Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Welcome, new noms! We are getting ready to go out. I ordered my sushi online so I couldn't change my mind and go for the meaty box, which is what I really want, but has a million grams of fat in it. Pretty excited about the movie. Did a big workout today and pushed myself a lot harder than I usually do, so if the hubs wants to go to the pub after the movie, I've got room for a spritzer or two. I think I was just running on happiness from the weigh-in this morning. Have a great weekend everyone. :smile:
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    It's Friday afternoon!! And my HRM arrived! There's nothing quite like a new toy to play with in time for the weekend... ;-)

    Okay, I've gotten goals from some of you, so let's see how well this works.


  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    That looks great! Awesome job!!
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    How did I NOT know about a non-moms group!?!?!
    This is great!

    Ok... so, I'm down 51lb since April 1 looking to lose another 20-40lbs.
  • jenna_watsonator
    jenna_watsonator Posts: 99 Member
    haha welcome nom noms...get your goals in mind so you can report back! we aren't here to feel sorry for each other, we're here to burn some calories:wink:

    LOL, i thought this was really funny for some reason....i say nom nom when i'm describing something yummy! i guess us non-moms are nom nom! :)
  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    my goal is to get down to 183 for new years.... i'm at 196 now and just started. is 13 lbs too much to think of for a 5wk goal?? should i lower it and be surprised and happy i made it or keep it at 183 and be potentially disappointed??? ideas noms? :P
  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    just did day 1 of C25K!
  • tammilk
    tammilk Posts: 86 Member
    my goal is to be out of the 170's by Jan 1!
  • Flawlessk
    :smile: Thanks for the welcome non-moms

    I picked a stupid week to start because i've had the flu and i've got loads of birthdays going on, but these things are gonna happen in life so if i can handle them now....

    My mini goal is to drink 2 litres of water per day and to cut out coke completely. So far so good. Had a killer headache this morning but that could be the flu or could be the caffeine withdrawal, either way i kep going.

    I would also love to lose 10lb for new years, taking me from 224 to 214.

    CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!!!! 5lb is HUGE:bigsmile: What an inspiration!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I'm a non-mom: I haven't lost anything in a couple weeks, but I am toning and firming and my favorite white jeans that I finally fit back into after 3 years almost fell off at work yesterday!! Guess I'll be finding a new pair of favorites :tongue:

    The way I view this, if I'm toning and firming I'm building more muscles & am not going to worry if the scale doesn't tell me I'm getting thinner since it doesn't know I'm kicking my own *kitten* in my exercise room :tongue: Just so long as clothes fit better or start to fall off, I know I'm doing better :laugh:

    Good luck to you all: I know that if I can do this and achieve these results, we all can :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i guess us non-moms are nom nom! :)

    hell yeah!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    my goal is to get down to 183 for new years.... i'm at 196 now and just started. is 13 lbs too much to think of for a 5wk goal?? should i lower it and be surprised and happy i made it or keep it at 183 and be potentially disappointed??? ideas noms? :P

    i don't know how your body loses weight, but for me, that would be too much. that's over 2 and a half pounds per week! but, some people lose like that, so it really depends on you. my goal for new years is to be 193, which is about 8 pounds to lose - more than a pound a week, but less than 2. i may or may not make that - we'll just wait and see! anyhoo...good luck!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    haha welcome nom noms...get your goals in mind so you can report back! we aren't here to feel sorry for each other, we're here to burn some calories:wink:

    LOL, i thought this was really funny for some reason....i say nom nom when i'm describing something yummy! i guess us non-moms are nom nom! :)

    Yep, that's kind of the point. Every time I see "non-mom" I read "nom-nom" for some reason, so it's become a running gag. It still gives me a tickle to see.

    Anyhoo, having a lazy Saturday, well, it's almost over, but we sure did. Managed to go down to the store and pick up a few things because my husband had requested that I make enchiladas instead of ordering pizza (I laughed, then I realized he was serious and I nearly fainted. He could eat pizza every day, but he said they're his new favorite food!) but other than that, we did nothing. I actually let him sleep in (until 2 pm, the lazy thing) so I could get a decent workout done while he wasn't there to enable my laziness. Going to make out my meal plan for the next week, clean the kitchen, and get some sleep as I'm so tired from all that doing nothing today. How's everyone doing? I hope no one is slipping too much this weekend!
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    Don't I count as a non-mom?
  • JulieTX86
    I want to be a nom-nom too!!!

