs until you use them to insult me. /rant

    I'll just be happy being a non-mom for now. :smile:

    *rolls eyes* Too bad you can't slap someone through a computer, eh? I hope you can manage to get pregnant, and don't listen to the weirdos! Maybe if you do some hail Marys or something... :laugh: Religion is fine, but people often take it too far.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Thanks. I think I've done just about everything beyond making a sacrifice. LOL We'll see what the medical professionals can do for me if it doesn't happen soon. :laugh:
  • Yarnpiggie
    In fairness to MFP, it was a different community where someone implied that if you're having trouble getting pregnant (like I am), it's because God has determine you're not ready to be a parent. Um... okay... So all those people I hear about in the news who have abused or killed their kids were ready according to God? I think he's a bit off if that's so... I'm all for having religious beliefs until you use them to insult me. /rant

    I'll just be happy being a non-mom for now. :smile:

    *rolls eyes* Too bad you can't slap someone through a computer, eh? I hope you can manage to get pregnant, and don't listen to the weirdos! Maybe if you do some hail Marys or something... :laugh: Religion is fine, but people often take it too far.

    You know what's really annoying is that this person probably thought they were helping. oy
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    In fairness to MFP, it was a different community where someone implied that if you're having trouble getting pregnant (like I am), it's because God has determine you're not ready to be a parent. Um... okay... So all those people I hear about in the news who have abused or killed their kids were ready according to God? I think he's a bit off if that's so... I'm all for having religious beliefs until you use them to insult me. /rant

    I'll just be happy being a non-mom for now. :smile:

    in. sane.

    i'll never understand people like that. i would not feel bad for getting a bit worked up over's not like they suggested kicking your crystal light habit for pure filtered water...

    in one ear and out the other, right? so long as you know they're an ignorant assbag... :tongue:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i have two interviews tomorrow - one should be a nice, normal teaching interview. fine.

    the other is a 'group' interview, at which all of the hopefuls will meet in one big sitting at the get-go. it's for an admin job at a nanny placement service. has anyone been to one of these? *so* not liking the sound of this. but i'm going anyways. i demand that you keep all fingers and toes crossed until further notice!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Good luck tomorrow! I've been interviewed BY a group, but I've never been interviewed as part of a group. That's bizarre.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    good day ladies and far my snacking is killing me...and i only worked out enough to even out my calories TOM is kicking me in the junk today, so i think it's going to be thai chi and stretching tonight...i'm trying really hard to stop eating junk, but those chocolate bars are screaming my name...i feel like my uterus is falling out of my toes and food is the only thing that will save me...I had a salad and salmon fillet for lunch, and my mid morning snack was really's the 2 halloween bags of chips i ate that i feel guilty about, and i'm wondering how long i'll last without raiding the chocolate bars.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    i have two interviews tomorrow - one should be a nice, normal teaching interview. fine.

    the other is a 'group' interview, at which all of the hopefuls will meet in one big sitting at the get-go. it's for an admin job at a nanny placement service. has anyone been to one of these? *so* not liking the sound of this. but i'm going anyways. i demand that you keep all fingers and toes crossed until further notice!

    I don't do well in groups, but hopefully you're a little saner than I. Good luck! I will cross all my fingers and a few toes for you! Let me know when I can stop. Going to make riding the bike interesting. :)
  • miss_martin
    Well, this definitely sounds like something of interest to me! I am married and we have someone staying with us now. But a lot of nights my husband, Mike and his BFF Kenny (the guy staying with us) end up at the bar. That is, if Mike isn't working late! So more times than not I am eating dinner alone. My husband runs his own business so he works a lot of long hours six days a week. I'm going to try to stay up on this! Thanks guys!