Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Well one motivation to get out and exercise would be for your four legged kids. I am more active in the winter than any other time of year because that's their favorite time of year to run. If you get in the habit of doing it everyday, they will NOT let you get away without walking them, or at least making you feel pretty guilty about not doing it.

    my four-legged kids are of the feline variety. i'm having a lot of fun watching the mental image of me throwing them outside into the snow and watching them freak out! they would be *so* unhappy - but it would be hilarious! :devil: :tongue:
  • knacrelli
    knacrelli Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I joined MFP exactly one month ago today, but I just now found this whole support structure online. I had downloaded the app for my iPhone and thought that was it...boy was I wrong!

    I'd love to join this group/blog of non-moms, since I too have always been eating for one, but I'm not really sure how to 'join'. And I don't have any 'friends' yet...are friends on here people you actually know? Or people that you find online to build a support team? I don't want to alarm anyone by asking them to be a friend if that's not how it's done on here.

    I have three adopted children of the feline persuasion, and one of them has the same problem I do. If he looks at food, he gains weight...we have a special bond. One of the others couldn't gain an ounce if she tried. We've had her almost 13 years, and she has never gone over 7 lbs...I am so envious.

    As of today, I have lost 15 pounds, although today's weight is not recorded since I generally do my 'official' weigh-ins on Sunday. Sometimes I wonder how I could have possibly put on so much weight, but I guess it went on slowly...just like it's coming off :)

    Well, I look forward to reading more from the non-moms and wish you all great success through the holidays (the enemy will be plentiful - i need to convince myself to stay away from those darned cookies).
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    To join, you just post, so welcome to the group. :-)

    I have a mix of people I know in real life and people I've met on the boards as friends. I don't think anyone would be alarmed if you added them as a friend. :flowerforyou:
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    I'm a non mom. Meaning, I have not given birth to my own child. I do live with my BF, and we plan to marry (are engaged) and he has a daughter that lives with us on the weekends. She is almost 6. So, I guess I am a weekend mother figure.
  • Flora_Delirus

    Well one motivation to get out and exercise would be for your four legged kids. I am more active in the winter than any other time of year because that's their favorite time of year to run. If you get in the habit of doing it everyday, they will NOT let you get away without walking them, or at least making you feel pretty guilty about not doing it.

    From the picture it looks like you have dogs that like winter or cooler weather. My two dogs are pansyies. Within moments of being outside to go potty, they are quivering at the back door begging to come in. They have thinner coats...

    But I might have to try and find coverings for them and see if I can coax them outside for a walk now and then.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    I'm a non-Mom and would love to join this group. I just started back with MFP and have set goals for the next couple of months.

    For December my gaol is to lose 8 pounds. I started last week by changing up my food and drinking more water...3.5 pounds lost! Yesterday I started Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit and Couch to 5K. I will do both of these Monday, Wednesday, Friday. On the off days I will do treadmill walking and stationary bike and would like to throw in a little Taebo. Weekends I spend on a farm and will be doing some hiking in the woods.

    January and February, my goal is to lose 10 pounds each month to reach my goal weight of 140.

    My overall goal is to finish what I started! Chalean Extreme weight training and Couch to 5K! Oh yeah, and lose about 25 to 30 more pounds.
  • cowpoke06
    I really want a dog but my apartment won't allow it. I like to go jogging anyways so it'd be perfect for a puppy :) I'm actually going to move into a house with my boyfriend sometime in the next few months and we want to get a dog...but he likes french bull dogs (they are super cute) and I don't think that thy are very good runners!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I forgot that the weigh in isn't until Wednesdays when I announced my weight loss. Whoops. Well, I'll remember next week but I already did my weigh in for this week. I'll have no time to exercise at all tonight. I'll barely have enough time to sit down and eat dinner and feed the dogs before I have to rush out for the rest of the evening. :o( I guess that just gives me one extra day to recover from the soreness of my last workuot.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I took the weekend off, and now resent myself. But it's ok. I'll be back at it again. I am so gratefull for the Non-Mom thread. I have begun to feel like I'm the only human on the planet without kids and still managed to gain weight.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I took the weekend off, and now resent myself. But it's ok. I'll be back at it again. I am so gratefull for the Non-Mom thread. I have begun to feel like I'm the only human on the planet without kids and still managed to gain weight.

    haha nope you're not, I didn't make babies either...i took 2 weeks off from working out to heal too, but i'm ready to get back at ' are we going to start our "work week" tomorrow Kim? I'm definitely antsy...and weigh in is what do you think?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm a non-Mom and would love to join this group. I just started back with MFP and have set goals for the next couple of months.

    For December my gaol is to lose 8 pounds. I started last week by changing up my food and drinking more water...3.5 pounds lost! Yesterday I started Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit and Couch to 5K. I will do both of these Monday, Wednesday, Friday. On the off days I will do treadmill walking and stationary bike and would like to throw in a little Taebo. Weekends I spend on a farm and will be doing some hiking in the woods.

    January and February, my goal is to lose 10 pounds each month to reach my goal weight of 140.

