Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Well, lessee. This morning I weighed in, and held steady from last week. So that's kind of a bummer.

    BUT, I still managed to take a walk before work every day this week, so that's pretty good. Even the days I was feeling tired/lazy/unmotivated, I still managed to get myself out there and walking. Plus, I managed to do an additional few minutes of exercise four days this week. It would have been five, but had technical difficulties. All in all, a pretty good week, though now I have to work on getting myself motivated to exercise this weekend.

    SW: 222
    CW: 207

  • tracybarnhill
    I am a NON-MOM - been trying to find a group that I can follow that isn't chasing kids around and trying to fit working out around your kids. My two kids are my gumbas...95lb Black Lab (Jake) and a 75lb pointer mix(Sampson). My black lab will run and pace me on our 2 mile journey. Tried sampson last night, and I ended dragging him home the last 1/2 mile. ANYWAYS....haven't weighed this week since I am kinda Carbo-loading for the 5K I am running tomorrow.... soooo

    I AM IN!!!!!!:heart:
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I weighed in today and am 1 pound higher than my last weigh in, which was 2 Fridays ago. Whoops. Frickin vacation. Anyway, I'm actually doing well because I gained a ton and have dropped most of it since I've been back. Never underestimate the damage one week can do. Glad we've got people joining, though it seems like very few of the originals have found us. New faces are nice though. :)

    Anyone else notice that Non-Mom kind of looks like Nom Nom? Sometimes I read it wrong, and it looks like we're part of the Nom Nom group. Hopefully we'll get a challenge going next week? Hope everyone is well.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I took a *day off* this week! It was hard, but on Wednesday, I did no activity - not even a walk. I just felt like I really needed a rest and I think it paid off. Thursday was supposed to be my metabolic training class, but since my husband was off, we went to the a park and I worked on c25k instead. As of next week, I'm planning on switching up my routine to include c25k consistently. I'm sort of nervous about this - I don't burn as many calories since it's only about 30 minutes vs. a full hour, but I think there are benefits in doing the program, so I'm going to give it a go and hope it doesn't adversely affect my weight loss. Keep your fingers crossed!

    Also, I finished up my 8-week chart at the gym today. <drumroll, please>

    I worked out 38 out of 40 planned workout days since September 24!!! Very pleased with myself!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Whoops, just now saw the new thread.

    I can't remember what my starting weight was... I think 136.6, today I was at 133.4, so down 3.2. I only have 2-3 pounds to hit goal (as I hit 132 earlier this week, it just didn't stick). Looking forward to seeing more hits than the blog was getting. :smile:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Bah, double post.
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    I took a *day off* this week! It was hard, but on Wednesday, I did no activity - not even a walk. I just felt like I really needed a rest and I think it paid off. Thursday was supposed to be my metabolic training class, but since my husband was off, we went to the a park and I worked on c25k instead. As of next week, I'm planning on switching up my routine to include c25k consistently. I'm sort of nervous about this - I don't burn as many calories since it's only about 30 minutes vs. a full hour, but I think there are benefits in doing the program, so I'm going to give it a go and hope it doesn't adversely affect my weight loss. Keep your fingers crossed!

    Also, I finished up my 8-week chart at the gym today. <drumroll, please>

    I worked out 38 out of 40 planned workout days since September 24!!! Very pleased with myself!

    Awesome work! Keep it up!

    Also, I rather like the idea of being part of the NOM NOM group. That enough for a giggle a day.
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    I like it! I'm down with Non-Moms! and Nom-Noms for that matter! Can't wait to see everyone's progress. I've also joined the 20lbs by Christmas although a bit late so since Christmas is 6 weeks away, my goal is to lose 12lbs by then! Good luck everyone!
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    I took a *day off* this week! It was hard, but on Wednesday, I did no activity - not even a walk. I just felt like I really needed a rest and I think it paid off. Thursday was supposed to be my metabolic training class, but since my husband was off, we went to the a park and I worked on c25k instead. As of next week, I'm planning on switching up my routine to include c25k consistently. I'm sort of nervous about this - I don't burn as many calories since it's only about 30 minutes vs. a full hour, but I think there are benefits in doing the program, so I'm going to give it a go and hope it doesn't adversely affect my weight loss. Keep your fingers crossed!

    Also, I finished up my 8-week chart at the gym today. <drumroll, please>

    I worked out 38 out of 40 planned workout days since September 24!!! Very pleased with myself!