    I already have my goals picked out for December as well:
    1. Drink 80 ounces of water a day. (I read an article online that says drink 8 ounces of water 8 times a day, and for every 25lbs you are overweight you should be dinking another glass per day).
    2. Exercise a minimum of 3 times per week, ideally I would like to work out closer to 5 times a week. I am in my first semester of nursing school so hopefully after my final (Dec. 8th) I can work in more ME time! :)
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    I'm a non-mom and I would love to join you all!

    I am married, have been for 6.5 years. I have two furry kids, a greyhound and a quarter horse! I have entirely let myself go since I got together with my husband with weight gain totaling 110 pounds. I have currently lost 15 and am trying to get myself back down to the weight I was at when we first got together. No baby weight to blame here, just good old fashioned poor eating and sedentary life. I have been on MFP and using the android app for almost a month and a half now and so far I am loving it. I have not had success like this with any other diet I've been on in the last 5 years.

    December goals:
    - Keep working out 6 days a week
    - 10+ cups of water a day
    - Around 10 lbs of loss

    Feel free to friend me. Good luck to all the other non-mom's out there!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Don't I count as a non-mom?

    The answer to this question will answer your question: Any baby weight burdening you right now? :tongue: I think it's safe to say you qualify!
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    In fairness to MFP, it was a different community where someone implied that if you're having trouble getting pregnant (like I am), it's because God has determine you're not ready to be a parent. Um... okay... So all those people I hear about in the news who have abused or killed their kids were ready according to God? I think he's a bit off if that's so... I'm all for having religious beliefs until you use them to insult me. /rant

    I'll just be happy being a non-mom for now. :smile:

    I don't think God is waiting for you to be ready to be a parent. He is creating the perfect child just for you!!! Good things come to those who wait!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    welcome all new non-moms - of the male and female variety! i'm having a laaaazy day today - just kind of piddling around the house, looking at all the things i should be cleaning and organizing, but thinking i might just take a nap and then go see harry potter again instead!

    had a great day of hiking yesterday - 5.6 miles in about 2 hours even (that was just the hiking time - there was about 1 hour of time used for breaks, lunch, picture taking, etc). but my time and my endurance has definitely improved! and when we came home, we raked leaves for a couple of hours. that made me very proud because i *know* i wouldn't have had the stamina for all of that activity a couple of months ago!

    anyhoo, i'm taking today off for working out - i may go for a walk or rake a bit more, but maybe not. i'm kind of suprised my legs aren't feeling yesterday's hike - my knees were incredibly stiff last night, but so far so good! hope everyone enjoys the last of yoru weekend - can you believe thanksgiving is already here?! craziness!
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    Soooo, I've been out of pocket the last few days and I must admit that I have missed our daily chats :happy: I've been reading through to get caught up. The last few days have been a blast but not good for my food and water intake or exercise. My birthday was yesterday and the party started on Thursday. I did pretty good food wise on Thursday but I didn't exercise. I went to a football game. Friday I was off, again, and did good at home with food but then I went out with my friends and family. Lets just say that most of my calories were not from FOOD!! :drinker: My mom made me a birthday cake, which is now in my house and half of it is left. My fiance took me out for dinner last night and I didn't even bother thinking about calories. So while the last few days have been fun, I feel like a tub of lard right now!

    The game is back on! I know Thanksgiving is coming and I have two families to eat with but I have three chances to hit the gym before I head home for the holidays and I plan to take FULL advantage of them!! I also feel I can enjoy Thanksgiving without going crazy! I just have to take the birthday cake to work so its not sitting in my house!!

    Question for Polar owners...I got a FT7 for my birthday and the battery is dead. I was looking forward to using it today at the gym but I need to get a battery. My question is, do y'all replace the battery yourself? I know its possible but the guide recommends taking it in to be replaced. I don't have a Polar shop or anything like that near by.

    December Goal!!!! My goal for the coming month is to get into a comfortable routine, changing bad habits, and drinking more water daily. I want to do this because I want to start shopping for a wedding dress after the new year. They can only alter dresses 2 sizes up or down. I need to feel confident about being on the right road to getting healthy before I make such a bid decision.

    Lets get this week started ladies!!