    My overall goal is to finish what I started! Chalean Extreme weight training and Couch to 5K! Oh yeah, and lose about 25 to 30 more pounds.

    wow go get 'em sista! sounds like you have it down to a science...i'm just flopping around do you like the fitness videos? are they working for you? i have 35lbs to lose too
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    I'm a non-Mom and would love to join this group. I just started back with MFP and have set goals for the next couple of months.

    For December my gaol is to lose 8 pounds. I started last week by changing up my food and drinking more water...3.5 pounds lost! Yesterday I started Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit and Couch to 5K. I will do both of these Monday, Wednesday, Friday. On the off days I will do treadmill walking and stationary bike and would like to throw in a little Taebo. Weekends I spend on a farm and will be doing some hiking in the woods.

    January and February, my goal is to lose 10 pounds each month to reach my goal weight of 140.

    My overall goal is to finish what I started! Chalean Extreme weight training and Couch to 5K! Oh yeah, and lose about 25 to 30 more pounds.

    wow go get 'em sista! sounds like you have it down to a science...i'm just flopping around do you like the fitness videos? are they working for you? i have 35lbs to lose too

    I like the videos and working out at home on my own. Call me anti-social, but for me my workouts are ME time.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    morning, non-moms! hope this hump day finds you all well - i can't believe that a whole week of december has already past - that's insane. but, personally, i'm still wondering what happened to 1998...

    had my weigh in this morning and i'm down 1.2 pounds! glad to see a loss like that instead of a maintain or .4 - has me motivated for the week. and the *cool* thing is...i weighed in at 200 even, so anything i lose this week, even if it is just one ounce, will put me in ONEderland! i really like knowing this - keeps me even more focused!

    i'm going to clean up a bit around the house and then head to the gym. i'm on c25k again, but it whipped me on monday - i only made it through about 15 minutes. i think i'm going to rearrange the routine to break up the running sections a little bit. i had been running about 22 minutes out of 40. i had the segments broken as follows: 3.5 minutes warmup; 7 minute jog; 3.5 minute walk; 3.5 minute jog; repeat.

    i changed it to group the to 3.5 minute jogs into one 7 minute jog, which had me running for 7 minutes three times with a 3.5 minute break between. i don't think i'm there yet. so i'm going to play around with it to get back to where i can complete it instead of bailing! wish me luck! and then i have pilates - yay! have a great day ladies!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm down to 131.2 today. Still not as low as I was two weeks ago, but definitely better than last week. I'll take it.
  • kksn
    kksn Posts: 122 Member
    I'm down 1.4 pounds this week! :) I am sooo close to the 150s that I can practically taste it! I weighed in at 160.0 this morning... can't wait til next week's weigh in!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Ok so I weighed myself last night, but didn't measure...and I'm really happy to say that since I've injured myself two weeks ago I've maintained my weight. No I didn't lose any, but maintaining is better than gaining right? Tonight is Day 1 of Zumba! I'm pretty excited to get back on the band wagon lol
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    congrats to all of you! erica, that's a great loss, and i'm sure the rest will come away in no time. kksn, you are *so* very close - just think - even if you only lose one ounce, you'll be on the other side of that mark! and i think it rocks that you have maintained for 2 weeks, gillian - i think that would be very challenging for me, so congrats - and have fun with zumba! that's a great workout!

    back from the gym. i got through my c25k...okay, so yeah, i was kicking and screaming, but i made it through all the same. and pilates was just what i needed - a little 'me' time. so yay.

    and just so you know...i re-weighed myself this morning after a trip to the ladies room and clocked in at 199.6 - so i am *officially* in ONEderland! even though i kind of cheated. but, go ahead, ask me if i care...:tongue:
  • cowpoke06
    I weighed in on Monday and it was 174 pounds. I was going to wait until Tuesday to officially weigh in because I had Chinese food as my cheat on Sunday night so I wanted to let the salt get out of my system. However, I haven't been home since to weight myself, so that's going to be my official weigh in. I guess it's only .2 pounds higher than it was...
  • cowpoke06
    and just so you know...i re-weighed myself this morning after a trip to the ladies room and clocked in at 199.6 - so i am *officially* in ONEderland! even though i kind of cheated. but, go ahead, ask me if i care...:tongue:

    Big giant high five on making it to wonderland!!!!! who care's if you "cheated," it still counts!
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member

    Here we are, one week into December. Let's see how everyone is doing. Please, if you haven't checked in already, put CHECK-IN at the top of your post so it's easier for me to see.

    I have put in all the check-ins that I've found, for the goals this month. For me, I have done 30-Day Shred seven days straight, which means I've done 7 consecutive days of exercise. That is amazing for me, and I plan to keep it up. I didn't get up early this morning to do it, so I'll have to do it after I get home from work. Good thing it's a fairly short workout! It's easier to squeeze in than an entire hour. I typically weigh on Thursdays, so I consider today's weigh-in as "practice." This is good, since I didn't lose anything. Tomorrow morning is another chance, though.

    Please note, if you're new/aren't listed on the sheet and you would like to be, drop me a private message. Also, if you haven't submitted a December goal, you're still a non-mom; it just means you're not participating in this activity.