    38 out of 40 is great!! I didn't workout yesterday. My co-worker's husband had a wreck so I started my morning bright and early at the hospital. He's doing good and went home thankfully. Anyway, dinner was the only meal I ate at home and did fine with it but I was over on my calories yesterday. I bought a new dining set so we picked it up yesterday and moved some furniture. Had to take a nap since I got going so early. I logged everything I ate yesterday, even the peppermint kiss I had with the glass of milk (and what I chugged from the carton :happy: ). I'm back on track today with eating right and I plan to head to the gym after work. More furniture to move tonight as well!!

    Does anyone do measurements or just go by weight?
  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    well, i definitely qualify for this thread! i am not a mom but people keep asking me when i'm due... :( i'm not preggo, just have a fat gut. so, i'm guilty for over-eating for one and now look like i'm two. i'm almost to 200lbs and i want to get back down to a much healthier 160. i don't want to go overboard and be stick thin or look sickly. just healthy. that's what i want :D

    so yay for non-moms (and all moms) and lets get this party started! :glasses:

    CW 195
    GW 160 by May 6, 2011 (my bday)
    Mini-goal: be 183 by new years
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    38 out of 40 is great!! I didn't workout yesterday. My co-worker's husband had a wreck so I started my morning bright and early at the hospital. He's doing good and went home thankfully. Anyway, dinner was the only meal I ate at home and did fine with it but I was over on my calories yesterday. I bought a new dining set so we picked it up yesterday and moved some furniture. Had to take a nap since I got going so early. I logged everything I ate yesterday, even the peppermint kiss I had with the glass of milk (and what I chugged from the carton :happy: ). I'm back on track today with eating right and I plan to head to the gym after work. More furniture to move tonight as well!!

    Does anyone do measurements or just go by weight?

    Get right back up on that wagon. :) We all have off days.

    Theoretically I will be tracking also by measurements... as soon as I remember to measure myself!
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    I hopped right back on that wagon yesterday and doubled my cardio time. I just started back to the gym this past Tuesday so I'm only doing 30 minutes but will increase as I continue to go. With what I do for a living I can't be unable to move because I'm sore :smile: I'm really enjoying this website and find it helpful when I have questions, this is my first week on here regularly. I see a dietician monthly that helps me with what to eat but she isn't so much about counting calories. I'm aiming to drop 2 pounds a week so I really want to keep up with it and be honest to myself. Plus I have to track everything because of work. I plan to do my measurements today because I know the scale isn't the only place that will show progress.

    I do have a question today. Do y'all eat any or all of your exercise calories? Is there a negative to not eating any of them? I don't want to lose weight too fast because typically it comes right back. I was 249.2 when I last weighed in which was this past Wednesday morning. I weigh once a week, first thing in the morning before I shower. I'm anxious for my weigh in next week. I'm getting married April 2nd so I want to be below 200 by then. I'm getting a HRM for my bday, if I can figure out which one I want, so I can accurately track my exercise calories. Right now I'm not eating many of my exercise calories because I don't trust the machine or the guestament on here.

    So thoughts on consuming exercise calories?

    Keep up the fight!!!!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Hope everyone's having a good weekend. That's great, by the way, Chanstriste. I have decided to get organised and do a meal plan for the week. Wrote everything down and went shopping tonight. We're having apricot-lemon chicken from cooking light, and the salad they suggest to accompany it. It's super easy, but I've never tried it, so I'll let you know if it's any good. I made myself a little exercise challenge when we got back from Tenerife and it will end on Christmas Eve. I have been doing it so far, with the exception of changing it up a little yesterday. It's just a bunch of Jillian Michaels DVDs and I did Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism yesterday, instead of level 1, because BFBM is harder, so I don't consider that cheating. I was really pleased this morning because I weighed in at 1 pound less than my last MFP weigh-in before we left for vacation, so it must've been mostly water that I gained. Still, my official weigh-in isn't until next Friday, so I'm hoping for a bit more before then. I have a pair of skinny jeans I'd love to be able to wear without a megamuffintop before the new year.

    Will we be starting challenges on Mondays again? I liked those.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I hopped right back on that wagon yesterday and doubled my cardio time. I just started back to the gym this past Tuesday so I'm only doing 30 minutes but will increase as I continue to go. With what I do for a living I can't be unable to move because I'm sore :smile: I'm really enjoying this website and find it helpful when I have questions, this is my first week on here regularly. I see a dietician monthly that helps me with what to eat but she isn't so much about counting calories. I'm aiming to drop 2 pounds a week so I really want to keep up with it and be honest to myself. Plus I have to track everything because of work. I plan to do my measurements today because I know the scale isn't the only place that will show progress.

    I do have a question today. Do y'all eat any or all of your exercise calories? Is there a negative to not eating any of them? I don't want to lose weight too fast because typically it comes right back. I was 249.2 when I last weighed in which was this past Wednesday morning. I weigh once a week, first thing in the morning before I shower. I'm anxious for my weigh in next week. I'm getting married April 2nd so I want to be below 200 by then. I'm getting a HRM for my bday, if I can figure out which one I want, so I can accurately track my exercise calories. Right now I'm not eating many of my exercise calories because I don't trust the machine or the guestament on here.

    So thoughts on consuming exercise calories?

    Keep up the fight!!!!

    I eat some of mine. I usually try to get within 100 of my calories, so if I have 1430 due to exercise (my base is 1200) then I try to eat at least 1330. I don't always make it that far. Today I've got about 150 left. I do it with healthy foods, mostly. Sometimes I have a couple of squares of chocolate or a glass of wine, but I just try to add extra veggies or something. I don't know if it works for everyone, but I lose more weight when I eat about 1300-1400 calories a day, with my exercise. For a while there, I was doing 2 exercise videos a day, and they burn off about 400 calories each, so there was no way I was going to eat 2000 calories in one day, but I still ate some of them, probably half. If nothing else, it's good practice for when we go into maintenance.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member

    So thoughts on consuming exercise calories?

    Keep up the fight!!!!

    i am a true believer in eating exercise calories! for starters, if i've worked hard, i earned it. also, i think it keeps my metabolism on the up and up, so in my case, i believe it helps me to lose weight. and keep me in a civil mood, because if i am hungry and not eating, i am a real b1tch! :devil:

    here's the way i see metabolism and exercise and all that:

    your metabolism is very much like a fire. it requires fuel. but if you feed it too much, it's going to go out because it's smothered. if you give it too little, it's going to go out because it's starving. if you stoke up your fire by exercising, you are most likely going to need to feed it more fuel to keep from going out. make sense? i know it sounds corny, but one of my weight loss 'visuals' is a raging bonfire. i look to it to aid in making food decisions. i imagine my body as a clay sculpture in the middle of this fire, and i know that some day, probably sooner than i anticipate, when i take that sculpture out, it's going to look just like i want it to. corny i know, but effective.
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    Thank you ladies! My goal is about 1490 in order to drop 2 pounds a week. I will hopefully have a HRM soon in order to better track my calories burned at the gym. Until then I think I will eat about half of the exercise calories. I started back to the gym Tuesday and was shooting for 5 times a week but only got four. I can't go tomorrow because I will be in court all day and have an extra job afterwards. This will be a challenging week for me with my schedule being a bit different but I'm still shooting for 5 days at the gym.

    I weigh in on Wednesday and the suspense is killing me!!! I feel better and lighter but I'm fighting the urge!!

    Hope y'all have a great week!!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member

    i am a true believer in eating exercise calories! for starters, if i've worked hard, i earned it. also, i think it keeps my metabolism on the up and up, so in my case, i believe it helps me to lose weight. and keep me in a civil mood, because if i am hungry and not eating, i am a real b1tch! :devil:

    Ha! I am the same way. My husband says I turn into a five year old with a lack of food or sleep. Well, he used to, until I threatened his...well, never mind. Now, he hands me an apple if I haven't eaten and am getting grouchy. :laugh:
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    So, the urge won this morning. I got on the scale just before my shower and I am down 3 pounds. I'm sure its water weight but I'm glad I weighed this morning because it was a good motivator to stay on course. Being in court this week I can't take my lunch so this will help me make smart decisions where I end up going for lunch. I haven't gotten around to doing my measurements yet but need to. My friends are trying to get me to go out for a drink after work Wednesday, if I win this trial I just might cave in and celebrate!!!

    Have a good week!!
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! How are we all doing today?

    I managed to get up early this morning and exercise, even though I went to sleep late last night. Meetings after work make for very long days. Ready to buckle down today and make goal again. What choices are we all making today to reach our goals?
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    Good Morning! So I was on track yesterday but got home last night and just snacked on everything. I have to work until about 1100 tonight so I won't be home, and awake, long enough to eat all night. I got my days mixed up and thought I was working late last night. I went to Chick fil a and had a grilled sandwich and salad and it just wasn't satisfying enough I guess. I brought lunch to work so that will be controlled. I have to make a better dinner choice tonight. I only have an hour between jobs so I can't go home. My gym schedule is all out of wack this week too. I sure wish I was a morning person :cry:

    Have a great day!